PRO FLAG_LONG_NAMES ;+ ; Project : SOHO - CDS ; ; Name : ; FLAG_LONG_NAMES ; Purpose : ; Flags procedure names that would appear the same under DOS ; Explanation : ; Flags sets of IDL procedure names which have the same first eight ; characters. These would appear to be the same file on DOS machines. ; The names of each set of .PRO files with the same first eight ; characters are printed to the screen. ; Use : ; CD, directory ;(go to desired directory) ; FLAG_LONG_NAMES ; Inputs : ; None. ; Opt. Inputs : ; None. ; Outputs : ; None. ; Opt. Outputs: ; None. ; Keywords : ; None. ; Calls : ; None. ; Common : ; None. ; Restrictions: ; None. ; Side effects: ; None. ; Category : ; Utilities, Operating_system. ; Prev. Hist. : ; William Thompson, January 1993. ; Written : ; William Thompson, GSFC, January 1993. ; Modified : ; Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 9 July 1993. ; Incorporated into CDS library. ; Version : ; Version 1, 9 July 1993. ;- ; ON_ERROR,2 ; ; First make sure there are procedure files in the current directory. ; FILES = FINDFILE('*.pro',COUNT=N_FILES) IF N_FILES EQ 0 THEN MESSAGE,'No procedure files found' ; ; For each file, determine the eight character equivalent, and look for ; duplicates. ; LAST = '' DUPS = '' FOR I=0,N_FILES-1 DO BEGIN FDECOMP,FILES(I),DISK,DIR,NAME,EXT,VER NAME8 = STRMID(NAME,0,8) IF NAME8 NE LAST THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(DUPS) GT 1 THEN $ FOR J=0,N_ELEMENTS(DUPS)-1 DO PRINT,DUPS(J) DUPS = NAME END ELSE BEGIN DUPS = [DUPS,NAME] ENDELSE LAST = NAME8 ENDFOR ; RETURN END