;+ ; ; NAME: ; CLEAN_JOURNAL ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure removes some of the output in journal files to make ; the resultant files more easily modified into procedures. ; ; CATEGORY: ; UTIL, GEN, STRING ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; clean_journal, file, items=items ; ; CALLS: ; none ; ; INPUTS: ; File: The file to clean. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; ITEMS: An array of text strings. The lines which begin with these strings are ; eliminated. The defaults are: ; ['print',';','retall','xmanager','wdelete','chkarg', $ ; '.',',','help','$'] ; ; OUTPUTS: ; none explicit, only through commons; ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; KEYWORDS: ; none ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none ; ; PROCEDURE: ; none ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Version 1, RAS 5-June 1996 ; Version 2, RAS 4-dec-1996 ;- pro clean_journal, file, items=items a = rd_text( file ) checkvar, items, ['print',';','retall','xmanager','wdelete','chkarg', $ '.',',','help','$'] for i=0,n_elements(items)-1 do begin wprint = where( strpos(a,items(i)) ne 0, nprint) a = a(wprint) endfor openw,lu,/get,file printf,lu, a, form='(a)' free_lun,lu end