;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME: ; SUNCLIST ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure makes a list of the Sun center values found ; for a set of BBSO VMGs which have been processed with ; CENTERE or similar procedures. ; CATEGORY: ; POLAR ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; SUNCLIST,gfnam ; INPUTS: ; gfnam = file name(s) for examination, may include wild cards. ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; list = file name for output, if not given, output only to screen. ; OUTPUTS: ; Prints FITS info to screen. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NOTES: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; J. Varsik, 03 Jan. 1996 ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- pro sunclist,gfnam,list=tlist ; Display IDL header if help is required. if (keyword_set(help)) then begin get_idlhdr,'sunclist.pro' goto,finishup endif out = 0 if (keyword_set(tlist)) then begin listnam = tlist out = 1 endif ; Get array of file names fnarr = FINDFILE(gfnam,count = fcount) if (fcount eq 0) then goto,finishup ; Print header PRINT,' filename date time cenx ceny radius' if (out eq 1) then begin olun = 2 OPENW,olun,listnam PRINTF,olun,$ ' filename date time cenx ceny radius' endif ; Loop over files for i = 0, fcount-1 do begin fn = fnarr(i) ; open file, read header. flun = 1 OPENR,flun,fn FXHREAD,flun,fheader,fstat if (fstat ne 0) then PRINT,'error reading header of file ',fn CLOSE,flun time = FXPAR(fheader,'TIME-OBS') date = FXPAR(fheader,'DATE-OBS') cenx = FXPAR(fheader,'CENTERX') ceny = FXPAR(fheader,'CENTERY') rad = FXPAR(fheader,'RADIUS') PRINT,FORMAT='(A20," ",A," ",A," ",F10.2," ",F10.2," ",F10.2)',$ fn,date,time,cenx,ceny,rad if (out eq 1) then begin PRINTF,olun,$ FORMAT='(A20," ",A," ",A," ",F10.2," ",F10.2," ",F10.2)',$ fn,date,time,cenx,ceny,rad endif endfor if (out eq 1) then CLOSE,olun finishup: return end