function wmenu_sel, array, one=one, qstop=qstop ; ;+ ;NAME: ; wmenu_sel ;PURPOSE: ; To allow a user to select a series of array elements ; using the WMENU option. Options exist to select many ; elements. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; subs = wmenu_sel(array) ; subs = wmenu_sel(files, /one) ;INPUT: ; array - a string array of any length ;OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; one - if set, return after one element is selected ;OUTPUT: ; Returns the indicies of the array elements selected ;HISTORY: ; Written Dec '91 by M.Morrison ; 18-Mar-92 (MDM) - Added option to select all elements on ; the current page. ; - Also added the keyword option "one" ; - Also adjusted page size to look at the length ; of the string array ; 18-Mar-92 (MDM) - Added case statement to get screen size ; 4-Aug-92 (MDM) - Added common block storage of number of lines and ; columns that are used for a given display. ; 8-Apr-93 (MDM) - Added code to recognize when the display device ; is the NCD x-terminal. ; 23-apr-93 (JRL) - Moved the code that sets nchar and nlin to wmenu_sel_set ; 13-may-93 (SLF) - force scaler return if only one element ; 25-Apr-94 (MDM) - Modified to print options to the screen if the device is ; not an X terminal. ;- ; common wmenu_sel, nchar, nlin ; ref = ['Quit/Exit', 'Previous Page', 'Next Page', 'All btwn last 2', 'All on Page', 'Reset'] nref = n_elements(ref) ; nextra = 2 + 2 ;WMENU puts 2 characters between each column + WMENU_SEL puts a marker in '*' if (keyword_set(one)) then nextra = 2 ;only WMENU extra characters maxlen = max(strlen(array)) maxlen = max([maxlen, strlen(ref)]) ; if n_elements(nchar) eq 0 then wmenu_sel_set,/reset ; Reset to factory values ncol = fix(nchar/(maxlen+nextra)) ;210 characters can fit on DEC 5000 workstation ; npp = fix(nlin*ncol-nref) ;# elements per page - TODO - system dependent n = n_elements(array) npage = fix(n / npp) if ((n mod npp) ne 0) then npage = npage + 1 ; if (keyword_set(qstop)) then stop ; sel = bytarr(n) ; ago1 = -1 ago2 = -1 page = 0 repeat begin ref2 = ref if (page eq 0) then ref2(1) = ' ' if (page eq npage-1) then ref2(2) = ' ' ; if (keyword_set(one)) then ref2(3:nref-1) = ' ' ;blank out "all btween last 2", "all on page" and "reset" options ; ist = page*npp ien = (ist+npp-1)<(n-1) nn = ien-ist+1 blank = strarr(nn) + ' ' ss = where(sel(ist:ien)) if (ss(0) ne -1) then blank(ss) = '* ' if (keyword_set(one)) then temp = [ref2, array(ist:ien)] else temp = [ref2, blank + array(ist:ien)] if (! eq 'X') then begin ;MDM modified 25-Apr-94 imenu = wmenu(temp) end else begin prstr, string(indgen(n_elements(temp)), format='(i4)') + ' === ' + temp, /nomore input, 'Enter the option number you desire', imenu, 0 end ; case imenu of 0: 1: page = (page-1)>0 2: page = (page+1)<(npage-1) 3: begin if ((ago1 ne -1) and (ago2 ne -1)) then begin sel(ago1ago1) = 1 end else begin print, 'You must have selected the beginning and ending first' end end 4: sel(ist:ien) = 1 5: sel = bytarr(n) else: begin item = (imenu - nref) + page*npp if (not sel(item)) then sel(item) = 1 $ else sel(item) = 0 ;reset ago2 = ago1 ago1 = item end endcase ; qdone = 0 if (imenu eq 0) then qdone = 1 if (keyword_set(one) and (imenu ge nref)) then qdone = 1 end until (qdone) ; ; slf, 13-may - force scaler if only one element retval=where(sel) if n_elements(retval) eq 1 then retval=retval(0) ; make scaler return, retval end