PRO TABINV, XARR, X, IEFF, FAST = fast ;+ ; NAME: ; TABINV ; PURPOSE: ; To find the effective index of a function value in an ordered vector. ; ; EXPLANTION: ; This version calls VALUE_LOCATE() internally, either as an intrinsic ; IDL Function (V5.3 or later) or from the procedure ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TABINV, XARR, X, IEFF, [/FAST] ; INPUTS: ; XARR - the vector array to be searched, must be monotonic ; increasing or decreasing ; X - the function value(s) whose effective ; index is sought (scalar or vector) ; ; OUTPUT: ; IEFF - the effective index or indices of X in XARR ; real or double precision, same # of elements as X ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; /FAST - If this keyword is set, then the input vector is not checked ; for monotonicity, in order to improve the program speed. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; TABINV will abort if XARR is not monotonic. (Equality of ; neighboring values in XARR is allowed but results may not be ; unique.) This requirement may mean that input vectors with padded ; zeroes could cause routine to abort. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; A binary search is used to find the values XARR[I] ; and XARR[I+1] where XARR[I] < X < XARR[I+1]. ; IEFF is then computed using linear interpolation ; between I and I+1. ; IEFF = I + (X-XARR[I]) / (XARR[I+1]-XARR[I]) ; Let N = number of elements in XARR ; if x < XARR[0] then IEFF is set to 0 ; if x > XARR[N-1] then IEFF is set to N-1 ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Set all flux values of a spectrum (WAVE vs FLUX) to zero ; for wavelengths less than 1150 Angstroms. ; ; IDL> tabinv, wave, 1150.0, I ; IDL> flux[ 0:fix(I) ] = 0. ; ; FUNCTIONS CALLED: ; None ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Adapted from the IUE RDAF January, 1988 ; More elegant code W. Landsman August, 1989 ; Mod to work on 2 element decreasing vector August, 1992 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Updated for V5.3 to use VALUE_LOCATE() W. Landsman January 2000 ; Work when both X and Xarr are integers W. Landsman August 2001 ;- On_error,2 if N_params() LT 3 then begin print,'Syntax- TABINV, XARR, X, I, [/FAST]' return endif Npoints = N_elements(xarr) & npt= npoints - 1 if not keyword_set(fast) then begin if ( Npoints LE 1 ) then message, /TRACE, $ 'Search vector (first parameter) must contain at least 2 elements' ; Test for monotonicity i = xarr - shift( xarr,1) i = i[1:*] ;Added 15-Aug-1992 to properly interpret 2 element a = where( i GE 0, N) ;decreasing vector if ( N NE npt) then begin a = where(i LE 0, N) ; Test for decreasing array if ( N NE npt ) then message, /TRACE, $ 'ERROR - First parameter must be a monotonic vector' endif endif ieff = float(value_locate(xarr,x)) g = where( (ieff LT npt) and (ieff GE 0), Ngood) if Ngood GT 0 then begin neff = ieff[g] diff = x[g] - xarr[neff] if size(diff,/TNAME) NE 'DOU' then diff = float(diff) ieff[g] = neff + diff / (xarr[neff+1] - xarr[neff] ) endif ieff = ieff > 0.0 return end