pro prstr, strarr, lun, file=file, hc=hc, nodelete=nodelete, print=print, $ close=close, compress=compress, nomore=nomore, landscape=landscape, $ quiet=quiet ;+ ; Name: prstr ; ; Pupose: print input string array as using format='(a)' to force one ; entry per line (other types use idl standard print defaults) ; ; Input Parameters: ; strarr - array to print (will be converted to string) ; lun - (optional - in/out) open unit for file ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; file - file name for output (default is via ; (if not defined, it is output from scratch) ; print - if set, print out the text ; hc - if set, print out the text (hc=hardcopy=synonym for print) ; file - string file name for write (default is via ; compress - if set, compress and remove nulls (useful for FITS header) ; nomore - if set, inhibit 'more-like' behavior (print everything) ; landscape - keyword passed to sprint (via scratch) ; quiet - if set, dont print error messages (file not openable...) ; ; Calling Sequence: ; prstr,strarry [,/nomore] ; print string array to terminal ; prstr,strarry,/print ; scratch file->lpr, delete scratch ; prstr,strarry,lun ; print strarray to scratch file ; ; (open file if lun is undefined) ; prstr,strarry,lun,file=fname ; user supplies file ; prstr,strarry,lun,/print ; same, close, print, delete ; prstr,strarry,lun,/landscape ; same, in landscape ; prstr,strarry,lun,/print,/nodel ; dont delete scrat ; ; History: ; slf, circa June 1992 ; slf, 18-jan-1993 - added file and hc keywords ; slf, 5-mar-1993 - use for temp files ; slf, 2-jun-1993 - add close keyword ; mdm, 3-Jun-1993 - Closed the file when LUN is not used in the call ; slf, 29-jul-1993 - added compress keyword and function ; slf, 12-aug-1993 - added 'more' logic to terminal print, input chk ; added nomore keyord ; slf, 18-apr-1994 - call for tty output ; slf, 20-feb-1996 - update for SSW use (ssw_nomore for batch jobs) ; slf, 7-oct-1997 - add LANDSCAPE switch ;- nlines=n_elements(strarr) sizearr=size(strarr) if nlines eq 0 then begin message,/info,'No input, returning... return endif prarr = strarr ; handle parameter/keyword combinations printnow=keyword_set(print) or keyword_set(hc) or keyword_set(landscape) ; if lun was passed in defined, see if it is a unit open for write lundef=0 if n_elements(lun) eq 1 then begin fstatus=fstat(lun) lundef=(lundef or fstatus.write) endif ; do we delete file on exit? nodelete=keyword_set(nodelete) or (lundef and 1-printnow) ; decide when to open file (I know this looks convoluted (it is), but this ; allows appending to open or closed files) opennow=printnow and (1-lundef) or (keyword_set(file) and 1-lundef) or $ (n_params() eq 2 and 1-lundef) new=keyword_set(file) or n_elements(lun) eq 0 ; now open scratch file if appropriate if opennow then begin scratch, lun, /open, file=file, names=names, status=status if not status(0) then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then $ prstr,strjustify('Could not open file: ' + file(0),/box) return ; *** unstuctured exit added after the fact *** endif endif if n_elements(lun) eq 0 then lun=-1 ; default to terminal if keyword_set(compress) then begin prarr=strtrim(strcompress(prarr),2) nonnull=where(prarr ne '', nncount) if nncount gt 0 then prarr=prarr(nonnull) endif nlines=n_elements(prarr) ; redefine pagesize=24 ; lines/page more = 1-keyword_set(nomore) and getenv('ys_nomore') eq '' and getenv('ssw_nomore') eq '' case sizearr(n_elements(sizearr) -2) of 7: begin if lun ne -1 or (1-more) then $ printf,lun,prarr,format='(a)' else more,prarr endcase else: printf,lun,prarr ; pass non strings to printf endcase ;close=keyword_set(close) close=keyword_set(close) or (n_params() eq 1) ;MDM added 3-Jun-93 case 1 of printnow: scratch, lun, /print, nodelete=nodelete, file=file, names=names, $ landscape=keyword_set(landscape) close and lun ne -1: free_lun,lun else: endcase if n_elements(file) eq 0 and n_elements(names) ne 0 then file=names ; output return end