pro sprint, file, queue=queue, cmd=cmd_in, node=node, $ ps=ps, ascii=ascii, land=land, color=color, $ delete=delete, qdebug=qdebug, nospawn=nospawn, noprint=noprint ;+ ; PROJECT: SSW - GEN ; ; NAME: sprint ; ; PURPOSE: To spawn a print command ; ; CATEGORY: PRINTER ; ; EXPLANATION: The routine looks at the environment variables and the ; switches set to figure out the print command. The ; environment variables checked are: ; o $SSW_QUE_PS - the queue to print PostScript file ; o $SSW_QUE_ASCII - the queue to print ASCII ; o $SSW_QUE_PS_COLOR - the queue to print color PostScript ; o $SSW_PR_PS - the command to print PostScript file ; o $SSW_PR_PS_COLOR - the command to print color PostScript ; o $SSW_PR_ASCII - the command to print ASCII in portrait ; o $SSW_PR_ASCII_LAND - the command to print ASCII landscape ; o $SSW_FMT_ASCII - the pre-formatting for ASCII in portrait ; o $SSW_FMT_ASCII_LAND- the pre-formatting for ASCII landscape ; o $SSW_PR_NODE - the output node to print to ; ; The PR* commands can have the string FILENAME where the names ; of the files need to be inserted, and QUEUE_NAME where the ; name of the queue needs to be inserted. ; ; The order for the logic for generating the print command is: ; 1) The print command is passed in (cmd=cmd) ; 2) The queue name is passed in (queue=queue) ; 3) Use the SSW_PR* command env variables ; 4) Use the SSW_QUE* command env vars. These are ignored ; if the SSW_PR* command env var is defined, unless it ; is defined using QUEUE_NAME place holder. ; 5) Assume some defaults based on the operating system ; 6) Use the SSW_FMT* on ASCII to pre-process the file ; and to pipe it into the print command ; 7) Check if the SSW_PR_NODE option is used and ; format the command accordingly ; ; Defaults: ; o Assumes it should go to the PostScript queue ; o For ASCII data, it assumes portrait ; ; Samples: ; setenv SSW_QUE_PS lps20 ; setenv SSW_QUE_PS_COLOR kodak ; setenv SSW_QUE_ASCII lps20 ; setenv SSW_PR_PS "lpr -P QUEUE_NAME FILENAME" ; setenv SSW_PR_ASCII "lpr -P QUEUE_NAME FILENAME" ; setenv SSW_PR_ASCII_LAND "lpr -P QUEUE_NAME FILENAME" ; setenv SSW_FMT_ASCII "/usr/lib/print/lptops -G -V -U -FCourier -P10pt FILENAME" ; setenv SSW_FMT_ASCII_LAND "/usr/lib/print/lptops -G -H -U -FCourier -P8pt FILENAME" ; ; setenv SSW_PR_NODE "diapason" ; setenv SSW_PR_ASCII "/pslaser FILENAME type10 lm=1" ; setenv SSW_PR_PS "cat FILENAME | rsh sxt3 lpr" ; ; NOTE: If you specify QUEUE_NAME in the command then the queue ; MUST be define (by QUE* env var or passed in) ; ; SYNTAX: sprint, '' ; ; INPUTS: file - The name of the file to be printed. ; cmd - [KEYWORD] The print command to use ; queue - [KEYWORD] The queue name to print to ; ps - [KEYWORD] If set, use the PS command or queue ; ascii - [KEYWORD] If set, use the ASCII command or queue ; land - [KEYWORD] If set, use the ASCII_LAND command ; color - [KEYWORD] If set, use the PS_COLOR command or queue ; delete - [KEYWORD] If set, then delete the file afterwards ; nospawn - [KEYWORD] If set, then simply display the print ; command, but do not spawn the command ; noprint - [KEYWORD] same as /NOSPAWN ; node - [KEYWORD] If set, then format the statement to ; do a "cat FILENAME | rsh node " and then the ; print statement. BE AWARE: The print command ; must allow inputs to be piped into it. ; ; HISTORY: Ver 1.00 27-Jun-95 M.Morrison Written ; Ver 1.01 28-Jun-95 M.Morrison ; - Added /NOPRINT option ; Ver 1.02 29-Jun-95 M.Morrison ; - Renamed all env vars to have SSW_ preceding ; Ver 1.03 14-Apr-97 M.Morrison ; - Modified header slightly ; - Added "IS_PS" call ; - Removed MESSAGE calls, added PRINT ; Ver 1.04 14-Apr-97 M.Morrison ; - Added SSW_FMT_ASCII* capability ;- ; if (n_elements(file) eq 