PRO FXBGROW, UNIT, HEADER, NROWS, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, NOZERO=NOZERO ;+ ; NAME: ; FXBGROW ; Purpose : ; Increase the number of rows in a binary table. ; Explanation : ; Call FXBGROW to increase the size of an already-existing FITS ; binary table. The number of rows increases to NROWS (or does ; not change if NROWS is less than the number of rows already ; existing). WARNING: the table to be grown must be the *last* ; extension in the FITS file. FXBGROW does *not* preserve any ; following extensions. This procedure is useful when a table ; with an unknown number of rows must be created. The caller ; would then call FXBCREATE to construct a table of some base ; size, and follow with calls to FXBGROW to lengthen the table ; as needed. ; ; Use : ; FXBGROW, UNIT, HEADER, NROWS[, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, NOZERO=NOZERO] ; Inputs : ; UNIT = Logical unit number of an already-opened file. ; HEADER = String array containing the FITS binary table extension ; header. The header is modified in place. ; NROWS = New number of rows, always more than the previous ; number. ; Opt. Inputs : ; None. ; Outputs : ; None. ; Opt. Outputs: ; None. ; Keywords : ; NOZERO = when set, FXBGROW will not zero-pad the new data if ; it doesn't have to. ; ERRMSG = If defined and passed, then any error messages will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than ; depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are ; encountered, then a null string is returned. In order to ; use this feature, ERRMSG must be defined first, e.g. ; ; ERRMSG = '' ; FXBGROW, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, ... ; IF ERRMSG NE '' THEN ... ; ; Calls : ; FXADDPAR, FXHREAD ; Common : ; Uses common block FXBINTABLE--see "" for more ; information. ; Restrictions: ; The file must be open with write permission. ; ; The binary table extension in question must already by written ; to the file (using FXBCREATE), and must be the last extension ; in the file. ; ; A table can never shrink via this operation. ; ; This operation is not well optimized for tables with large ; heap usage, such as large variable-length columns. Since the ; procedure must move the entire heap upon every call, it could ; be (1) memory intensive and (2) I/O intensive. ; ; Side effects: ; The FITS file will grow in size, and heap areas are ; preserved by moving them to the end of the file. ; ; The header is modified to reflect the new number of rows. ; Category : ; Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. ; Prev. Hist. : ; Initially written, C. Markwardt, GSFC, Nov 1998 ; Written : ; Craig Markwardt, GSFC, Nov 1998 ; Version : ; Version 1, 17 Nov 1998 ;- ; @fxbintable ON_ERROR, 0 ; ; Check the number of parameters. ; IF N_PARAMS() NE 3 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Syntax: FXBGROW, UNIT, HEADER, NROWS' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ; ; Find the index of the file. ; ILUN = WHERE(LUN EQ UNIT,NLUN) ILUN = ILUN[0] IF NLUN EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Unit ' + STRTRIM(UNIT,2) + $ ' not opened properly' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ; ; Don't shrink the file. ; IF NAXIS2[ILUN] GE NROWS THEN GOTO, FINISH ; ; Make sure the file was opened for write access. ; IF STATE[ILUN] NE 2 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Unit ' + STRTRIM(UNIT,2) + $ ' not opened for write access' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ; ; Ugghhh. Have to read the HEAP and DHEAP portions, especially to ; preserve variable length columns. Seek to the end of the data... ; DBYTES = NAXIS1[ILUN]*NAXIS2[ILUN] HBYTES = HEAP[ILUN] + DHEAP[ILUN] - DBYTES IF HBYTES GT 0 THEN BEGIN POINT_LUN, UNIT, NHEADER[ILUN] + DBYTES HBUFFER = BYTARR(HBYTES) READU, UNIT, HBUFFER ENDIF ; ; Grow the array by padding with zeroes. ; IF HBYTES GT 0 OR NOT KEYWORD_SET(NOZERO) THEN BEGIN POINT_LUN, UNIT, NHEADER[ILUN] + DBYTES BUFFER = BYTARR(NAXIS1[ILUN]) FOR I = NAXIS2[ILUN]+1,NROWS DO WRITEU,UNIT,BUFFER ENDIF ; ; Write the heap/whatever data back to disk, in its new position IF HBYTES GT 0 THEN BEGIN POINT_LUN, UNIT, NHEADER[ILUN] + NAXIS1[ILUN]*NROWS WRITEU, UNIT, HBUFFER HBUFFER = 0 ENDIF ; ; Update the internal state. ; HEAP[ILUN] = HEAP[ILUN] + (NROWS-NAXIS2[ILUN])*NAXIS1[ILUN] NAXIS2[ILUN] = NROWS ; Modify the header in place and on disk. IF N_ELEMENTS(HEADER) GT 0 THEN $ FXADDPAR, HEADER, 'NAXIS2', LONG(NROWS), 'Number of rows (grown)' POINT_LUN, UNIT, MHEADER[ILUN] FXHREAD, UNIT, DHEADER, STATUS IF STATUS NE 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Could not load header from file' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF FXADDPAR, DHEADER, 'NAXIS2', LONG(NROWS), 'Number of rows (grown)' ;; Don't worry about the header increasing in size, since ;; every binary table has to have NAXIS2 already. SLEN = STRLEN(DHEADER[0]) FULL = STRING(REPLICATE(32B, 80)) IF SLEN LT 80 THEN DHEADER[0] = DHEADER[0] + STRMID(FULL,0,80-SLEN) BHDR = BYTE(DHEADER) BHDR = BHDR[0:79,*] POINT_LUN, UNIT, MHEADER[ILUN] WRITEU, UNIT, BHDR FINISH: IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN ERRMSG = '' RETURN END