;+ ; PROJECT: ; SSW ; NAME: ; ANYTIM_REPORT ; ; PURPOSE: ; This routine checks the performance of anytim for all of its inputs and outputs. ; ; CATEGORY: ; UTPLOT ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; ; CALLS: ; none ; ; INPUTS: ; Input - a time array to use for validation. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; none ; ; KEYWORD OUTPUTS: ; MAXDIFF - maximum difference for Input for format i vs format j. ; OUT - Text report. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; KEYWORDS: ; none ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The input array is first converted to the ith output format, converted to seconds, ; and the absolute value is taken vs the same for the jth format. ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 2 april 2001, richard.schwartz@gsfc.nasa.gov ; ;- pro anytim_report, input, out=out, maxdiff=maxdiff t = fcheck( input, dindgen(2, 20)*1e6) out=['ints','stc','2xn','ex','utime','sec','atime','yohkoh','hxrbs','mjd','utc_int','utc_ext','ccsds','ecs','vms'] nout = n_elements( out ) maxdiff = fltarr( nout, nout ) for i=0,nout-1 do for j=0,nout-1 do begin ti = anytim(anytim(t,out=out[i])) tj = anytim(anytim(t,out=out[j])) if n_elements( ti ) ne n_elements( tj ) then help, i, j,'Unequal output vector lengths' maxdiff[i,j] = max( abs(ti - tj)) endfor help, t, out = input_report out = ['ANYTIM REPORT - Test ANYTIM for '+strtrim(nout,2)+' formats, input vs output',$ 'Input variable: '+input_report,$ 'Maximum absolute difference is '+string(max(maxdiff)) ] print,out,format='(a)' end