function ssw_gxd_remove_flares, datain, flaress=flaress, $ remove=remove, fill_data=fill_data, $ pad_minutes=pad_minutes, above_class=above_class ;+ ; Name: ssw_gxd_remove_flares ; ; Purpose: ID,fill, or remove GOES events times from input dbase ; ; Input Parameters: ; datain - input time structures (from rd_gxd only, for today at least) ; (actually the ID/remove should be dbase independent...) ; ; Output Parameters: ; function returns time series data with GEV (flare) times filled/remove ; ; Optional Keyword Parameters: ; above_classs - optionall lower limit on GOES class (via ; remove - if set, remove flare times from input ; fill_data - If defined, fill (don't remove) times using this Value ; (only works if input is GXD data) ; pad_minutes - optional window around flare times to remove in minutes ; [may be scalar [+/-n mins] or 2 element [-n,+m mins] ; (relative per [GEV START-n, GEV STOP +m] ) ; ; flaress - (output) boolean n_elemets(datain) - "in progress" ; ; History: ; 5-May-2003 - S.L.Freeland ; ; Method: ; Read GEV (goes event dbase) for events within input data time ; and remove/fill those portions of timeseries data ; ; Calls: ; time_window, rd_gev, decode_gev and SSW-gen stuff ; ; Cut&Paste check: ; IDL> t0='1-mar-1998' & t1='1-apr-1998' & delvarx,xx ; times ; ; IDL> wdef,xx,1024,512,/ur ; make a window ; IDL> linecolors ; fancy colors ; IDL> plot_goes,t0,t1,back=11,color=7 ; plot goes ; IDL> rd_gxd,t0,t1,/one,/goes8,gxd ; read the gxd ; IDL> noffgxd=ssw_gxd_remove_flares(gxd,pad_min=[-5,60]) ; IDL> outplot,noffgxd,noffgxd.lo,color=2,psym=3 ; ; Restrictions: ; Of course, only as good as the GEV data base ; (maybe I can use this to ID/patch missing GEV events... tbd) ; Removal sensitive to definition of 'FLARE Stop Time' as ; implemented by SEC/NOAA - for long baslines, you may want ; to use large numbers for PAD_MIN=[-n,+m] ; ;- okin=required_tags(datain,'time,day') or $ required_tags(datain,'time,mjd') or $ required_tags(datain,'DATE_OBS') if not okin then begin box_message,'Need vector of SSW-ready time structures, returning...' return,-1 endif case n_elements(pad_minutes) of 0: pad_minutes=[0,0] 1: pad_minutes=replicate(pad_minutes,2) else: pad_minutes=pad_minutes(0:1) endcase padsec=abs(pad_minutes)*60. flaress=lonarr(n_elements(datain)) ; boolean flare? time_window,datain,time0,time1,minutes=[100] rd_gev,time0,time1,gev ; read GXD database around input times decode_gev,gev,fstart,fstop,fpeak,out='tai',above=above_class intimes=anytim(datain,/tai) nevts=n_elements(fstart) box_message,'Found ' + strtrim(nevts,2) + ' events within time range' for i=0,nevts-1 do begin ; fill boolean flaress=flaress or (intimes ge (fstart(i) - padsec(0)) $ and intimes le (fstop(i) + padsec(1)) ) endfor ; define return data ffss=where(flaress,ffcnt) noflare=where(1-flaress,nfcnt) retval=-1 case 1 of keyword_set(fill_data): begin retval=datain if ffcnt gt 0 then begin if required_tags(retval,'lo,hi') then begin retval(noflare).lo=fill_data retval(noflare).hi=fill_data endif else box_message,'Only GXD records may be FILLED..' endif endcase else: $ if nfcnt gt 0 then retval=datain(noflare) else $ box_message,'Nothing left after removing flares!' endcase return,retval end