function get_rb0p, item, radius=radius, b0angle=b0angle, pangle=pangle, $ pb0r=pb0r, deg=deg ;+ ;NAME: ; get_rb0p ;PURPOSE: ; Determine the solar radius, b0 angle, and p angle for a set of times ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rb0p = get_rb0p(time) ; r = get_rb0p(index, /radius) ; b0angle = get_rb0p(roadmap, /b0angle, /deg) ; pangle = get_rb0p('1-jun-93', /pangle) ;INPUT: ; item - A structure or scalar. It can be an array. ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; radius - If set, just return the radius ; b0angle - If set, just return the b0 angle ; pangle - If set, just return the p angle ; pb0r - If set, return a 3xN array of [p, b0, r] ; This option is available so that the old routine PB0R can ; be replaced. ; deg - If set, then return angles in degrees (default is radians) ;OUTPUT: ; rb0p - Returns a 3xN vector containing the following parameters ; when /RADIUS, /B0ANGLE, or /PANGLE are not set: ; P = Position angle of the northern extremity of the axis ; of the sun's rotation, measured eastward from the ; geographic north point of the solar disk. ; B0 = Heliographic latitude of the central point of the ; solar disk ; R = Solar radius measured outside earth's atmosphere in ; arcseconds ;HISTORY: ; Written 22-Nov-91 by G. Slater using Morrison style parameters ; 18-Jul-93 (MDM) - Added /RADIUS, /B0ANGLE, and /PANGLE ; - Deleted "header" option (was not implemented) ; - Changed the time conversion code somewhat ; - Added /PB0R option ; 18-Jan-94 (GLS) - Made GET_RB0P front end to GET_SUN, which ; calculates a variety of solar ephemeris data, ; and was derived from SUN, a Johns Hopkins U. ; routine ; 15-Feb-94 (GLS) - Checked for 1 element OUT ;- if (n_params(0) eq 0) then $ return,'function get_rb0p, item, rad=rad,b0=b0, p=p, pb0r=pb0r' daytim = anytim2ints(item) decd79 = double( + double(daytim.time)/8.64e7 sun_data = get_sun(item) if (keyword_set(deg) eq 0) then begin sun_data(11,*) = sun_data(11,*)/!radeg sun_data(12,*) = sun_data(12,*)/!radeg endif if (keyword_set(radius)) then out = reform(sun_data(1,*)) if (keyword_set(b0angle)) then out = reform(sun_data(11,*)) if (keyword_set(pangle)) then out = reform(sun_data(12,*)) if (keyword_set(pb0r)) then $ out = transpose([[reform(sun_data(12,*))],[reform(sun_data(11,*))], $ [reform(sun_data(1,*))]]) if (n_elements(out) eq 0) then $ out = transpose([[reform(sun_data(1,*))],[reform(sun_data(11,*))], $ [reform(sun_data(12,*))]]) if n_elements(out) eq 1 then out = out(0) return, out end