pro pprint, file, dev_que=dev_que, delete=delete, reset=reset, $ color=color, banner=banner, force_print=force_print, node=node, $ qdebug=qdebug, nospawn=nospawn ;+ ;NAME: ; pprint (OBSOLETE -- See SPRINT.PRO) ;PURPOSE: ; Closes currently open hardcopy plot device (if necessary) and ; sends the plot file to the appropriate device. ; This is the Unix Version of the routine. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; pprint ; pprint, '' ;OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; file - if present, filename to print ( ;KEYWORD INPUTS: ; dev_que - if set, device name or number (default=lp0) ; delete - if set, delete file after spooling ; reset - if set, sets plot to X before exit ; color - if set, use color (device = lp1) ; banner - if set, print banner page (default is no banner page) ; ------ OBSOLETE - NOT USED BY SPRINT ------ ; force_print - If set, then issue the print command even if the ; plot device is not PS. ; node - If set, the use an "rsh" and "cat" command to send ; the print command to the remote machine. ; qdebug - If set, then print the spawn command ;HISTORY: ; Starting point was "" slf, 12/5/91 ; slf, 1/22/92 - isass mods ; mdm, 3/3/92 - Do not print anything if device is not PS ; 12-Mar-92 (MDM) - Renamed to pprint ; 21-aug-92 JRL, Fixed dev_que option. ; 6-feb-93 JRL, Fixed for use at LPARL ; 6-Oct-93 MDM, Expanded to use "lp" queue if on flare machine ; Added /FORCE_PRINT ; 7-Oct-93 MDM, Minor changes in the organization ; Added /QDEBUG option ; 9-Oct-93 MDM, Removed ban option for printing to SGI ; 28-Jan-94 MDM, Added check for PRINTER enviroment variable ; 15-Mar-94 MDM, Added check for PRINTER_CMD environment variable ; 28-Mar-94 SLF, Change print command on SGI to:/usr/local/bin/lps20ps ; 15-Apr-94 MDM, Added check for PPRINT_NODE environment variable ; 3-May-94 MDM, Added "-c" option for lp command to kodak from SXT ; so that the file is copied (spooled) ; 16-feb-95 SLF, fix lparl color queue name (and force_print) ; 17-Feb-95 SLF, ignore PRINTER if /color set ; 27-Feb-95 MDM, Removed "force_print=1" ; 19-Sep-95 MDM, Made it work with remote NODE and PRINTER_CMD together ; 4-Apr-96 MDM, Added PRINTER_COLOR option and changed default printer ; to kodak for color ; 15-Apr-97 MDM, Gutted and modified to call SPRINT (SSW routine) ;- ; if ((! ne 'PS') and (not keyword_set(force_print))) then return ; MDM added 3-Mar-92 if (! eq 'PS') then device,/close ;MDM added 6-Oct-93 ; if (n_elements(file) eq 0) then file='' ; default file name sprint, file, queue=dev_que, delete=delete, color=color, $ qdebug=qdebug, nospawn=nospawn, node=node if keyword_set(reset) then set_plot,'x' ; return end