DAOPHOT-type Photometry June 2000 These are a set of IDL procedures adapted from an early FORTRAN version of DAOPHOT aperture photometry. The creators of DAOPHOT have no responsibility whatsoever for the IDL code. The IDL code will give similar, but not identical, results as the original FORTRAN. A slight modification of the procedures for use with digitized photographs is available from the UIT (Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) group. A LaTex file daophot.tex in /text supplies further documentation for the IDL-DAOPHOT procedures for CCD images. In May 1996, the following updates were made to the code (1) Non-standard system variables are no longer used. The PRINT keyword is used instead of !TEXTOUT, and the DEBUG keyword is used instead of !DEBUG. (2) The T_* procedures now request the *name* of a disk FITS ASCII table for storing the input and output results. (3) NSTAR now has a /VARSKY keyword to allow the skylevel to vary. In July 1997, the procedures were modified so that the PSF residuals are written to a FITS file, rather than a STSDAS file. To convert a PSF file 'psfname' created earlier in STSDAS format, use the following commands: IDL> sxopen,1,'psfname',h IDL> psf = sxread(1) IDL> writefits,'psfname.fits',psf,h In June 2000, the procedure aper.pro was modified to allow it to compute the exact area of the intersection of a circle with square pixels.