pro arctan,x,y,a,a_deg ;+ ; NAME: ; ARCTAN ; PURPOSE: ; Generalized arctan function that resolves the 180-degree ambiguity ; which is not resolved with the standard atan function. ; INPUTS: ; x =cos(angle), can be arrays ; y =sin(angle), can be arrays ; OUTPUTS: ; a =angle [0 225. ;180-degree ambiguity is resolved ; print,atan(y/x)*(180./!pi) --> 45. ;180-degree ambiguity is not resolved ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 1990, written, ; 1999 Dec 1, contributed to SSW ;- n =n_elements(x) a =fltarr(n) i=where((x gt 0) and (y eq 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=0. i=where((x gt 0) and (y gt 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=atan(y(i)/x(i)) i=where((x eq 0) and (y gt 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=!pi/2. i=where((x lt 0) and (y gt 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=!pi-atan(abs(y(i))/abs(x(i))) i=where((x lt 0) and (y eq 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=!pi i=where((x lt 0) and (y lt 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=!pi+atan(abs(y(i))/abs(x(i))) i=where((x eq 0) and (y lt 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=!pi*3./2. i=where((x gt 0) and (y lt 0)) &if i(0) ne -1 then a(i)=2.*!pi-atan(abs(y(i))/abs(x(i))) a_deg =a*180./!pi end