function interp2d, A, x0, y0, x1, y1, nxny, missing=missing, $ grid=grid, quintic=quintic, regular=regular, cubic=cubic,$ extrapolate=extrapolate,bin=bin,trigrid=trigrid ;+ ; NAME: ; interp2d ; PURPOSE: ; Perform bilinear 2d interpolation using the IDL intrinsic ; interpolate procedure ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1) ; result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1,/grid) ; result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1,/regular,/cubic) ; result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1,missing=missing) ; INPUTS: ; A = 2d array to interpolate ; x0 = Values that correspond to A(0,0), A(1,0), ... ; y0 = Values that correspond to A(0,0), A(0,1), ... ; x1 = New X values at which A should be interpolated ; y1 = New Y values at which A should be interpolated ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; nxny = [nx,ny] Vector of length 2 which specifies the size of ; the regular linearized grid produced with trigrid. The ; default is nxny = [51,51]. If the size of A is much larger ; than 51 by 51, greater accuracy may be obtained by having ; nxny = [n_elements(A(*,0),n_elements(A(0,*))] ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; grid= If set, return an n_elements(X1) by n_elements(y1) grid ; missing = Value to points which have X1 gt max(X0) or X1 lt min(X0) ; and the same for Y1. ; quintic = If set, use smooth interpolation in call to trigrid ; regular = If set, do not call trigrid -- x0 and y0 must be linear. ; cubic = If set, use cubic convolution ; extrapolate = If set, then extrapolate beyond boundary points ; bin = set to bin data prior to interpolation. ; (e.g. bin=2 interpolate every second pixel) ; Returned: ; result = a vector N_elements(X1) long ; or, if /grid is set ; result = an array that is N_elements(X1) by N_elements(Y1) ; ; PROCEDURE: ; First call the IDL intrinsic routines TRIANGULATE & TRIGRID to make ; sure that X0 and Y0 are linear (if /regular is not set). ; Then call the IDL intrinsic INTERPOLATE to do bilinear interpolation. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; X0 and Y0 must be linear functions. ; A must be a 2-d array ; HISTORY: ; 9-mar-94, J. R. Lemen LPARL, Written. ; 20-Jan-95, JRL, Added the REGULAR & CUBIC keywords ; 6-Sept-97, Zarro, GSFC, allowed for 2-d (X-Y) coordinate inputs ; 22-Apri-99, Zarro, SM&A/GSFC - added /trigrid and made /regular ; the default (much faster). ; 14-apr-2001, jmm,, fixed bug for triangulate ; option, changed reform statements to rebin, /sample ; 20-May-2004, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - made /regular the default (again) ; 10-Jan-2005, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - changed () to [] ;- ;-- Check for self-consistent input dimensions sz = size(a) if sz[0] ne 2 then begin message,'input data array must be 2-D',/cont return,-1 endif sx=size(x0) & sy=size(y0) chk=where_vector(sx,sy,count) if count eq 0 then begin message,'input X-Y coordinate arrays do not match in size',/cont return,-1 endif twod=0 case 1 of sx[0] eq 1: begin nx=sx[1] & ny=sy[1] end sx[0] eq 2: begin twod=1 nx=sx[1] & ny=sx[2] end else: begin message,'input X-Y coordinate arrays must 1- or 2-D',/cont return,-1 end endcase if (sz[1] ne nx) or (sz[2] ne ny) then begin message,'Dimensions of Data, X0, Y0 are not consistent',/cont return,-1 endif ;-- Call triangulate and trigrid to get a regularly spaced grid if keyword_set(trigrid) then begin message,'using trigrid option...',/cont if n_elements(nxny) eq 0 then nxny = [nx,ny] dprint,'% nx,ny: ',nxny[0],nxny[1] gs = [(max(X0)-min(X0))/(nxny[0]-1), (max(Y0)-min(Y0))/(nxny[1]-1)] IF NOT twod THEN BEGIN ; x0 = reform(temporary(x0),nx,ny) ; y0 = transpose(reform(temporary(y0),nx,ny)) x0 = rebin(temporary(x0), nx, ny, /sample) y0 = transpose(rebin(temporary(y0), nx, ny, /sample)) ENDIF triangulate, x0, y0, tr,bound if n_elements(quintic) eq 0 then quintic = 0 ; Make sure quintic is defined if keyword_set(extrapolate) then begin zz = trigrid(x0,y0, A, tr, gs, quintic=quintic,$ extrapolate=bound) endif else begin zz = trigrid(x0,y0, A, tr, gs, quintic=quintic) endelse if not twod then begin x0=reform(temporary(x0),nx*ny) y0=reform(transpose(temporary(y0)),nx*ny) endif zz = temporary(zz[0:nxny[0]-1,0:nxny[1]-1]) ; Make sure the dimensions are matched endif else zz = A ; /regular was set -- x0 and y0 are linear sz = size(zz) xslope = (max(X0)-min(X0)) / (sz[1]-1) yslope = (max(Y0)-min(Y0)) / (sz[2]-1) ; Map the coordinates x2 = (x1 - min(x0)) / xslope y2 = (y1 - min(y0)) / yslope ; Now interpolate if n_elements(grid) eq 0 then grid = 0 if n_elements(cubic) eq 0 then cubic= 0 if n_elements(missing) eq 0 then $ return,interpolate(zz,x2,y2,grid=grid,cubic=cubic) else $ return,interpolate(zz,x2,y2,grid=grid,missing=missing,cubic=cubic) end