Observing Log

Observing Logs - 20050115

Observer: Alla Shumko
V Yurchyshyn
Weather: Sunny, cold
Seeing: 3 (spicules, penumbral filaments visible)

Optical Setup for the Telescopes

Singer 26-inch Reflector 10-inch Refractor
West Center East West Center East
Filter Hacl Ha/Scanning Zeiss CaK/Halle 6103 Ha/Zeiss
Camera KX-4 None None OSL KX-260 VDMG KX-260
FOV Full disc None 300x300 300x300 300x300
Feature Fulldisc Active Region NOAA Active Region NOAA 10720
Position Fulldisc W-E N-S 57W 288N

Singer Telescope

17:01:50  Singer   Fulldisk   Hacl   KX-4   pa=-5.06
          Start camera kx4, 50 msec exp, 60 sec rate.
17:40:33  Daily full disc H-alpha with flat field taken and posted.
18:03:30  Daily full disc caK with flat field taken and posted.
18:53:33  Daily full disc white light with flat field taken and posted.
23:35:12  no singer data between 2255 and 2325 UT
          light clouds 
23:25:12  Stop observations.

26-inch Reflector

17:06:18  Open dust box.
23:35:00  Close dust box.

10-inch Refractor

17:06:16  10-inch   57W    288N    Active Region NOAA 10720
          West-Bench     CaK/Halle	 KX-260	 300x300
          Center-Bench   6103	 VDMG	         300x300
          East-Bench     Ha/Zeiss	 KX-260	 300x300
          Start observations with 10C, 10E, 10W.
          10C, best i out of 100, v=64, q,u=128, 60 sec rate.
          10W, caK, 0.60A bandpass, 200 msec exp, 60 sec rate.
          10E, H-alpha, 60 msec exp, 60 sec rate.
18:15:08  Check focus.
18:54:04  Dark and flats on VDMG, v,q,u=128, moving=1000, dark=1000.
          Dark abd flat on 10E, H-alpha, 60 msec exp.
          Dark and falt on 10W, caK, 0.60A bandpass, 200 msec exp.
22:46:32  10 inch was out of focus, corrected (VYu) 
23:00:00  peak of the X2.7 flare 
23:46:00  Stop observations.

Concluding Remarks

Daily full disc images taken and posted. Observatons on NOAA 10720. clock on moon (singer telescope) is 1 min 50 sec behind clock on sunbear (CaK kx260a) is 1 h 6 min 15 sec ahead

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