pro rdfits_struct, filename, struct, NODELETE=nodelete, SILENT = silent ;+ ; NAME: ; RDFITS_STRUCT ; PURPOSE: ; Read an entire FITS file (all extensions) into a single IDL structure. ; EXPLANATION: ; Each header, image or table array is placed in a separate structure ; tag. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; RDFITS_STRUCT, filename, struct, [ /NODELETE, /SILENT ] ; ; INPUT: ; FILENAME = Scalar string giving the name of the FITS file ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD: ; /NODELETE - RDFITS_STRUCT creates a temporary file with the name ; temp_'fitsname'.pro which contains the IDL structure definition ; Normally, this temporary file is deleted -- set the /NODELETE ; keyword to keep it. ; /SILENT - Set this keyword to suppress informational displays at the ; terminal. ; ; OUTPUT: ; struct = structure into which FITS data is read. The primary header ; and image are placed into tag names HDR0 and IM0. The ith ; extension is placed into the tag names HDRi, TABi ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; FDECOMP, FITS_INFO, HEADFITS(), GETTOK(), READFITS(), STRN() ; ; METHOD: ; The procedure FITS_INFO is used to determine whether a primary image ; exists and the number of extensions. The number and type of ; structure tags required is written to a temporary file and assigned ; to an appropiate HEADFITS or READFITS call. The temporary file ; is executed using CALL_PROCEDURE. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Read the FITS file 'm33.fits' into an IDL structure, st ; ; IDL> rdfits_struct, 'm33.fits', st ; IDL> help, /str, st ;Display info about the structure ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The current algorithm is not particularly efficient. ; ; Does not handle random groups ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written K. Venkatakrishna, STX April 1992 ; Code cleaned up a bit W. Landsman STX October 92 ; Modified for MacOS I. Freedman HSTX April 1994 ; Work under Windows 95 W. Landsman HSTX January 1996 ; Use anonymous structures, skip extensions without data WBL April 1998 ; Converted to IDL V5.0, W. Landsman, April 1998 ; OS-independent deletion of temporary file W. Landsman Jan 1999 ;- COMMON descriptor, file_descript if N_Params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - RDFITS_STRUCT, file, struct, [ /NODELETE, /SILENT ]' return endif fits_info, filename,/SILENT ; Get the description of the file Nhdr_prim = gettok( file_descript, ' ') ;Get header size & # of dimensions Naxis_prim = gettok( file_descript, ' ') ;of primary image, if any if Naxis_prim GT 0 then begin $ for i = 0, Naxis_prim do Naxisn_im = gettok(file_descript, ' ') endif struct_im = '' if Naxis_prim GT 0 then begin im_string = ", im0 : readfits( '"+filename + "' )" + " $" endif else im_string = '' fname = filename fdecomp, fname, disk, dir, fitsname ; Form a string to read primary header hd_string = ["struct = {hdr0 : headfits( '" + fname + "' ) $" ] N_ext = 1 ; If there are extensions, form the strings defining the corresponding tags while strlen(file_descript) GT 0 do begin h_size = gettok(file_descript,' ') table_type = gettok( file_descript,' ') naxis = gettok( file_descript, ' ') if naxis GT 0 then im_string = [im_string, ', tab' + strn(N_ext) + ' :' + $ 'readfits(' + '"' + fname + '", EXTEN_NO = '+ strn(N_ext) + ') $ ' ] hd_string = [ hd_string, ", hdr"+ strn(N_ext)+ " : " + $ 'headfits(' + '"' + fname + '", EXT = ' + strn(N_ext) + ') $ ' ] if Naxis GT 0 then for i = 0, Naxis do $ Naxisn = gettok( file_descript,' ') N_ext = N_ext + 1 endwhile ; Write the structure code into a file named openw, unit, 'temp_' + fitsname+'.pro',/get_lun printf, unit, 'pro '+ ' temp_'+fitsname+' ,struct' for j = 0, N_elements( hd_string ) - 1 do $ printf, unit, strtrim( hd_string[j] ) for j = 0, N_elements( im_string ) - 1 do $ printf, unit, strtrim( im_string[j] ) printf, unit, ' }' printf, unit, 'return' printf, unit, 'end' free_lun, unit ; if not keyword_set( SILENT) then $ message,' Creating a structure from the file ' + fname, /INF call_procedure, 'temp_' + fitsname, struct if not keyword_set( SILENT ) then help, /str, struct if keyword_set( NODELETE ) then begin message,'File temp_' + fitsname+'.pro has been created',/INF return endif ; Delete the file in an OS-independent way openr,unit, 'temp_' + fitsname + '.pro',/delete close,unit return end