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Last modified: Wed Mar 17 09:47:50 1999.
NAME: BIGMAP PURPOSE: This program takes a squared, clipped image, and projects it onto a square grid of latitude vs. longitude. Currently, the program is set up for polar images. This program is based on the simpmap program. It uses a grid running from 45 to 90 deg (for north polar images) or 90 to 45 deg (for south polar images) in y, and running from 0 to 360 in Carrington longitude in x. The scale is 8 pixels per degree in each direction. This IDL version does not require a Fortran "core". The program produces one FITS image (...... size), which contains the map itself. The map image name is the original image name with xy appended. Routines used: sun (from Johns Hopkins library) to find P, B, and Carrington long. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: BIGMAP,imname INPUTS: imname = BBSO VMG image file to map. This image must be "squared"; that is, it must have square pixels. The actual coordinates of Sun center (h and k in pixels) must be in the FITS header keywords CENTERX and CENTERY. The radius of the Sun in pixels must be in the keyword RADIUS. The pixel coordinates are based on the lower left corner of the picture being (0,0). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: A map with the name imnamexy. It is 2880 x 360 in size. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: The first 11 and last 8 columns in the VMGs are bad. The procedure does not use them and subtracts 11 from the h value before mapping. Uses the procedure sunlong to find P, B, and the Carrington longitude of the central meridian. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 19 Mar. 1996 --- Port from CMAP procedure. J. Varsik, 26 Feb. 1999 --- Remove Fortran core.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: CENLSNEW PURPOSE: Find center Sun position in BBSO polar magnetograms. This procedure estimates the Sun center position in pixel coordinates. This procedure uses the center X, Y position (provided by the guider) along with image scale information provided by the user. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: cenlsnew(vimg,jimg,vih,jih,imgscl,gcut) INPUTS: vi = IDL image for input magnetogram ji = IDL image for input direct image vih = FITS header for vimg jih = FITS header for jimg imgscl = image scale (pixels / arcsec). gcut = gradient cutoff value gcorr = correction to picture center coordinates. The real coordinates are the file coordinates divided by gcorr. If gcorr is zero or not present, no correction is applied. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: The FITS headers vih and jih have the following FITS keywords added: CENTERX, CENTERY = center Sun coordinates in pixels. RADIUS = radius of Sun in pixels. SDCX = standard deviation of CENTERX in pixels SDCY = standard deviation of CENTERY in pixels COMMON BLOCKS: SUNRAD contains: R = radius of Sun in pixels. Q = quadrant of circle to fit NOTES: The time, date, and position information are taken from the V image. The FITS keywords are added in BOTH images. This assumes that the time and position are the same for both images. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Mar. 1996 J. Varsik, 12 Jan. 1999 -- numerous changes.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: CENTELS PURPOSE: Find center Sun position in BBSO polar magnetograms. This procedure estimates the Sun center position in pixel coordinates. This procedure uses the center X, Y position (provided by the guider) along with image scale information provided by the user. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: centerls(vfile,jfile,imgscl,gcut) INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). imgscl = image scale (pixels / arcsec). gcut = gradient cutoff value gcorr = correction to picture center coordinates. The real coordinates are the file coordinates divided by gcorr. If gcorr is zero or not present, no correction is applied. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: The FITS headers in vfile and jfile have the following FITS keywords added: CENTERX, CENTERY = center Sun coordinates in pixels. RADIUS = radius of Sun in pixels. SDCX = standard deviation of CENTERX in pixels SDCY = standard deviation of CENTERY in pixels COMMON BLOCKS: SUNRAD contains: R = radius of Sun in pixels. Q = quadrant of circle to fit NOTES: The time, date, and position information are taken from the V image. The FITS keywords are added in BOTH images. This assumes that the time and position are the same for both images. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Mar. