function ssw_flare_locator, index, datax, oindex,odata , $ limb_pad=limb_pad, smooth_width=smooth_width, nosmooth=nosmooth , $ dark_flare=dark_flare, helio=helio, flare_helio=flare_helio, ldata=ldata, $ despikes=despikes, nospikes=nospikes, nofill=nofill,xyp=xyp, $ reg_minutes=reg_minutes ; ;+ ; ssw_flare_locator ; ; Purpose: locate flares from input data (3D or 2D) ; ; Input Paramters: ; index,data - ssw compliant 'index,data'; usually ; one "before" and another during or shortly after peak ; Output: ; function returns xcen/ycen of flare ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; limb_pad - size of above limb region to consider ( -> ) ; smooth_width - width of box in boxcar smooth ; nosmooth - switch, if set, don't apply the smoothing algorithm ; dark_flare - if set, look for dark, not bright "flare" (dimming?) ; helio - if set, function return heliographic (arcmin2hel convention) ; ldata - (output) - data array used in the location ; flare_helio (output) - flare coordinates in heliographic ; nofill - if set, dont fill missing pixels from neighbors ; (default is to fill via ssw_fill_cube which results in zeroing out the ; missing pixels in the differenence image, probably a reasonable thing) ; nospikes/despikes (input, synonyms) - if set, despike both images prior to ; applying flare algorithm (suggested if not done prior to call) ; Current algorithm is via ssw/gen (/FLARE set) ; reg_minutes - if set, number of minutes seperation when image ; registration w/differential rotation will kick in ; (default is no registration) ; History: ; Circa Jan 1 2002 - written ; ; 16-Mar-2004 - allow one image (make it look like 2) ; protect against 2 image input of identical images ; 12-may-2005 - add REG_MINUTES keyword and function ;- ; ;- if n_elements(smooth_width) eq 0 then smooth_width=5 if keyword_set(nosmooth) then smooth_width=0 dark_flare=keyword_set(dark_flare) despikes=keyword_set(despikes) or keyword_set(nospikes) nofill=keyword_set(nofill) if data_chk(datax,/nimage) eq 1 then begin data=rebin(datax,data_chk(datax,/nx),data_chk(datax,/ny),2, $ type=data_chk(datax,/type)) data(*,*,0)=0 nofill=1 endif else begin if data_chk(datax,/nimage) eq 2 then begin data=datax ss=where(data(*,*,0) ne data(*,*,1),dcnt) if dcnt eq 0 then begin box_message,'Two identical images input! - zeroing first' data(*,*,0)=0 nofill=1 endif endif endelse if keyword_set(reg_minutes) then begin if max(abs(ssw_deltat(index,/min))) ge reg_minutes then begin box_message,'Applying registration/derotation ssw_register,index,data,oindex,odata,/derotate,$ ref_index=n_elements(index)-1 index=temporary(oindex) data=temporary(odata) endif else box_message,'Close enough dT; not registering' endif case data_chk(data,/nimages) of 0: begin box_message,"need at least one image..." return,-1 endcase 1: begin box_message,'single not yet supported endcase 2: begin box_message,'2 image case' if despikes then $ for i=0,1 do data(0,0,i)=nospike(data(*,*,i),/flare) nofill=nofill or max(data(*,*,0)) lt 1 if not keyword_set(nofill) then begin ssm=where(data le 0,mcnt) if mcnt gt 0 then begin data(ssm)=0 ssw_fill_cube,data endif endif difference_movie,index,data,oindex,odata ldata=bytscl(smooth(odata,smooth_width)) * $ solar_mask(oindex,odata,pad=limb_pad) if dark_flare then begin ss0=where(ldata eq 0,sscnt) if sscnt gt 0 then ldata(ss0)=max(ldata) endif ss=where(ldata eq call_function((['max','min'])(dark_flare),ldata)) xyp=coord_l2v(ss,size(ldata)) oindex=struct2ssw(oindex) flrx=comp_fits_crval(oindex.xcen,oindex.cdelt1,oindex.naxis1,xyp(0)) flry=comp_fits_crval(oindex.ycen,oindex.cdelt2,oindex.naxis2,xyp(1)) help,flrx,flry endcase else: begin box_message,'more than 2 image case... endcase endcase retval=-1 if n_elements(flrx) gt 0 then begin retval=[flrx,flry] flare_helio=arcmin2hel(flrx/60.,flry/60.,$ date=anytim(oindex.date_obs,/utc_int),$ soho=strupcase(gt_tagval(oindex,/TELESCOP)) eq 'SOHO') chkfin=where(1-finite(flare_helio),icnt) if icnt gt 0 then $ flare_helio=reverse(conv_a2h([flrx,flry],anytim(oindex.date_obs,/int))) if keyword_set(helio) then retval=flare_helio endif return,retval end