function mk_mdi_map_earth,mindex,mdata,degree=degreein,verbose=verbose, $ use_warp_tri=use_warp_tri,_extra=_extra ;+ ;NAME: ; MK_MDI_MAP_EARTH ;PURPOSE: ; Make an MDI map structure with the image as it would have ; been seen from the Earth perspective. The pointing is ; updated and the image is warped to the Earth view. ;CATEGORY: ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mdi_map = mk_mdi_map_earth(mdi_index,mdi_data) ;INPUTS: ; mdi_index = MDI index structure(s) ; mdi_data = MDI image(s) ;OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /use_warp_tri = Use warp_tri instead of polywarp to do the ; image warping. This is much more robust, ; particularly near the limb, but also much ; slower. The default is to use polywarp since ; it is faster. ; /quintic,/extrapolate = Passed to warp_tri if use_warp_tri is set. ; degree = integer degree of warping passed to polywarp. ; The default is 2. The best value is about 3 or 4, ; but that takes longer. Higher than 5 will fail ; rather dramatically. Ignored if use_warp_tri is set. ; /verbose = print some diagnostics ;OUTPUTS: ; mdi_map = MDI map structure for plot_map etc. with the ; correct information to plot Earth data on ; top of it. ;COMMON BLOCKS: ;SIDE EFFECTS: ;RESTRICTIONS: ;PROCEDURE: ; This routine is like, but it accounts for the ; parallax between L1 and Earth. map2earth only corrects the ; pixel scale. ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; T. Metcalf 2002-Apr-04 ; T. Metcalf 2002-Apr-09 Fixed index problem in call to polywarp. ; Added nowarp keyword. ; T. Metcalf 2002-Apr-11 Fixed small bug in map center. Added ; degree keyword. ; T. Metcalf 2002-Apr-12 Added warp_tri option which is very slow ; but also very robust. ; T. Metcalf 2002-Apr-23 Fixed a bug that caused the warping to fail ; near the limb. ;- if NOT keyword_set(degreein) then degree=2 else degree=fix(degreein)>1 nimage = n_elements(mdata[0,0,*]) nx_image = n_elements(mdata[*,0,0]) ny_image = n_elements(mdata[0,*,0]) for i=0L,nimage-1L do begin if keyword_set(verbose) then message,/info,'Image '+string(i) earth_L0 = mindex[i].earth_L0 obs_L0 = mindex[i].obs_L0 earth_B0 = mindex[i].earth_B0 obs_B0 = mindex[i].obs_B0 obs_R0 = mindex[i].obs_R0 ; compute the parallax in longitude: mindex.obs_L0-mindex.earth_L0 value = (obs_L0-earth_L0+180.) MOD 360. neg = where(value LT 0.,count) if count GT 0 then value(neg) = value(neg) + 360. plon = value - 180. ; this is mindex.obs_L0-mindex.earth_L0 in [-180,+180] ; Get lat and cmd of the image from the SOHO viewpoint latlon = get_latlon(nx=nx_image, $ ny=ny_image, $ x0=(nx_image-1.)/2.0-mindex[i].x0, $ y0=(ny_image-1.)/2.0-mindex[i].y0, $ b0=obs_b0*!dtor, $ pang=mindex[i].solar_p*!dtor, $ ; should be zero pixs=mindex[i].im_scale, $ rad=obs_r0) lonlat = transpose([[reform(latlon.cmd,nx_image*ny_image)], $ [reform(latlon.latitude,nx_image*ny_image)]]) delvarx,latlon ; Get x and y from the SOHO viewpoint xy = lonlat2xy(lonlat,b0=obs_b0*!dtor,radius=obs_r0) r = reform(sqrt(xy[0,*]^2+xy[1,*]^2),nx_image*ny_image) ; The point mindex[i].x0,mindex[i].y0 has latitude obs_b0 ; and CMD 0.0 in the SOHO frame. The same point has ; CMD of plon and latitude of obs_b0 in the ; Earth frame. lonlate = lonlat lonlate[0,*] = lonlate[0,*] + plon xye = lonlat2xy(lonlate,b0=earth_b0*!dtor,radius=obs_r0,behind=behinde) ; Get the shift at disk center between the two views. We'll ; lock this in place later. shift = lonlat2xy([plon,obs_b0],b0=earth_b0*!dtor,radius=obs_r0) ; [0,0] at L1 xshift = shift[0] & yshift = shift[1] ; Now figure out which pixels came from behind the limb lonlat = xy2lonlat(xy,b0=earth_b0*!dtor,radius=obs_r0) lonlat[0,*] = lonlat[0,*] - plon junk = lonlat2xy(lonlat,b0=obs_b0*!dtor,radius=obs_r0,behind=behind) delvarx,lonlat,lonlate,junk ; Only use points in the warping that are not behind the limb in ; either view. good = where(r LT obs_r0 AND $ behinde EQ 0 AND $ behind EQ 0,ngood) if ngood LE 0 then message,'Data is too far off the limb' delvarx,behind,behinde,r ; Warp the image to the earth view ; Take out the overall shift before warping. This shift is accounted ; for by adjusting the coordinates of the center of the image, not ; by warping the image. ;xcen = bilinear(reform(xy[0,*],nx_image,ny_image),(nx_image-1)/2.,(ny_image-1)/2.) ;ycen = bilinear(reform(xy[1,*],nx_image,ny_image),(nx_image-1)/2.,(ny_image-1)/2.) xcene = bilinear(reform(xye[0,*],nx_image,ny_image),(nx_image-1)/2.,(ny_image-1)/2.)-xshift ycene = bilinear(reform(xye[1,*],nx_image,ny_image),(nx_image-1)/2.,(ny_image-1)/2.)-yshift xe = reform((xye[0,good]-xcene)/mindex[i].im_scale + (nx_image-1)/2.) ye = reform((xye[1,good]-ycene)/mindex[i].im_scale + (ny_image-1)/2.) ; Make uniform grid to warp onto ;x = reform((xy[0,good]-xcen)/mindex[i].im_scale + (nx_image-1)/2.) ;y = reform((xy[1,good]-ycen)/mindex[i].im_scale + (ny_image-1)/2.) x = float((lindgen(nx_image,ny_image) MOD nx_image)[good]) y = float((lindgen(nx_image,ny_image) / nx_image)[good]) delvarx,xy,xye,good if NOT keyword_set(use_warp_tri) then begin polywarp,x,y,xe,ye,degree,p,q if keyword_set(verbose) then begin pq2xy,xe,ye,p,q,xp,yp print,strcompress('Max Error (pixels): '+ $ string(max(xp-x))+ ' ' + $ string(min(xp-x))+ ' ' + $ string(max(yp-y))+ ' ' + $ string(min(yp-y))) endif delvarx,xe,ye,x,y newimage = poly_2d(mdata[*,*,i],p,q,2,nx_image,ny_image,cubic=-0.5, $ missing=0.0) endif else begin newimage = warp_tri(xe,ye,x,y,mdata[*,*,i],_extra=_extra) delvarx,xe,ye,x,y endelse ; Put the warped image into a map and fix the pixel scale index2map,mindex[i],newimage,mmapi scale = mindex[i].EARTH_R0/mindex[i].OBS_R0 mmapi.dx = (mmapi.dx)*scale mmapi.dy = (mmapi.dy)*scale mmapi.xc = (xcene)*scale mmapi.yc = (ycene)*scale mmapi.soho = 0 if n_elements(mmap) LE 0 then mmap = mmapi else mmap=[mmap,mmapi] endfor return,mmap end