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: CENTERE PURPOSE: Find center Sun position in BBSO polar magnetograms. This procedure estimates the Sun center position in pixel coordinates. This procedure uses the center X, Y position (provided by the guider) along with image scale information provided by the user. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: centere(vimg,jimg,vih,jih,imgscl) INPUTS: vimg = IDL image for input magnetogram (FITS format). jimg = IDL image for input direct image (FITS format). vih = FITS header for vimg jih = FITS header for jimg imgscl = image scale (pixels / arcsec). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: gcorr = correction to picture center coordinates. The real coordinates are the file coordinates divided by gcorr. If gcorr is zero or not present, no correction is applied. OUTPUTS: The FITS headers in vfile and jfile have the following FITS keywords added: CENTERX, CENTERY = center Sun coordinates in pixels. RADIUS = radius of Sun in pixels. SDRAD = standard deviation of radius in pixels (always 0 for centere). COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: The time, date, and position information are taken from the V image. The FITS keywords are added in BOTH images. This assumes that the time and position are the same for both images. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 13 Oct. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task J. Varsik, 26 Feb. 1999 --- Numerous changes.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: CGRID2 PURPOSE: This program makes a coordinate grid for use with the output images of the CMAP program. The grid is square in latitude and Carrington longitude, from 45 to 90 degrees for the north pole, or 90 to 45 degrees for the south pole in y and runs from 0 to 360 degrees in Carrington longitude in x. The scale is 4 pixels per degree in each direction. This program is the same as cgrid, but has narrower grid lines. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: imname = cgrid2(dir) INPUTS: dir = either 'N' or 'S'. Indicates which pole to use. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: imname = blank image with grid. The pixel coordinates are based on the lower left corner of the picture being 0,0. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 27 Nov. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: ELEFIND PURPOSE: This function finds magnetic field elements in a magnetogram. It returns the maximum value, the location of the maximum value, the size in pixels, and the element number for each magnetic element found. An element is defined as a contiguous region in the image with the absolute value greater than a set cutoff value. Only elements with a size greater than the minimum value are returned. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: retval = ELEFIND(mag,cutoff,minsize,maxsize,ycut) INPUTS: mag = input magnetogram cutoff = minimum field strength of a region minsize = minimum size of a region maxsize = maximum size of a region ycut = y cutoff value KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: retval COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 14 Mar. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: ELEFLUX PURPOSE: This function finds magnetic field elements in a magnetogram. It returns the maximum value, the location of the maximum value, the size in pixels, the average field value of each element (which can be related to the flux), and the element number for each magnetic element found. An element is defined as a contiguous region in the image with the absolute value greater than a set cutoff value. Only elements with a size greater than the minimum value are returned. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: retval = ELEFLUX(mag,cutoff,minsize,maxsize,ycut) INPUTS: mag = input magnetogram cutoff = minimum field strength of a region minsize = minimum size of a region maxsize = maximum size of a region ycut = y cutoff value KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: retval COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 13 May 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: FAKEI PURPOSE: This program makes a fake I image for use with BBSO VMGs. It uses the coordinates of Sun center in a FITS header. The limb darkening curve from Astrophysical Quantities for 6000 A is assumed. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: FAKEI(imname,fakeout) INPUTS: imname = BBSO VMG image file. The Sun center coordinates (added earlier with CENTERE or similar) are used. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: fakeout = "fake I image" scaled to 255 at disk center. Stored as a FITS 8-bit image. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: This program produces a "squared up" (512 x 384 pixel) image. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 04 Jan. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: FITS_INFO PURPOSE: This procedure looks at specified BBSO VMG FITS files on disk, and prints information about them. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: FITS_INFO,gfnam INPUTS: gfnam = file name(s) for examination, may include wild cards. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: list = file name for output, if not given, output only to screen. OUTPUTS: Prints FITS info to screen. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 03 Jan. 1996 J. Varsik, 06 Jul. 1998 Added more observation types
