/SDAS 24-Feb-2000 The procedures in this directory are useful for accessing image files used by STSDAS (Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System), developed for the analysis of images from HST (Hubble Space Telescope). The appendix below gives more information about this data format. The use of the STSDAS format is being phased out; the second generation instruments on HST (STIS and NICMOS) now use the FITS data format. The LaTex file idl_stsdas.tex in the /text directory gives a detailed description of the IDL interface with STSDAS images and tables. This file is actually a copy of Chapter 10 in "A User's Guide to the GHRS software" available as a postscript file or as .hmtl help from http://hrssun.gsfc.nasa.gov/daf/sw_docs.html The procedure STSUBIM (which calls STSUB) can be used to read a subset of an STSDAS image file or to read every nth pixel in a file. The following procedures from the /FITS directory can also be used to manipulate STSDAS headers SXADDHIST - Add history records to a FITS or STSDAS header SXADDPAR - Add a keyword and value to a FITS or STSDAS header SXDELPAR - Delete a keyword from a FITS or STSDAS header SXPAR - Obtain the value of a keyword in a FITS or STSDAS header The procedure STWRT can be used to quickly write simple STSDAS images. However, STWRT does not ensure that the STSDAS files are in REAL*4 and group format. Thus files written with STWRT may not be readable in the STSDAS environment. If one is to be switching between IDL and STSDAS then the use of the SX procedures (SXOPEN, SXWRITE) is indicated. Similarly, STRD can quickly read a simple STSDAS image file but cannot be used to access multiple groups (use SXOPEN and SXREAD instead). For most purposes, STRD is superceded by IMGREAD which can access multiple groups and recognizes certain WF/PC and FOC keywords. For reading WFPC2 images (in either FITS or STSDAS format) one should use the procedure WFPC2_READ located in the /disk_io directory. Procedures in /sdas ASTRMFIX - Update an HST WF/PC or FOC header with rough astrometry CONV_STSDAS - Convert internal format of .hhd file to that of the host machine architecture. Useful to copy STSDAS files between machines EXTGRP - Extract group parameter values and place them in a header IMGREAD - Like STRD but supports group format and tailored to WF/PC, FOC files ST_DISKREAD - Read an HST FITS file and reconstruct a GEIS (STSDAS) file STRD - Combine functions of SXOPEN and SXREAD to read STSDAS disk files into IDL data and header variables STSUBIM - Like STRD but allows reading a subimage STWRT - Combine functions of SXOPEN and SXWRITE to write IDL data and header variables to STSDAS disk files SXGINFO - Return info on all group parameters in a FITS header SXGPAR() - Obtain group parameter values from a FITS header and parameter block SXGREAD() - Read group parameters from an STSDAS file SXHCOPY - Copy a selected portion of one header into another SXHEDIT - Interactively edit a STSDAS header using EDT or the default UNIX editor SXHREAD - Read a STSDAS header from disk SXHWRITE - Write a STSDAS header to disk SXMAKE - Make a basic STSDAS header from an IDL array SXOPEN - Open an STSDAS (modified FITS) disk header for subsequent I/O SXREAD() - Read an STSDAS (modified FITS) image from disk SXWRITE - Write an image to STSDAS (modified FITS) format WFPCREAD - Read an HST WFPC or FOC STSDAS group image ************************************************** APPENDIX - STSDAS Format Closely related to FITS format is the STSDAS (or SDAS, or GEIS,or modified FITS) format. This is data format used by the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System, and it differs from standard FITS in several ways: (1) The FITS header is kept as a separate ASCII '.hhh' file. This allows the header to be read outside of program control. (2) The data is stored in 512 byte records in an '.hhd' file, rather than the FITS standard of 2880 bytes. On a VMS machine, this makes disk I/O much faster. (3) The binary data is stored in a format appropriate to the host machine, i.e. unlike a disk FITS file, an STSDAS file does not require byte swapping on a VMS machine. (4) STSDAS data files is in a "group" format which differs somewhat from the standard FITS "group" format. In particular, the STSDAS group parameters do not have to be the same data type as the data, and the group parameter block follows rather than precedes the data. If the data is not actually going to be used with STSDAS, the we suggest dropping the requirement that the data be "group" format. A bit of ancient history here. Especially because of (2) and (3), the STSDAS format became popular with users of IDL Version 1 in the mid 1980s. The Version 1 Users library (part of the standard IDL package) included many procedures, all beginning with 'ST' for accessing STSDAS files. The procedure STREAD was even an intrinsic IDL function. Unfortunately, in 1986 Space Telescope changed the position of their group parameters, and a new set of procedures (now beginning with 'SX') was needed, and is available in this directory. (Because STREAD was an intrinsic IDL function, a different prefix had to be used.) Some of the SX procedures are generally useful for FITS I/O, in particular, SXPAR to read the value of a FITS keyword, and SXADDPAR to add a FITS keyword to a header.