pro tv2, image, x00, y00, init=init, landscape=landscape, $ window=window, already=already, ppinch=ppinch_in, $ color=color, hwfont=hwfont, revcolor=revcolor, $ xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, xoff=xoffi, yoff=yoffi, $ xy_size=xy_size ;+ ;NAME: ; tv2 ;PURPOSE: ; To allow a user to output an image to a PostScript device and ; to specify the location (and size) in pseudo-pixel coordinates. ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tv2, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, /init ; tv2, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, /init, window=0 ; "X" version ; tv2, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, /init, ppinch=100. ; Specify 100 pixs/inch ; tv2, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, /init, xsize=6. ; Specify xsize=6inch ; ; tv2, image, x0, y0 ; tv image at x0, y0 ; ; tv2, bytscl(image, top=!d.n_colors) ; ; The tv2 routine makes it easy to send plots to the PostScript ; printer by creating a pseudo-pixel coordinate system. tv2 ; also works in the normal way for 'X' output, so that the same ; calling statements can work with either 'X' or 'PS' output. ; ; Typically, an application should first: ; IDL> set_plot, 'PS', /interpolate ; or set_plot,'Z' ; IDL> tv2, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, /init ; Sets up coordinates ; for example, ; IDL> tv2, 512, 512, /init, window=0 ; Sets up 512x512 window ; Then send the plot with the command: ; IDL> tv2, image ; or ; IDL> tv2, image, x0, y0 ; x0,y0=lower left coordinate ; ; Also see: plot2, xyouts2, ocontour, draw_grid and arrow2 ; ;INPUTS: ; image - The byte scaled image to display ; (except when /INIT is used -- in that case it is ; the X size of the window in pixels) ; x00 - The left corner pixel coordinate of the image ; (except when /INIT is used -- in that case it is ; the Y size of the window in pixels) ; y00 - The lower corner pixel coordinate of the image ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; init - Set this to set up the plotting characteristics. ; ; ** Note: The following keywords only work WITH the /init option. ** ; ; landscape - If set, output in postscript mode ; Has no effect when the output device is "X" ; window - The window number to create ; Has no effect when the output device is "PS" ; already - Do not create the window if it already exists ; and is the proper size ; Has no effect when the output device is "PS" ; ppinch - Force the size of the output to be a fixed number ; of "pixels per inch". ; xsize - Force the X size of the output to be xsize inches. ; If xsize is specified, then ppinch=xsize_pix/xsize ; xsize is ignored if ppinch is explicitly defined. ; ysize - Force the Y size of the output to be ysize inches. ; ysize is ignored if either ppinch or xsize is defined. ; color - If set, issue the device commands for color ; Has no effect when the output device is "X" ; hwfont - If set, use hardware fonts ; Has no effect when the output device is "X" ; revcolor - If set, set !p.color to 0 for device PS so that ; writing will be in black on white paper. Set ; !p.color to 255 for device X so that writing is ; white on a black background. ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; xy_size - Vector containing the PS size [xsize,ysize] in inches. ; Nothing returned when the output device is "X". ;METHOD: ; Since the output size of the window is defined in pixels, ; TV2, XYOUTS2, DRAW_GRID (Stonyhurst grid), OCONTOUR, PLOTS2, ; and ARROW2 can convert the pixel coordinates into inches when ; sending the output to the postscript device. The aspect ratios ; are all figured out to maintain proper proportions. ; MK_REFBAR will make a reference color bar. ; ; tv2 reads back the color table using tvlct,/get,red,green,blue. ; If tv2 thinks that the current table is a grey-scale, then the ; image will be plotted using a tv,red(image). This will preserve ; the grey-scale characteristics when printing to a non-color ; PostScript file. ;NOTES: ; To work properly to the screen, the bytscl command should use ; the "top=!d.n_colors" option ; ; To work properly to the PS device, the 'set_plot,"ps"' command ; needs to be 'set_plot,"ps",/interpolate' (so that the current ; X colors are mapped properly to 256 PS colors). ;COMMON BLOCK: ; tv2_blk ;SIDE EFFECTS: ; 1. If /color is set, the device,/color,bits=8,/helvetica is called. ; When non-color PS output is next desired, this will have to be ; reset by the user. ; 2. If /landscape is set, the device,/land call will be issued. When ; non-landscape