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: GAINCALIB PURPOSE: Produce either a gain table or an offset table from a set of images taken shifted with respect to one another CALIING SEQUENCE: Result = gaincalib(images, additive=additive) INPUT: images a three-dimensional array representing a sequence of two-dimensional images images(*,*,k) ( k=0, 1,.., N-1). It is strongly recommended that the number of elements in each image is a power of 2 for the efficent FFT processing. OPTIONAL INPUT: x0 an array of x-shift y0 an array of y-shift KEYWORD: additive If set, the program produces the offset table rather than the gain table. If not set, the program produces the gain table. In this case, the input images should be positive-definite. shift if set, the program calculates the amount of shift in each image. adj if set, use only the pairs two of which were $ taken succesively OUTPUT: Result the gain table if the keyword ADDITIVE is not set or the offset table if the keyword is set. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: x0 an array of x-shift y0 an array of y-shift COMMENTS: This uses a Fouier method to determine the flat-pattern of of a detector. Therefore it works best when the following conditions are satisfied: 1) negligible low frequency gain pattern. If this pattern is non-negligible, then obtain first the low frequency pattern based on surface fittings, and devide (or subtract in the case of additive pattern) the raw image by this low frequency pattern. Then it can be multiplied back to the output of this routine to yield the practical gain pattern. 2) pixel number which is equal to a power of 2 for the efficient FFT.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: GETL PURPOSE: Get limb points Find center Sun position in BBSO polar magnetograms. This procedure estimates the Sun center position in pixel coordinates. This procedure uses the center X, Y position (provided by the guider) along with image scale information provided by the user. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: limbimg = centerls(vfile,jfile,imgscl,gcut) INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). imgscl = image scale (pixels / arcsec). gcut = gradient cutoff value gcorr = correction to picture center coordinates. The real coordinates are the file coordinates divided by gcorr. If gcorr is zero or not present, no correction is applied. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: an image includling the limb points. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: The time, date, and position information are taken from the V image. The FITS keywords are added in BOTH images. This assumes that the time and position are the same for both images. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Mar. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: HGRID PURPOSE: This program generates an IDL 512x384 pixel short integer image with a solar coordinate grid on it. It uses information from a squared-up BBSO magnetogram image header to determine where the grid should be placed. This IDL version is designed to run by itself, without needing a Fortran "core". This IDL function produces an IDL short integer image (512x384), which contains the grid (as very bright pixels) and is otherwise zero. Routines used: sun -- from Johns Hopkins IDL library to find P, B, and L0. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: outimage = HGRID,fheader INPUTS: fheader= BBSO VMG image FITS header. This image must be "squared"; that is, it must have square pixels. The actual coordinates of Sun center (h and k in pixels) must be in the FITS header keywords CENTERX and CENTERY. The radius of the Sun in pixels must be in the keyword RADIUS. The pixel coordinates are based on the lower left corner of the picture being (0,0). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: outimage = IDL short integer image containing the grid. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Uses the solar ephemeris from the Johns Hopkins library find P, and B. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 09 Nov. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task J. Varsik, 24 Feb. 1999 --- Numerous changes. J. Varsik, 25 Feb. 1999 --- Remove Fortran "core".
