programm canada_ice CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCC This program reads content of two files with snow and ice data CCC for several months (or even years) and makes snow/ice data files CCC separately for each month of size 128x128. Then CCC ICEGRID, FNAME='sicanada200101' CCC converts .dat into .map, which are suitable for albedo calculations. CCC CCC Snow and Ice are from Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis CCC ( CCC Data are: Monthly data at Lat/Lon Gaussian Grid from CONTROL run CCC with CGCMI CCC CCC CCC USERNAME 1558 PASSWRD snowicedata CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC real fs(48,97),fi(48,97) integer f(64,128) character headeri*70, headers*70, outfile*18 m=48 n=97 mmax=3*12 open(1,file='ice96_98') open(2,file='snow96_98') do im=1,mmax do i=1,m do j=1,n f(i,j)=0 enddo enddo read (1,'(a70)') headeri read (2,'(a70)') headers read(1,*) ((fi(I,J),j=1,n), i=1,m) read(2,*) ((fs(I,J),j=1,n), i=1,m) outfile='sicanada'//headeri(10:15)//'.dat' write(*,*) outfile c write(*,*) headeri(10:15),' <-> ',headers(10:15) do i=1,m do j=1,n if (fs(i,j),j).gt.0) f(i,j)=5 c write(*,*), fs(i,j), fi(i,j), f(i,j) enddo enddo hxr=2.7 hyr=2.7 open(3,file=outfile) write(3,'(2i4,2f5.2)') m, n, hyr, hxr do i=1,m write(3,'(128i2)') (f(i,j), j=1,n) enddo Close(3) enddo close(1) end