pro restgen,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15, $ struct=struct, text=text, header=header, file=file, quiet=quiet, $ inquire=inquire, nodata=nodata ; ;+ ; Name: restgen ; ; Purpose: ; read & restore parameters (idl variables) from a generic file ; [front end to rd_genx - reads files written by] ; ; Output Parameters ; p0,p1,p2...p15 - variables to restore from file ; ; Optional Keyword Parameters ; file - (Input) generic file name [default='save.genx'] ; struct - (Output) entire data structure from generic file ; text - (Output) optional text section from file (if it exists) ; header - (Output) system imposed file header (added via wrt_genx) ; quiet - (input) if set, inhibit some messages ; inquire - (input) if set, display summary of generic file ; nodata - (input) if set, dont read data section (just header and text) ; ; Calling Sequence: ; restgen,v1, [,v2...v15 , file=filename, text=text, header=header, /inq] ; [,struct=struct, /nodata] ; ; Calling Examples: ; restgen, a, b, c, text=text ; restore 'save.genx' ; restgen, file='newdat',/inquire,/nodata ; show summary of 'newdat.genx' ; restgen, struct=struct ; file contents as structure ; restgen, head=head,text=text ; just header and text ; [see documentation for] ; History: ; 11-Jan-91 S.L. Freeland - written ; 8-Nov-91 MDM expanded from 10 to 15 parameters ; 29-jan-93 slf, added quiet keyword ; 24-mar-93 slf, documentation , protect file input from clobber ; added inquire and nodata keywords ; 30-Mar-94 slf, minor docmentation fixes ; 17-May-94 ras, fix double period bug in filename construction ; 24-May-96 SLF, work around bug in findfile (semicolon file names) ;- qtemp=!quiet on_error,2 ; return to caller if not keyword_set(file) then file='save' ; default infile=file(0) if not file_exist(infile) then begin length = strlen(infile) -1 ;ras 17-May-94 if strpos(infile,'.',length) eq length then infile = infile + 'genx' else $ ;ras 17-May-94 infile=infile+ '.genx' endif if not file_exist(infile) then message,'No gen files with names: <' + file + $ '> or <' + infile + '> found!' !quiet=1 ; suppress compilation on_ioerror,err rd_genx,infile,data,text=text,header=header, $ ; get super structure inquire=inquire, nodata=nodata !quiet=qtemp ; restore quiet status goto,okread err: message,/info,'Problem with file read - probably not genx format!!' return okread: ; ; slf, use temporary function struct=temporary(data) ;copy to output key ; !quiet=keyword_set(quiet) n_return=n_tags(struct) if n_return lt n_params() then $ message,/inform,'only '+ string(n_return) + $ ' data structures in file' params=strcompress('p' + sindgen(n_return),/remove_all) for i=0, n_tags(struct)-1 do begin exestr=params(i) + '=struct.(i)' status=execute(exestr) endfor !quiet=qtemp return end