function ssw_sec_aktxt2struct, aktxt_files, station=station, $ expand_3hour=expand_3hour, debug=debug ;+ ; Name: ssw_sec_aktxt2struct ; ; Purpose: convert one or more NOAA/SEC A/K index text files->ssw structures ; ; Input Parameters: ; aktxt_files - local nfs filenames or urls on SEC server ; ; Output: ; function returns ssw/utplot compliant strucutures ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; expand_3hour - if set, expand return structures to 3 hour K-ind cadence ; station - optional station - default=Boulder ; ; NOTE: - generally invoked from a wrapper routine which will map ; from user times to the implied file list - but help yourself to ; this lower level routine as desired. ; ; Calling Examples: ; ==================== EX #1 ================================= ; IDL> kind=ssw_sec_aktxt2struct('7day_AK.txt') ; last 7 day SEC file ; ============================================================ ; IDL> help,kind & help,kind,/str ;IDL> help,kind & help,kind,/str ;KIND STRUCT = -> Array[7] << default=1-per-day ;** Structure <24fdb8>, 8 tags, length=96, data length=90, refs=4: ; MJD LONG 53431 ; TIME LONG 0 ; STATION STRING 'Boulder' <<<< default station ; LAT STRING 'N49' ; LON STRING 'W42' ; A INT 12 ; ESTAP INT Array[8] <<< 8 samples per record (3hour) ; K INT Array[8] <<< Ditto ; ; ================ EX #2 (override STATION and cadence defaults) ====== ; IDL> kind=ssw_sec_aktxt2struct('7day_AK.txt', station='Fredericksburg',$ ; /expand_3hour) ; ==================================================================== ; IDL> help,kind & help,kind,/str ;KIND STRUCT = -> Array[56] <<< 3 hour samples ;** Structure <250208>, 8 tags, length=64, data length=62, refs=2: ; MJD LONG 53431 ; TIME LONG 0 ; STATION STRING 'Fredericksburg' <<< Not Boulder... ; LAT STRING 'N38' ; LON STRING 'W78' ; A INT 8 ; ESTAP INT 3 <<< now "flattened" ; K INT 2 <<< Ditto, 1 sample per 3 hour rec ; ; ; History: ; 8-mar-2005 - S.L.Freeland ; 15-mar-2005 - S.L.Freeland - moved time tags forward by 1.5 hours (center of 3 hour sample, I think..) ; ; Restrictions: ; If NOAA/SEC files are not local/nfs, data is read from ; SEC server via socket - therefore, IDL V. >= 5.4 required ;- common ssw_sec_aktxt2struct_blk,strtemp,strtemp_exp debug=keyword_set(debug) if not data_chk(aktxt_files,/strin) then begin box_message,'Need at least one input file name or url' return,-1 endif chkloc=file_exist(aktxt_files) locss=where(chkloc,lcnt) sectop='' htext='' ; init - will contain contanated contents of all files/urls case 1 of lcnt eq n_elements(aktxt_files): htext=rd_tfiles(aktxt_files(locss)) strpos(aktxt_files(0),sectop) eq 0: begin ; urls for i=0,n_elements(aktxt_files)-1 do begin sock_list,aktxt_files(i),ht htext=[temporary(htext),ht] endfor endcase strpos(aktxt_files(0),'/') eq -1: begin securls=sectop+aktxt_files for i=0,n_elements(securls)-1 do begin sock_list,securls(i),ht htext=[temporary(htext),ht] endfor endcase else: begin box_message,'Don"t understand input - try NFS files or SEC URLS...' return,-1 endcase endcase if n_elements(htext) eq 0 then begin box_message,'Problem with file read or remote url access, returning...' return,-1 endif if not data_chk(strtemp,/struct) then begin strtemp={mjd:0l,time:0l,station:'',lat:'',lon:'',A:0, $ estAP:intarr(8), K:intarr(8)} strtemp_exp={mjd:0l,time:0l,station:'',lat:'',lon:'',A:0, $ estAP:0, K:0} endif htext=htext(1:*) ssdates=where(is_number(htext),dcnt) if dcnt eq 0 then begin box_message,'Problem determing data-dates, returning... return,-1 endif dcols=str2cols(strtrim(htext(ssdates),2),/unal) strtab2vect,dcols,yy,mm,dd ddates=anytim(dd+'-'+mm+'-'+yy,/utc_int) retval=replicate(strtemp,dcnt) retval.time=ddates.time retval.mjd=ddates.mjd if not data_chk(station,/string) then station='Boulder' ssstat=where(strpos(strlowcase(htext),strlowcase(station)) ne -1,stacnt) if stacnt ne dcnt then begin box_message,'Mismatch between dates and station entries for: ' + station(0) return,-1 endif retval.station=station(0) statab=str2cols(htext(ssstat),ncols=6,/trim) strtab2vect,statab,sta,lat,lon0,lon1,aind,ktab retval.lon=lon0+lon1 retval.a=fix(aind) retval.k=fix(str2cols(ktab)) ssap=where(strpos(htext,'Planetary') eq 0,apcnt) if apcnt gt 0 then begin apcols=str2cols(htext(ssap),/un) aptab=apcols(data_chk(apcols,/nx)-8:*,*) retval.estap=fix(aptab) endif else begin box_messges,'No estimated AP found, setting to -1...' retval.estap=-1 endelse if keyword_set(expand_3hour) then begin ; one samp per 3 hours nsamp=dcnt*8 tempret=replicate(strtemp_exp,nsamp) tempret.station=retval(0).station tempret.lon=retval(0).lon tempret.a=rebin(retval.a,nsamp,/samp) tim0=anytim(anytim(retval(0)) + (90.*60.),/ecs) tgrid=timegrid(tim0,nsamp=nsamp,hours=3,out='utc_int') tempret.time=tgrid.time tempret.mjd=tgrid.mjd tempret.estap=reform(retval.estap,nsamp) tempret.k=reform(retval.k,nsamp) ssok=where(tempret.k ne -1,okcnt) if okcnt gt 0 then tempret=tempret(ssok) else tempret=-1 delvarx,retval retval=temporary(tempret) endif if debug then stop return,retval end