0) then begin print, 'SPRINT: File name is required as first parameter' return end ; qexist = file_exist(file) if (min(qexist) eq 0) then begin print, 'SPRINT: One or more of the following files does not exist' print, ' Correct and re-submit the print command prstr, /nomore, ' ' + file return end ; ;---- Setup flags to say what is to be done and the defaults ; qdebug=keyword_set(qdebug) or keyword_set(nospawn) qnospawn = keyword_set(nospawn) or keyword_set(noprint) qps = is_ps(file(0)) ;only check the first file - somewhat dangerous qcolor = keyword_set(color) if (keyword_set(ascii) or keyword_set(land)) then qps = 0 qland = keyword_set(land) ; cmd = '' queue_name = '' case strupcase(!version.os) of 'VMS': begin & dcmd = 'print ' & queopt = '/queue=QUEUE_NAME '& delopt = '/delete ' & end 'ULTRIX': begin & dcmd = 'lpr -h ' & queopt = '-P QUEUE_NAME ' & delopt = '' & end 'IRIX': begin & dcmd = 'lp -h ' & queopt = '-d QUEUE_NAME ' & delopt = '' & end else: begin & dcmd = 'lpr -h ' & queopt = '-P QUEUE_NAME ' & delopt = '' & end endcase ; ;------------- #1 Look for CMD being passed in ; if (keyword_set(cmd_in)) then cmd = cmd_in ; ;------------- #2 Look for the QUEUE name being passed in ; if (keyword_set(queue)) then queue_name = queue ; ;------------- #3 Look for the PR* environment variable ; if (cmd eq '') then begin cmd0 = getenv('SSW_PR_PS') & if (qps and (cmd0 ne '')) then cmd = cmd0 cmd0 = getenv('SSW_PR_PS_COLOR') & if (qps and qcolor and (cmd0 ne '')) then cmd = cmd0 cmd0 = getenv('SSW_PR_ASCII') & if ((not qps) and (cmd0 ne '')) then cmd = cmd0 cmd0 = getenv('SSW_PR_ASCII_LAND') & if ((not qps) and (qland) and (cmd0 ne '')) then cmd = cmd0 end ; ;------------- #4 Look for the QUE* environment variable ; if (queue_name eq '') then begin que0 = getenv('SSW_QUE_PS') & if (qps and (que0 ne '')) then queue_name = que0 que0 = getenv('SSW_QUE_PS_COLOR') & if (qps and qcolor and (que0 ne '')) then queue_name = que0 que0 = getenv('SSW_QUE_ASCII') & if ((not qps) and (que0 ne '')) then queue_name = que0 end ; ;------------- #5 Best guess default ; if (cmd eq '') then begin cmd = dcmd ;default command from above if (queue_name ne '') then cmd = cmd + queopt end ; ;------------- #6 Prepend the ASCII format statement ; cmd_save = cmd if (not qps) then begin fmt0 = getenv('SSW_FMT_ASCII') if ((not qland) and (fmt0 ne '')) then begin cmd_save2 = str_replace(cmd, 'FILENAME', '') ;remove the FILENAME portion cmd = fmt0 + ' | ' + cmd_save2 end ; fmt0 = getenv('SSW_FMT_ASCII_LAND') if (qland and (fmt0 ne '')) then begin cmd_save2 = str_replace(cmd, 'FILENAME', '') ;remove the FILENAME portion cmd = fmt0 + ' | ' + cmd_save2 end end ; ;------------- #7 Adjust command for NODE option ; if (n_elements(node) eq 0) then node0 = getenv('SSW_PR_NODE') else node0=node if (keyword_set(node0)) then begin if (cmd ne cmd_save) then begin cmd = fmt0 + ' | rsh ' + node0 + ' ' + cmd_save2 end else begin cmd = str_replace(cmd, 'FILENAME', '') ;remove the FILENAME portion cmd = 'cat FILENAME | rsh ' + node0 + ' ' + cmd end end ; ;------------------------------------- final building of the command making substitutions ; if (qdebug) then begin print, 'QPS=', qps print, 'QLAND=', qland print, 'CMD=' + cmd print, 'QUEUE_NAME=' + queue_name end ; files = arr2str(file, delim=' ') p = strpos(cmd, 'FILENAME') if (p ne -1) then cmd = str_replace(cmd, 'FILENAME', files) $ else cmd = cmd + ' ' + files ;simply append it ; p = strpos(cmd, 'QUEUE_NAME') if (p ne -1) then cmd = str_replace(cmd, 'QUEUE_NAME', queue_name) ; print, 'SPRINT: Print command: ' + cmd if (qnospawn) then begin Print, 'SPRINT: Exiting without spawning command return end ; spawn,cmd ; if keyword_set(delete) then file_delete,file end