function make_str, ustr_string, str_name=str_name, noexe=noexe, nodel=nodel ; ;+ ; NAME: ; MAKE_STR ; ; PURPOSE: ; Control dynamic structure building - avoids collision of ; names which might result if different modules used the same ; structure names and had different numbber/types of tag fields ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; user_value= MAKE_STR(ustr_string [,str_name=str_name, /NOEXEC] ; ; INPUTS: ; USTR_STRING - string of form '{dummy,T1:intarr(10), T2:oL...}' ; ; OUTPUTS: ; return value = structure defined by USTR_STRING ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; STR_NAME - (Output) Structure name created ; NOEXEC - If set, a unique name is allocated but no structure ; is created - in this case, the return value is the ; allocated name (string variable), not the structure ; ; COMMON BLOCKS; ; MAKE_STR_PRIVATE - used to generate unique names (via counter) ; MAKE_STR_BLK - track previously created structures ; MAKE_STR_BLK1 - flag to enable/disable structure exist checks ; ; FILE I/O: ; NONE ; ; METHOD ; uses a common block to store counter which is incremented on ; each call and incorporated into the structrure name. Uses the ; IDL EXECUTE statement to dynamically create the structure ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Version 1 - SLF, 3/5/91 Samuel Freeland ; Version 1.1 - SLF, 10/23/91 - added call to strstat to check for ; structure existance ; Version 2.0 - slf, 15-jan-93 - added 2nd common block to track ; defined structures ; slf, 18-jan-93 - add string compress ; slf, 1-feb-93 - kludge for strings large than 512 ; slf, 3-feb-93 add make_str_blk for ; slf, 7-feb-93 improved feb 1 upgrades ; slf, 26-mar-93 use systime + counter for str names ; slf, 15-jan-97 Version 5 (derivation of HOME) ;, 9-feb-1999. ; Fix path to work on Windows and Mac, too. ; Zarro (SM&A/GSFC) 25-May-99, added check for ; undefined HOME and/or write access ; Csillaghy (SSL/UCB) 8-Dec-1999, /QUIET keyword ; to str_checks. ; kim, 2-sep-2003. Instead of modifying path, cd to temp dir to ; compile the temporary routine. Needed for IDL 6.0 ; kim, 4-sep-2003. Changed /either to /is_function for older IDL ; ; ;- ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- common make_str_private,call_count ; private common common make_str_blk, str_names, str_strings ; private common common make_str_blk1, check_on ; may update ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(call_count) eq 0 then begin call_count=0L ; initialize commons str_names='' str_strings='' ENDIF ; ; 3-feb-1993 - slf, default is to disable checking if n_elements(check_on) eq 0 then str_checks,/off, /QUIET str_string=strtrim(ustr_string(0),2) ; make scaler slf, 10-Apr-92 str_string=strcompress(str_string,/remove) ; ; slf 15-jan-1993 ; ; compress it to save common ; chk_previous=where(str_strings eq str_string,excnt) sec10yr=315360000 if excnt eq 0 then begin ; make new structure repeat begin call_count=call_count+1 ; slf - change structure naming to :ms_xxxxxxxxxyyy str_name = 'ms_' + $ string(long(systime(2)) mod sec10yr, format='(i9.9)') + $ string(call_count mod 1000, format = '(i3.3)') exist=0 if check_on then $ exist=strstat(str_name) ; ,/quiet) ; use quiet to suppress endrep until (1-exist) or (1-check_on) ; form string for execute function comma = strpos(str_string,",") str_exe='arg={' + str_name + strmid(str_string,comma,strlen(str_string)) endif else begin str_name=str_names(chk_previous(0)) str_exe='arg={' + str_name + '}' endelse ; ; arg=str_name ; if not keyword_set(noexe) then begin ; skip struct create if noexethen b ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; slf 1/7-feb-1993 - execute statement workaround - write a new function ; definition file using the uniq name, compile and run it. if strlen(str_exe) ge 128 and excnt eq 0 then begin ; ------------ define file name and contents ----------------------- home=get_logenv('HOME') & delim=path_delimiter() ; all os parameters if strlowcase(!version.os) eq 'vms' then home='sys$login:'; vms parameters if not test_dir(home,/quiet) then home=get_temp_dir() temppro = concat_dir(home, str_name + '.pro') ; file/routine name outarr=str2arr(str_exe) ; split at tag delimiter noutarr=n_elements(outarr) outarr=[outarr(0:noutarr-2) + ', $ ', outarr(noutarr-1)] ; ; ------ write the function which will define the structure ------------ openw,lun,/get_lun,temppro printf,lun,'function ' + str_name + ', exe_str' printf,lun,outarr, format='(a)' printf,lun,'return, arg' printf,lun,'end' free_lun,lun ; close the function file ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ------ set up the path and execute the function --------------------- ;path_temp=!path ; save current path ;!path= home + delim + !path ; set path to see new file ;arg=call_function(str_name,strexe) ; call str definition func ;!path=path_temp ; restore original path ;kim - 2-sep-2003 changed the above to the below to handle new IDL path ; caching feature in IDL 6.0 cd, home, current=current_dir qsave = !quiet !quiet = 1 resolve_routine, str_name, /is_function arg=call_function(str_name,strexe) ; call str definition func !quiet = qsave cd, current_dir error=0 catch,error if error ne 0 then begin catch,/cancel if exist(current_dir) then cd,current_dir endif ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; now delete the file if appropriate (open/close with delete) openr,lun,/get_lun,temppro, delete=1-keyword_set(nodel) free_lun,lun ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe_status=1 ; signal success endif else begin ; else, do it the old way exe_status = execute(str_exe) ; (execute string) endelse if excnt eq 0 and exe_status then begin ; succesful creation, so str_names=[str_names,str_name] ; update common block str_strings=[str_strings,str_string] endif endif ; return, arg ; structure name if noexe, structure otherwise end