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: IMAGSCL PURPOSE: Procedure to find shift between two BBSO magnetograms, to estimate the telescope image scale. This is only good to the nearest whole pixel. This procedure, given two images a1 and a2, displays a1 overlaid with a negative (pixels inverted) version of a2. The relative shift of a2 over a1 is controlled by moving the mouse and clicking. When done, the relative shift is printed on the screen. CATEGORY: IMAGE PROCESSING CALLING SEQUENCE: imagscl,a1,a2,... INPUTS: a1 = The first image. type: array, any type. a2 = The second image. type: array, any type. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOBYTE = If present, then NOBYTE specifies that a bytscl isn't to be performed. It assumes that the input is already in byte format. OUTPUTS: Prints relative shift of one image over the other. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik,01 Nov, 1995 --- Adapted from Cohl's FLICKER program.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCQXDUMSET PURPOSE: This procedure accepts two BBSO VMG FITS files, one V image (magnetogram) and one J or I image (direct image). A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting images are written back to the disk as FITS images. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Note that the old IRAF version deleted the original FITS files. This version does not. Modified version for old QX images. Assumes 10-bit mode images. Modified version for old QX images without corresponding I images. Use a dummy I image (a copy of the V image is OK). This version does not divide by intensity. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCQXDUMSET,vfile,jfile INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram This image is also divided by intensity. jfiless = FITS file of rebinned direct image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Dec. 1995 --- Modified from LCSETUP for old QX images.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCQXSETUP PURPOSE: This procedure accepts two BBSO VMG FITS files, one V image (magnetogram) and one J or I image (direct image). A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting images are written back to the disk as FITS images. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Note that the old IRAF version deleted the original FITS files. This version does not. Modified version for old QX images. Assumes 12-bit images. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCQXSETUP,vfile,jfile,zpoff INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). zpoff = zero-point offset for Quantex I image. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram This image is also divided by intensity. jfiless = FITS file of rebinned direct image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Dec. 1995 --- Modified from LCSETUP for old QX images.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCQXSETUP2 PURPOSE: This procedure accepts two BBSO VMG FITS files, one V image (magnetogram) and one J or I image (direct image). A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting images are written back to the disk as FITS images. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Note that the old IRAF version deleted the original FITS files. This version does not. Modified version for old QX images. Assumes 12-bit images. This version uses my old VMG unwrap procedure, instead of the one from the NOAO "HSC" IDL library. It doesn't unwrap everything, but it shouldn't add as many bogus horizontal lines to the image. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCQXSETUP2,vfile,jfile,zpoff INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). zpoff = zero-point offset for Quantex I image. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram This image is also divided by intensity. jfiless = FITS file of rebinned direct image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Dec. 1995 --- Modified from LCSETUP for old QX images.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCQXSETUP3 PURPOSE: This procedure accepts a BBSO VMG FITS file; a V image (magnetogram). The image is first unwrapped using my unwvmg procedure. A 12-bit Quantex image is assumed. A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting image is written back to the disk as a FITS image. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Modified version for old QX images. Assumes 12-bit images. This version uses my old VMG unwrap procedure, instead of the one from the NOAO "HSC" IDL library. It doesn't unwrap everything, but it shouldn't add as many bogus horizontal lines to the image. A procedure like "centere" is run to estimate the center Sun position. A "fake" i image is constructed and the V image is divided by this fake i image. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCQXSETUP3,vfile,imgscl INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram This image is also divided by intensity. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Dec. 1995 --- Modified from LCSETUP for old QX images.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCQXSETUP4 PURPOSE: This procedure accepts a BBSO VMG FITS file; a V image (magnetogram). The image is first unwrapped using my unwvmg procedure. A 12-bit Quantex image is assumed. A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting image is written back to the disk as a FITS image. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Modified version for old QX images. Assumes 12-bit images. This version uses my old VMG unwrap procedure, instead of the one from the NOAO "HSC" IDL library. It doesn't unwrap everything, but it shouldn't add as many bogus horizontal lines to the image. A procedure like "centere" is run to estimate the center Sun position. The image is NOT divided by intensity. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCQXSETUP4,vfile,imgscl INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram This image is also divided by intensity. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 18 Dec. 1995 --- Modified from LCSETUP for old QX images.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCSETUP PURPOSE: This procedure accepts two BBSO VMG FITS files, one V image (magnetogram) and one J or I image (direct image). A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting images are written back to the disk as FITS images. