pro anydata2paper, index, data, _extra=_extra ;+ ; Name: anydata2paper ; ; Purpose: analyze your data and submit to selected Journal ; ; Input Parameters: ; index, data - any SSW standards ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; filling_factor - if not supplied, will derive a number between ; 10e-4 and 1 which best suppports your theory ; ; buzzwords - buzzwords to include - if supplied as a switch, will ; default to buzzword-du-jour ; ; bypass_peer_review - obvious (may make this the default...) ; ; journal - (default='Apj') ; ; landmark - if set, make this a landmark paper ; ; error_analysis - if set, include detailed error analysis ; (by popular demand, default denies any and all sources of error) ; ; fast - if set, run an order of magnitude faster ; ; Calling Example: ; ; IDL> anydata2paper,index,data,journal='Nature',title='How CMEs Work',$ ; filling_factor='best_fudge', equations='NONE', $ ; buzzwords=['sigmoids','helicity','exploding sheared core fields',$ ; 'magnetic carpet','dimming'], /bypass_peer_review, /fast ; ; Side Effects ; Generated paper will be written to selected journal data base for ; publication in next available issue. ; ; History: ; Circa 1990 - S.L.Freeland - Written ; 15-Feb-2000 - Pons and Fleischman - add /BYPASS_PEER_REVIEW ; ;- box_message,['Sorry, based on a comparison of your claimed C.V. with a',$ 'background check, you are not authorized to use this routine'] return end