function resolve_variable,var ; resolve variables used in filenames val = var ; quote marks seem to get in the way; replace with spaces and tidy val = str_replace(val,'"',' ') val = str_replace(val,"'",' ') val = str2arr(strtrim(strcompress(val),2),"/") ;;val = str2arr(strcompress(var,/remove_all),"/") m = where(strpos(val,"$") ne -1,cnt) if cnt ne 0 then begin for i=0,cnt-1 do begin new_val = get_logenv(val(m(i))) if strpos(new_val,"$") eq -1 then begin if new_val ne '' then val(m(i)) = new_val endif else begin res = execute('val(m(i)) = resolve_variable(new_val)') if res ne 1 then box_message,'** Env. Var. problem: '+new_val endelse endfor endif v = arr2str(val,"/") return,v end ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro set_logwindows, logenv, value, file=file, debug=debug ; ;+ ; Name: set_logwindows ; ; Purpose: set logicals (windows) ; (allow dynamic updates of Yohkoh environment) ; ; Input Paramters: ; logenv - string or string vector - windows, unix environ or vms logical names ; value - string or string vector - values to assign to logenv ; ; Calling Examples: ; ; set_logwindows,'DIR_GEN_PNT',curdir() ; redefine PNT to current ; ; set_logwindows,file=concat_dir('$DIR_SITE_SETUP','setup_dirs') ; ; Calls: ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; file - string (scaler/vector) of file names to process ; files are expected to be two or three column tables containing ; logical/environmental information - embedded comments are ok ; if # is used for unix and ! for vms (readable by ; NCOLS ; 2: first column are logicals/environmentals ; second column are values to assign (ie, table) ; 3: first column is ignored (example ('setenv' or 'define') ; second and third columns are interpreted as logs/envs ; and values to assign, respectively. ; (This option allows direct processing of Yohkoh ; (files like setup_dirs and setup_ysenv) ; When file is a vector, they are processed in order so ; logs/envs defined in multiple files get the final assignment ; from the last reference. ; DEBUG - If set, then information on the files used is displayed ; It may also be implemented by setting the symbol, debug to debug ; i.e. debug := debug ; Restrictions: ; WINDOWS only ; Can't specify both array and file ; ?? ; History: ; 30-May-1999 - R.D.Bentley - Adapted from code by H. Warren ; 18-Mar-2000 - R.D.Bentley - mod within resolve_vars in case not defined ; 27-Jul-2000 - R.D.Bentley - trap null env. var. definition files ; - save defined vars. in common ; ;- common logwin,setenv_str,ksetenv ;used by pr_logwindows if strlowcase(!version.os_family) ne 'windows' then begin message,/info,'Use for WINDOWS commands, only.' return endif if n_elements(setenv_str) eq 0 then begin setenv_str = strarr(2000) ksetenv = 0 endif ; this may be a file containing many definitions if keyword_set(file) then begin ; print,file rqfile = resolve_variable(file) print,'Processing: ',rqfile src = rd_tfile(rqfile,/auto) if src(0) ne '' then begin n_items = n_elements(src(0,*)) for n=0,n_items-1 do begin var = strcompress(src(1,n),/remove_all) val = arr2str(src(2:*,n),' ') ;;;,/remove_all) ; recursively resolve any $xxx variables... val = resolve_variable(val) str = var+"="+val setenv,str if keyword_set(debug) then print,"setenv,"+str setenv_str(ksetenv) = str & ksetenv=ksetenv+1 endfor endif else print," *** Hmmm, this file doesn't have any records ***" ; CASE of vectors??? ; otherwise, just set variable to supplied value endif else begin var = strcompress(logenv,/remove_all) val = strcompress(value) ;,/remove_all) ; recursively resolve any $xxx variables... val = resolve_variable(val) str = var+"="+val setenv,str if keyword_set(debug) then print,"setenv,"+str setenv_str(ksetenv) = str & ksetenv=ksetenv+1 endelse return end