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Note that the old IRAF version deleted the original FITS files. This version does not. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCSETUP(vfile,jfile) INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram jfiless = FITS file of rebinned direct image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 13 Oct. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCSETUP PURPOSE: This procedure accepts two BBSO VMG FITS files, one V image (magnetogram) and one J or I image (direct image). A 50 x 50 boxcar smoothed image is generated and subtracted from the magnetogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram (often due to KDP fringes). Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting images are written back to the disk as FITS images. The letters "ss" are put in the file name before the extension (before the first "." in the file name or at the end of the name). Note that the old IRAF version deleted the original FITS files. This version does not. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCSETUP(vfile,jfile) INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: vfiless = FITS file of rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram jfiless = FITS file of rebinned direct image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 13 Oct. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: LCSETUP PURPOSE: This procedure accepts two BBSO VMG FITS files, one V image (magnetogram) and one J or I image (direct image). A flat-field magnetogram generated from Jongchul Chae's vmg_flat procedure is subtracted from the magentogram to remove large-scale non-uniformities in the magnetogram. Then, both the V and the J (or I) images are rebinned from 512 x 481 to 512 x 384 to make the pixels square. The resulting images are returned in the viss and jiss variables. Note that the old IRAF version deleted the original FITS files. This version does not. Note that the old version (using the boxcar smoothing) did not scale the VMG image when it was loaded. This version does. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: LCSETUP,vfile,jfile,vih,jih,viss,jiss,flatfile,jflat INPUTS: vfile = file name for input magnetogram (FITS format). jfile = file name for input direct image (FITS format). flatfile = IDL variable containing VMG flatfield image. jflat = IDL variable containing J flatfield image. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: viss = IDL variable containing rebinned and "flattened" magnetogram jiss = IDL variable containing rebinned, flattened direct image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 13 Oct. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task J. Varsik, 08 Jan. 1999 --- Change to use flatfield image. J. Varsik, 24 Feb. 1999 --- Add J flatfield.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: MBIGMAP PURPOSE: This program takes a mosaic of BBSO VMG images and projects it onto a square grid of latitude vs. longitude. Currently, the program is set up for polar images. This program is based on the simpmap program. It uses a grid running from 45 to 90 deg (for north polar images) or 90 to 45 deg (for south polar images) in y, and running from 0 to 360 in Carrington longitude in x. The scale is 8 pixels per degree in each direction. This IDL version does not require a Fortran "core". The program produces one FITS image (...... size), which contains the map itself. The map image name is the original image name with xy appended. Routines used: sun (from Johns Hopkins library) to find P, B, and Carrington long. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: map = MBIGMAP,im,imhdr,h,k,imgscl INPUTS: im = BBSO VMG image mosaic (4000x2000 size). imhdr = A FITS header. This is used to get date and time information. h,k = X and Y position of the center of the Sun in pixels. This is based on the lower left corner of the mosaic being (0,0). The nominal position for a north polar image is (2000,0), for a south polar image (2000,2000). imgscl = image scale in pixels/arcsec. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: A map. It is 2880 x 360 in size. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 12 Mar. 1999 J. Varsik, 17 Mar. 1999 Include secant correction for mag. field.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: MCENLS PURPOSE: Find center Sun position in a mosaic of BBSO polar magnetograms. This procedure estimates the Sun center position in pixel coordinates. It also provides a revised estimate of the true image scale. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: imgsclnew = mcenls(jimg,jih,imgscl,gcut, xout, yout) INPUTS: ji = IDL image for input direct image mosiac. jih = FITS header for the V image taken closest to the middle of the frames used for the mosaic. This is used to get the time for the ephemeris. imgscl = image scale (pixels / arcsec). gcut = gradient cutoff value KEYWORD PARAMETERS: south = if set, the image is a south polar mosaic. If not, it's a north pole mosaic. OUTPUTS: imgsclnew = new image scale value. xout = position of center Sun in pixels. yout = position of center Sun in pixels. COMMON BLOCKS: SUNRAD contains: R = radius of Sun in pixels. Q = quadrant of circle to fit NOTES: The position of center Sun is given in pixels. The image scales are in pixels/arcsec. The origin of the coordinates is with (0,0) at the lower left corner of the image(s). The initial coordinates for Sun center are (2000,0) for the north polar mosaics and (2000,2000) for the south polar mosaics. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 11 Mar. 1999
