function track_h2a, times0, helio0, date_helio0, qstop=qstop ;+ ;NAME: ; track_h2a ;PURPOSE: ; Given a heliocentric coordinate and a set of dates, track the ; angular position on the sun as it moves with differential rotation. ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ang = track_h2a(times, helio, date_helio) ;INPUTS: ; times - An array of times in any of the 3 standard formats ; helio - The heliocentric coordinates in a 2 element array ; (0) = longitude (degrees) W positive ; (1) = latitude (degrees) N positive ; They can also be strings in the form 'N30W23'. ; date_helio - The date for the heliocentric coordinates ;OUTPUTS: ; ang - Returns the angle as seen from the earth ; (0,*) = angle in E/W direction (arcseconds) W positive ; (1,*) = angle in N/S direction (arcseconds) N positive ;HISTORY: ; Written 20-Jun-93 by M.Morrison using Metcalf ALIGN_AR as starting point ;- ; times = anytim2ints(times0) date_helio = anytim2ints(date_helio0) siz = size(helio0) typ = siz( siz(0)+1 ) if (typ eq 7) then helio = conv_hs2h(helio0) else helio = helio0 ; n = n_elements(times) out = fltarr(2,n) ; dday = int2secarr(times, date_helio)/86400. ;days past the reference date/time for i=0,n-1 do begin lat = helio(1) lon = helio(0) + diff_rot(dday(i), lat) helio00 = [lon, lat] out(*,i) = conv_h2a(helio00, times(i)) end ; if (keyword_set(qstop)) then stop return, out end