function rd_atodat,infil ;+ ; NAME: ; rd_atodat ; PURPOSE: ; Read the atomic data files: ssec3.dat, casec3.dat, fesec3.dat, f26sec.dat ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ato_data = rd_atodat( infil ) ; ; INPUTS: ; infil = Input file name ; OUTPUTS: ; Returned parameter (ato_data) is a structure containing the data ; read from the file. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 11-oct-93, Written, J. R. Lemen ; 9-mar-94, JRL, Read density data from the end of data file ; 11-mar-94, JRL, Read letter identifier in D.R. list. This is ; to identify the q, k and j lines. ; 6-oct-94, JRL, Added code to flag the statistical weight of the D.R. lines ;- on_error,2 ; Does the file exist? if not file_exist(infil) then message,'Data file does not exist = '+infil message,'Reading atomic data file = '+infil,/cont,/info ; Initialize and read the file: Stage = 0 ; Initialize the stage which we are reading in the file offset = 0. ; Wavelength offset for dielectronic recomb. lines dd = {sec3_dr, n:0, wave:0., f2s:0., gs: 0, group:0, line:''} ; Diel. Recomb. Structure buff = rd_tfile(infil,nocomm=';') ; Strip out the comments buff = buff(where(strlen(strcompress(buff,/remove)) gt 0)) ; Eliminate blank lines ; First Non Comment Line is the Version version = strtrim(buff(0),2) ; Strip off blanks ; --- 2nd Line is Atomic Number and Number of Electrons Enum = 0 & Znum = 0 ; Number of electrons and Z reads,buff(1),Znum,Enum ; --- 3rd Line are # of Collisional lines, # of radiative recomb. lines, # of branch ratios N_omega = 0 & N_radrecomb = 0 & N_branch = 0 reads,buff(2),N_omega,N_radrecomb,N_branch if n_branch eq 0 then branch = -1 ; No branching ratios present in file if n_radrecomb eq 0 then radrecomb = -1 ; No radiative line data read ; --- 4th Line are the wavelengthsfor w,x,y,z,q,r,s,t,u,v wave0 = fltarr(n_omega) reads,buff(3),wave0 & ii = 3 ; --- 5th line might be branching ratios if n_branch gt 0 then begin branch = fltarr(N_branch) ii = ii + 1 & reads,buff(ii),branch endif ; --- Get Number of Temperatures and the Temperature Vector N_Temp = 0 ii = ii + 1 & reads,Buff(ii),N_Temp Temp = fltarr(N_Temp) ii = ii + 1 & reads,buff(ii),Temp ; --- Read the Omega factors omega = fltarr(N_temp,N_omega) for i=0,N_omega-1 do begin ii = ii + 1 & aa = fltarr(N_Temp) & reads,buff(ii),aa omega(0,i) = aa endfor ; --- Read the Radiative Recombination Factors if n_radrecomb gt 0 then begin radrecomb = fltarr(N_temp,N_radrecomb) for i=0,N_radrecomb-1 do begin ii = ii + 1 & aa = fltarr(N_Temp) & reads,buff(ii),aa radrecomb(0,i) = aa endfor endif ; --- Read Es for N=2 dielectronic satellites Es = 0. & ii = ii + 1 & reads,buff(ii),Es ; --- Read the Lithium-Like, Be-like, B-like Dielectronic Satellites gs = 1 ; Assume the statistical weight of ground state = 1 i = ii + 1 qdens = 0 ; 0 until DENS= is detected while((i lt n_elements(buff)) and not qdens) do begin if strpos(strlowcase(buff(i)),'offset') ne -1 then begin reads,strmid(buff(i),strpos(buff(i),'=')+1,strlen(buff(i))),offset endif else if strpos(strlowcase(buff(i)),'dens=') ne -1 then begin qdens = 1 ; The file contains density information message,'File contains density information',/info endif else begin nn = 0 & wwave = 0. & f2s = 0. & group = 0 zz = str2arr(strtrim(strcompress(buff(i)),2),' ') if n_elements(zz) ge 5 then zz = zz(4) else zz = '' reads,buff(i),nn,wwave,f2s,group if wwave gt 0. then begin dd.n = nn & dd.wave = wwave + offset ; Add current offset dd.f2s = f2s & = group & dd.line = zz & = gs if n_elements(dr_str) eq 0 then dr_str = dd else dr_str = [dr_str,dd] endif else if gs eq 1 then gs = 2 else gs = 1 ; Toggle between gs = 1 and gs = 2 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; The previous line of code is necessary, because the atomic data files do not ; record the statistical weights of the ground states. ; This routine assumes that gs=1 until a case with wave=0 is encountered. ; Then it assumes that the following lines have gs=2 until another wave=0 is ; encountered, in which case gs=1 is again assumed (eg. Fe XXIV, XXIII, XXIII). ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . endelse if not qdens then i = i + 1 endwhile ; --- Read the Density dependent information if it exists if qdens then begin Label = strarr(3) Count = intarr(3) ; Expect 3 density ratios: x/w, y/w, z/w for j=0,2 do begin Label(j) = (str2arr(buff(i),'"'))(1) i = i + 1 TT = float(str2arr(strtrim(strcompress(buff(i)),2)," ")) if j eq 0 then Temp_ne = TT else begin if (min(TT-Temp_ne) ne 0) or (max(TT-Temp_ne) ne 0) then begin message,'Temperature Vector must be the same for each line ratio',/cont qdens = 0 tbeep,5 print,'Compare:',string(TT,format='(f5.2)') print,'with: ',string(Temp_ne,format='(f5.2)') message,'No atomic density line ratios read from file',/cont endif endelse ; j eq 0 i = i + 1 qdens1 = 0 while((i lt n_elements(buff)) and not qdens1) do begin if strpos(strlowcase(buff(i)),'dens=') ne -1 then begin qdens1 = 1 ; Found the next density case endif else begin count(j) = count(j) + 1 bb = float(str2arr(strtrim(strcompress(buff(i)),2)," ")) if n_elements(mmm) eq 0 then mmm = bb else mmm = [[mmm],[bb]] endelse if not qdens1 then i = i + 1 endwhile endfor ; j=0,2 if (count(0) ne count(1)) or (count(0) ne count(2)) then begin message,'Number of density values does not match for x, y, or z',/cont print,' Numbers = ',count tbeep,5 message,'No atomic density line ratios read from file',/cont qdens = 0 endif else begin NTemp = n_elements(mmm(*,0,0))-1 Ndens = count(0) mmm = reform(mmm,NTemp+1,Ndens,3) dens = (mmm(0,*,0))(0:*) if (min(dens-mmm(0,*,1)) ne 0) or (max(dens-mmm(0,*,1)) ne 0) or $ (min(dens-mmm(0,*,2)) ne 0) or (max(dens-mmm(0,*,2)) ne 0) then begin message,'Density Values must match exactly',/cont tbeep,5 message,'No atomic density line ratios read from file',/cont qdens = 0 endif else begin xyz2w = mmm(1:*,*,*) endelse endelse endif ; One last check -- look at the labels. Expect the order of ; the data in the file to be x/w, y/w, z/w if qdens then begin lll = ['x','y','z'] for j=0,2 do begin if strpos(strlowcase(label(j)),lll(j)) eq -1 then begin tbeep,5 message,'There may be a problem with order of density data',/cont print,' Label for line '+strtrim(j,2)+' (0,1,2) = '+label(j) print,' I expected something with '+lll(j) print,' Will return densities -- but please check' endif endfor endif ; Now combine the data into the return structure variable: ; Use an anonymous struture name: str_string = '{ File:infil, ' + $ ; Data file name 'Head:version, ' + $ ; Version of the calculation 'Cal: 0, ' + $ ; Calculation (set by get_atodat) 'Znum:Znum, ' + $ ; Atomic Number 'Enum:Enum, ' + $ ; Number of Electrons 'Wave0:Wave0, ' + $ ; Wavelengths of w,x,y,z,q,r,s,t,u,v 'branch:branch,' + $ ; Branching ratios 'Temp:Temp, ' + $ ; Temperatures of Omega's 'Omega:Omega,' + $ ; Omega's 'radrecomb:radrecomb, ' + $ ; Radiative Recomb. 'Es:Es, ' + $ ; 'dr:dr_str' if qdens then str_string = str_string+','+ $ 'Density:Dens,' + $ ; Log10(Density) 'Temp_ne:Temp_ne,' + $ ; Log10(Temp for Density case) 'xyz2w:xyz2w' ; x/w, y/w, z/w str_string = str_string + '}' ii = execute('ato_data = '+str_string) return,ato_data end