function anytim2ex, item, qstop=qstop, mdy=mdy ; ;+ ;NAME: ; anytim2ex ;PURPOSE: ; Given a time in the form of a (1) structure, (2) 7-element time ; representation, or (3) a string representation, or (4) an array ; 2xN where the first dimension holds (MSOD, DS79) ; convert to the 7-element time representation (hh,mm,ss,msec,dd,mm,yy) ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; xx = anytim2ex(roadmap) ; xx = anytim2ex('12:33 5-Nov-91') ; xx = anytim2ex([0, 4000]) ;INPUT: ; tim_in - The input time ; Form can be (1) structure with a .time and .day ; field, (2) the standard 7-element external representation ; or (3) a string of the format "hh:mm dd-mmm-yy" ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; mdy - If set, use the MM/DD/YY order for converting the string date ;HISTORY: ; Written 15-Nov-91 by M.Morrison ; 5-Jan-93 (MDM) - Added /MDY option for TIMSTR2EX ; 11-Jan-93 (MDM) - Updated document header ;- ; siz = size(item) typ = siz( siz(0)+1 ) if (typ eq 8) then begin int2ex, gt_time(item), gt_day(item), out end else if (typ eq 7) then begin out = timstr2ex(item, mdy=mdy) end else begin if ((siz(0) eq 0) or (siz(0) gt 2)) then begin print, 'ANYTIM2EX: Need to be an array 2xN or 7xN (N can be zero) print, 'for either [msod, ds79] or 7-element array' return, 0 end nx = siz(1) if (nx eq 7) then begin out = item end else begin int2ex, item(0,*), item(1,*), out end end ; return, out end