PS output is next desired, this will have to be ; reset by the user. ; 3. If tv2,/init is called for an 'X' device and the window keyword ; is not specified, then window 0 will be created. ;ROUTINES CALLED: ; wdef and delvarx ;HISTORY: ; Written Feb-94 by M.Morrison ; 9-Jun-94 (MDM) - ; 10-Aug-94 (MDM) - Added ppinch optional input ; 7-Apr-95 (MDM) - Added /COLOR and /HWFONT options ; 26-Jan-96 (JRL) - Added xsize, ysize, xoff, yoff, xy_size keywords. ; For PS application, changed tv,img to tv,red(img), where ; red is from tvlct,/get,red ; 28-Jan-96 (LWA) - Made ppinch floating. ; 24-Oct-96 (MDM) - Modified to use the current window as ; long as it's greater than 0 (used to use ; window 0 all of the time) ; 5-Nov-96 (MDM) - Re-added 24-Oct to merge with 26-Jan and 28-Jan ; modifications ; - Added some documentation information ; 18-Dec-2002, William Thompson, GSFC ; Changed !COLOR to !P.COLOR ;- ; common tv2_blk, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, xsiz_inch, ysiz_inch, ppinch ; if (n_elements(x00) eq 0) then x0 = 0 else x0 = x00 if (n_elements(y00) eq 0) then y0 = 0 else y0 = y00 if (n_elements(window) eq 0) then win = !d.window>0 else win = window ; if (keyword_set(init) and (n_elements(image) eq 0)) then begin message, 'Warning: The X window size (pixels) is NOT defined. Using 512.',/info image = 512 end if (keyword_set(init) and (n_elements(x00) eq 0)) then begin message, 'Warning: The Y window size (pixels) is NOT defined. Using 512.',/info x00 = 512 end ; if (! ne 'PS') then begin if (keyword_set(init)) then begin xsiz_pix = image ysiz_pix = x00 wdef, win, xsiz_pix, ysiz_pix, already=already if (keyword_set(hwfont)) then !p.font=-1 if (keyword_set(revcolor)) then !p.color=255 ;write in white on black background end else begin tv, image, x0, y0 end delvarx, xy_size ;To not confuse the issue end else begin if (keyword_set(init)) then begin xsiz_pix = image ysiz_pix = x00 xpage = 7.0 ypage = 9.5 if n_elements(xoffi) eq 0 then xoffs = 0.75 else xoffs = xoffi if n_elements(yoffi) eq 0 then yoffs = 1. else yoffs = yoffi qland = 0 if (keyword_set(landscape)) then begin qland = 1 ypage = 7.0 xpage = 9.5 ; xoffs = 0.75 if n_elements(yoffi) eq 0 then yoffs = xpage+0.75 else yoffs = yoffi end ;; if (n_elements(ppinch_in) eq 0) then ppinch = (xsiz_pix/xpage) > (ysiz_pix/ypage) $ ;pixels per inch ;; else ppinch = ppinch_in ; Set up the page size (xsiz_inch, ysiz_inch) and plate scale (ppinch - pixels per inch) ; This information is derived from ppinch or xsize OR YSIZE. If two or more of these ; keywords are present, ppinch has highest priority, xsize the next highest, and ; ysize the lowest. If no keywords are present, use the default page size. ; Set ppinch: pixles per inch: if n_elements(ppinch_in) ne 0 then ppinch = float(ppinch_in) else $ ; Yes, ppinch_in supplied if n_elements(xsize) ne 0 then ppinch = xsiz_pix/float(xsize) else $ ; Yes, xsize supplied if n_elements(ysize) ne 0 then ppinch = ysiz_pix/float(ysize) else $ ; Yes, ysize supplied ppinch = (xsiz_pix/xpage) > (ysiz_pix/ypage) ; Default ; Set size (in inches): xsiz_inch = xsiz_pix/ppinch ysiz_inch = ysiz_pix/ppinch ; ;;device, /inches, xsize=xsiz_inch, ysize=ysiz_inch, xoffset=xoffs, yoffset=yoffs, portrait=1-qland, land=qland if (keyword_set(landscape)) then begin device, /inches, xsize=xsiz_inch, ysize=ysiz_inch, xoffset=xoffs, yoffset=yoffs, /land end else begin device, /inches, xsize=xsiz_inch, ysize=ysiz_inch, xoffset=xoffs, yoffset=yoffs, /portrait end ; if (keyword_set(color)) then device, /color, bits=8, /helvetica if (keyword_set(hwfont)) then !p.font=0 if (keyword_set(revcolor)) then !p.color=0 ;write in black on white paper end else begin xi0 = x0 / ppinch yi0 = y0 / ppinch xisiz = n_elements(reform(image(*,0))) / ppinch yisiz = n_elements(reform(image(0,*))) / ppinch ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Added 24-Jan-96 by JRL. The next lines of code checks to see if a grey-scale color ; table is current. If yes, then the image is folded through the red color vector. ; This will make gamma changes effective for PostScript output, and will have no ; effect on 'X' or /color output. tvlct, red, green, blue, /get if min(red-green) + max(red-green) + min(red-blue) + max(red-blue) eq 0 then begin image0 = red(image) end else begin image0 = image ;;message,'Current color table is not grey-scale--Using default color table',/info endelse tv, image0, xi0, yi0, xsiz=xisiz, ysiz=yisiz, /inch end xy_size = [xsiz_inch,ysiz_inch] ; Return PS page size (inches) as an optional keyword end ; end