pro select If ( !version.os eq 'Win32' ) Then st = '\' If ( !version.os eq 'linux' ) Then st = '/' Print, 'Where is the data?' dir_read = DIALOG_PICKFILE( /DIRECTORY ) dir_write = dir_read+'shifted'+st file_mkdir,dir_write list = FILE_SEARCH( dir_read + '*sr*.fts', COUNT = nn ) for i = 0,nn - 1 do begin print,i+1,'/',nn img = readfits(list[i]) xtvscl,congrid(img,1024,1024)>2000<8500 print,'Enter d if you do not want this burst' cri = get_kbrd(60) case strupcase(cri) of 'D' : begin file_move,list[i],dir_write end else : endcase endfor end