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: MEPOSRD PURPOSE: This program reads a file containing positions for magnetic field elemets measured from two BBSO polar VMG rectangular maps. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: MEPOSRD,filnam,feanum,x1pos,y1pos,x2pos,y2pos CMAP,imname INPUTS: filnam = text file containing positions to read. This file contains four lines of header information (which is ignored) followed by data lines. Each data line consists of 5 integers (feature number, x pos in map 1, y pos in map1, x pos in map 2, y pos in map2) and a character string (which is ignored). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: feanum = 200 position vector with feature numbers x1pos = 200 position vector for the x position in map 1 y1pos = 200 position vector for the y position in map 1 x2pos = 200 position vector for the x position in map 2 y2pos = 200 position vector for the y position in map 2 COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 10 Jan. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: MHGRID PURPOSE: This program generates an IDL 4000x2000 pixel short integer image with a solar coordinate grid on it. This IDL version is designed to run by itself, without needing a Fortran "core". This IDL function produces an IDL short integer image (512x384), which contains the grid (as very bright pixels) and is otherwise zero. Routines used: sun -- from Johns Hopkins IDL library to find P, B, and L0. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: outimage = HGRID,h,k,imgscl,fheader INPUTS: h = x-coordinate of center of Sun k = y-coordinage of center of Sun imgscl = image scale (in pixels/arcsec). fheader= BBSO VMG image FITS header (used to get date and time). h and k are measured with (0,0) at the lower left corner of the image. Correct values are around (2000,0) for north pole mosaics and (2000,2000) for south pole mosaics. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: outimage = IDL short integer image containing the grid. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Uses the solar ephemeris from the Johns Hopkins library find P, and B. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 11 Mar. 1999
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: NMOSAIC PURPOSE: This program adds an image to a mosaic of BBSO VMG images, and also adds the corresponding J image to a J mosaic. It is designed for polar images. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: nmosaic,stackimage,newimage,nhdr,imgscl,jstack,jimage INPUTS: stackimage = image containing composite map. A "blank" stack can be created with the command newstack = REPLICATE(-32000,xsize,ysize) xsize = 4000, ysize=2000 newimage = image to add to stack. nhdr = FITS header of new image. imgscl = image scale (pix/arcsec). jstack = J mosaic image (xsize=4000, ysize=2000) jimage = J image to add. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: The stackimage and jstack are modified. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 08 March 1999
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: OVERG PURPOSE: Generates an 8-bit IDL image consisting of a BBSO VMG and a grid produced by the HGRID function. CATEGORY: IMAGE PROCESSING CALLING SEQUENCE: outp = overg,a1,a2,... INPUTS: a1 = The first image. type: array, any type. a2 = The second image. type: array, any type. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOBYTE = If present, then NOBYTE specifies that a bytscl isn't to be performed. It assumes that the input is already in byte format. We assume a2 is always in short integer format (the output of HGRID). NBIT = If present, NBIT indicates how the image is to be scaled. If NBIT has a value between 8 and 12, the input image is raw VMG pixel values (not calibrated) and the image is scaled as if it were being displayed on the Datacube or Quantex. If NBIT is less than zero, the image is a calibrated floating point image. Pixels with absolute value greater than the absolute value of NBIT are clipped. OUTPUTS: outp = IDL byte image Prints relative shift of one image over the other. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 09 Nov, 1995 --- Adapted from IMAGSCL program. J. Varsik, 25 Feb, 1999 --- Added support for calibrated images.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: POLSTACK PURPOSE: This program adds an image to a composite solar map. It works for images of type FLOAT (i.e. standard IDL floating pt.) only. If the stack is "blank" (all pixels less than -30000) the new image is copied and becomes the stack. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: POLSTACK,stackimage,newimage INPUTS: stackimage = image containing composite map. A "blank" stack can be created with the command newstack = REPLICATE(-32000,xsize,ysize) newimage = image to add to stack. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: The stackimage is modified. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: The newimage must be the same dimensions as the stackimage. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 27 Nov. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: QXDIV PURPOSE: Divide a QX VMG by intensity. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: outi = QXDIV(vin,iin) INPUTS: vin = IDL QX VMG (which has already been converted to 16-bit) iin = IDL QX I image KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: outi = divided image COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 04 Jan. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: ringfilter PURPOSE: To apply ring-shaped filtering to an image CALLING SEQUENCCE: result = ringfilter(image, r1, r2) INPUTS: image input image r1 inner radius of the ring r2 outer radius of the ring OUTPUT: result ring-filtered image
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: SHIFTG PURPOSE: Procedure to find shift between a BBSO magnetogram and a grid produced by the HGRID function to estimate the limb position. This procedure, given two images a1 and a2, displays a1 overlaid with a scaled version of a2 (we assume a2 is a coordinate grid). The relative shift of a2 over a1 is controlled by moving the mouse and clicking. When done, the relative shift is printed on the screen. CATEGORY: IMAGE PROCESSING CALLING SEQUENCE: shiftg,a1,a2,... INPUTS: a1 = The first image. type: array, any type. a2 = The second image. type: array, any type. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOBYTE = If present, then NOBYTE specifies that a bytscl isn't to be performed. It assumes that the input is already in byte format. We assume a2 is always in short integer format (the output of HGRID). OUTPUTS: Prints relative shift of one image over the other. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 09 Nov, 1995 --- Adapted from IMAGSCL program.
