pro restore_idl_routines, pattern=pattern, status=status, $ loud=loud, date=date, nodate=nodate, _extra=_extra ;+ ; ; Name: restore_idl_routines ; ; Purpose: restore IDL binary routine files written via save_idl_routines ; ; Input Parameters: ; NONE ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; pattern - desired pattern to restore ; (assumed same pattern as used in call) ; status - boolean success (0 implies file not found) ; loud - if set, be more verbose ; _extra - other keyword passed to 'restore' ; ; History: ; 19-October-1999 - S.L.Freeland - Written ; ;- loud=keyword_set(loud) status=0 ; get the filename for this set of keywords save_idl_routines, /name_only, file=file, pattern=pattern, $ nodate=nodate, date=date file=last_nelem(file) if not file_exist(file(0)) then begin box_message,'Routine save file: ' + file(0) + ' not found.., returning' return endif if loud then box_message,['-- Restoring routines from file --',file],/center restore, file, _extra=_extra return end