;+ ; Project : SOHO - CDS ; ; Name : XSTRUCT_BUTTONS ; ; Purpose : Create buttons and title for xstruct program ; ; Explanation : Creates "Cancel" and "Commit" buttons. Also, places the ; title received as one of the arguments. ; ; Use : xstruct_buttons, wbase ; ; Inputs : WBASE = widget base to place the buttons in ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : ; EDITABLE = make fields editable ; ACCEPT = name for accept button [def = commit] ; TITLE = optional widget title ; ; Calls : -- ; ; Common : -- ; ; Restrictions: -- ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Category : Widgets ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Zarro (ARC/GSFC) 20 August 1994 ; ; Modified : ; 06-Aug-2004, Sandhia Bansal, Took this piece of code out of xstruct and made it into ; a separate procedure. ; index of changed tags ; Version : 1 ;- pro xstruct_buttons, wbase, editable=editable, accept=accept, title=title ;-- put DONE button in first row row=widget_base(wbase,/row,/frame) if editable then begin if datatype(accept) eq 'STR' then begin acc=trim(accept) first=strmid(acc,0,1) rest=strmid(acc,1,strlen(acc)) acc=strupcase(first)+strlowcase(rest) endif else acc='Commit' abortb=widget_button(row,value='Cancel',uvalue='abort',/no_release,/frame,font=bfont) commb=widget_button(row,value=acc,uvalue='commit',/no_release,/frame,font=bfont) wtitle=widget_label(wbase,value=title) endif else closeb=widget_button(row,value='Done',uvalue='done',/no_release,/frame,font=bfont) if datatype(instruct) eq 'STR' then begin row=widget_base(wbase,/row) for k=0,n_elements(instruct)-1 do begin insb=widget_label(row,value=instruct(k),font=lfont) endfor endif return & end