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: SIMPMAP PURPOSE: This procedure is used to convert a BBSO VMG image to "Peter Wilson" format for the polar fields project. This procedure is a port of the 6/29/95 IRAF imfort task. The procedure takes a "squared" image and projects it onto a square grid of latitude vs. longitude. The procedure determines the latitude simply by taking the absolute value of the latitude it finds. Therefore, equatorial images, with both positive and negative latitudes, will not be correctly displayed. The program also ceneters its longitude display to either side of center sun. The logfile ("Peter Wilson format" file) produced by this procedure contains the image data output as a formatted file. The image is 181 rows by 181 columns; in other words, a grid in which each pixel is one degree of latitude by one degree of longitude. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: SIMPMAP,imname,logfile INPUTS: imname = BBSO VMG image file to map. This image must be "squared"; that is, it must have square pixels. The actual coordinates of Sun center (h and k in pixels) must be in the FITS header keywords CENTERX and CENTERY. The radius of the Sun in pixels must be in the keyword RADIUS. The pixel coordinates are based on the lower left corner of the picture being (0,0). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: logfile = text file containing the map information output by the procedure. Each line output contains the longitude (zero at center), latitude, the total gray level at the pixel (summing the contribution from each image pixel), the number of image pixels contributing, and the final map value (the total divided by the number contributing). imnamem = FITS image (181 x 181 pixels) version of the final map. The name of the file is imname concatenated with 'm'. cimname = FITS image (181 x 181 pixels) containing the number of pixels contributing to the map at each point. The name of the file is 'c' concatenated with imname. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: The first 11 and last 8 columns in the VMGs are bad. The procedure does not use them and subtracts 11 from the h value before mapping. Uses the procedure sunlong to find P, B, and the Carrington longitude of the central meridian. MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 19 Oct. 1995 --- Port from IRAF task
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: SUNCLIST PURPOSE: This procedure makes a list of the Sun center values found for a set of BBSO VMGs which have been processed with CENTERE or similar procedures. CATEGORY: POLAR CALLING SEQUENCE: SUNCLIST,gfnam INPUTS: gfnam = file name(s) for examination, may include wild cards. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: list = file name for output, if not given, output only to screen. OUTPUTS: Prints FITS info to screen. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: J. Varsik, 03 Jan. 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME: VMG_FLAT PURPOSE: Produced the flat patterns for VMG observations INPUT: files an array of V and J file names files(*,0) V files files(*,1) J files OUPUT: vflat a flat pattern for V images jflat a flat pattern for J images RESTRICTION: Each pair of V files and J files should taken from the same integration. HISTROY: August 1998 J. Chae
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/
NAME : XYINDEX PURPOSE : Generate x-index and y-index 2-D arrays for a given 2-D array CALLING SEQUENCE : XYINDEX, A, X, Y INPUT: A a 2-D array OUTPUT: X X-index array Y Y-index array HISTORY Chae, Jong-Chul : April 1996
(See /home/hale/varsik/idl/polar/