FUNCTION map_carrington, image, xycen, date, ps, xyref, PHIK=phik ;+ ;NAME: ; MAP_CARRINGTON.PRO ;PURPOSE: ; Project a solar image onto an area preserving longitude,SIN(latitude) ; cylindrical map. The projection is referred to as a Lambert ; projection in geographic literature and as a Carrington projection ; in heliographic work. Meridians and latitude lines are perpendicular ; the output image. ; Preserves pixel scale so it returns an image that may be ; substantially larger than the input image if the input image ; is near the limb. ; Assumes the Sun is a sphere and that image is oriented solar-north ; (P angle = 0). ;CATEGORY: mapping ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; image = map_carrington(image,xycen,date,ps) ; ;INPUTS: ; IMAGE = image to be mapped onto a cylindrical projection ; XYCEN = FLTARR(2): E/W & N/S arcsecond angle of image center from Solar disk ; center. W and N are positive. ; DATE = date of image in any of the accepted CDS date forms ; PS = platescale: arcseconds/pixel image scale. ; XYREF = LONARR[2], coordinates of a reference point in the original ; image. If provided, the point is returned as the coordinates ; in the remapped image. Useful for keeping track of a ; sunspot, etc. ; ;OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; PHIK = latitude of unity linear scale in cylindrical equal area ; projection, in degrees. See "Map Projections" by Bugayevskiy and ; Snyder, Ch. 2. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; Warped image using cubic interpolation in POLY_2D. Note that the ; platescale of the warped image is the same as the input image. This ; means that the warped image may be substantially larger in format ; than the original, especially for near-limb images. ; ;COMMON BLOCKS: ;SIDE EFFECTS: ;RESTRICTIONS: ; Assumes image is oriented with Solar North UP. ; Does not remap any pixels that are off the limb of the ; Sun for the date given. ;PROCEDURE: ;EXAMPLE: ; for TRACE images: ; IDL> read_trace,filename,-1,index,image ; IDL> traceplate = 0.4993 ;arcsec per pixel ; IDL> warp_image = ; map_carrington(image,[index.xcen,index,ycen],,traceplate) ; ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Tom Berger, LMSAL, 8.13.02 ; Added reference point capability, TEB 8.16.02 ;- ;Constants: arcsec2rad = !DTOR/3600 sz = SIZE(image) xs = sz[1] ys = sz[2] ;paramaters and keywords: IF N_ELEMENTS(xyref) GT 0 THEN BEGIN xref = xyref[0] yref = xyref[1] refpoint = 1 END ELSE refpoint = 0 IF KEYWORD_SET(phik) THEN phi = phik*!DTOR ELSE phi = 0. ;Get solar parameters for date of observation: rbp = GET_RB0P(date) srad = DOUBLE(rbp[0]) ;solar radius in arcseconds b0 = DOUBLE(rbp[1]*!DTOR) ;B0 angle in radians p = 0 ;NOTE! Assumes solar north is up in image! P angle = 0. ;arcsec from DiskCenter (DC) arrays: x = (LINDGEN(xs, ys) MOD xs) - xs/2 x = xycen[0] + ps*x y = (LINDGEN(xs, ys)/xs) - ys/2 y = xycen[1] + ps*y ;rho1 and rho angles in SMART, "Spherical Astronomy", sec. 103 rho1 = SQRT(x^2 + y^2) offlimb = WHERE(rho1 GT srad, noff) IF noff GT 0 THEN rho1[offlimb] = -1e7 rho = ASIN((rho1/srad) > (-1)) - rho1*arcsec2rad ;error in not using SIN(rho1)/SIN(srad) ~3.5x10-6 near the limb. IF noff GT 0 THEN rho[offlimb] = -1 theta = ATAN(DOUBLE(x),y) ;Smart, equation 43, sec. 103 slat = SIN(b0)*COS(rho) + COS(b0)*SIN(rho)*COS(theta) bad = WHERE(slat GT 1.0d0,nb) if nb GT 0 then slat[bad] = 1.0d0 bad = WHERE(slat LT -1.0d0,nb) if nb GT 0 then slat[bad] = -1.0d0 lat = ASIN(slat) ;eqn. 44 slon = SIN(rho)*SIN(theta)/COS(lat) ;sign of theta makes longitude decrease ; to -90 east of DC. b = WHERE(slon GT 1.0d0, nb) IF nb GT 0 THEN slon[bad] = 1.0d0 bad = WHERE(slon LT -1.0d0, nb) IF nb GT 0 THEN slon[bad] = -1.d0 lon = ASIN(slon) ;This really screws thing up: ;IF noff GT 0 THEN BEGIN ; lon[offlimb] = -2*!pi ; lat[offlimb] = -2*!pi ;END ;Cylindrical projection: ;new x-values based on longitude, image pixel units: ;limit the projection to useful range: lon = lon > (-80*!DTOR) < 80*!DTOR lat = lat > (-80*!DTOR) < 80*!DTOR xn = srad*lon*COS(phi)/ps yn = srad*SIN(lat)/COS(phi)/ps xn = FIX(xn - MIN(xn)) yn = FIX(yn - MIN(yn)) ;Map all off-limb points to (0,0) to guard against runaway warping: IF noff GT 0 THEN BEGIN xn[offlimb] = 0 yn[offlimb] = 0 END ;Final range of values: xr = MAX(xn) - MIN(xn) + 1 yr = MAX(yn) - MIN(yn) + 1 ;Get the DC and reference points in the new image: xcen = xn[xs/2, ys/2] ycen = yn[xs/2, ys/2] xycen[0] = xycen[0] + (xcen - xr/2)*ps xycen[1] = xycen[1] + (ycen - yr/2)*ps IF refpoint THEN BEGIN xyref[0] = xn[xref, yref] xyref[1] = yn[xref, yref] END ;Get the polynomial warping arrays: ;redo the coordinate arrays in image pixel coordinates: x = (LINDGEN(xs, ys) MOD xs) y = (LINDGEN(xs, ys)/xs) ;ni x ni subsampling of the arrays to speed things up: ni = 100. ngx = xs/ni ngy = ys/ni gx = ROUND( (FINDGEN(ni)*ngx + ngx/2)#(INTARR(ni)+1) ) gy = ROUND( (INTARR(ni)+1)#(FINDGEN(ni)*ngy + ngy/2) ) sam = REFORM(gy*xs + gx, ni*ni) POLYWARP, x[sam], y[sam], xn[sam], yn[sam], 3, p, q ;POLYWARP, x, y, xn, yn, 3, p, q RETURN, POLY_2d(image, p, q, 2, xr, yr, CUBIC=-0.5) END