PRO itool_load_image, image_file, group=group, column=column, $ err=err, status=status ;+ ; PROJECT: ; SOHO - CDS/SUMER ; ; NAME: ; ITOOL_LOAD_IMAGE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Load in a FITS or GIF file and try to determine the CSI structure ; ; SYNTAX: ; itool_load_image, image_file, group=group ; ; INPUTS: ; IMAGE_FILE -- Name of the image file to be loaded ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; ; KEYWORDS: ; COLUMN - Column number of data in FITS binary tabel. If passed, it ; will call CDS_IMAGE to load the image in that column directly ; GROUP - ID of the widget that serves as a group leader ; ERR - string scalar indicating any error message. A null string ; is returned if no error occurs ; STATUS - 0/1, status flag indicating failure/sucess of operation ; ; EFFECT: ; Following variables in the common blocks are updated: csi, ; image_arr, cur_min, cur_max, image_min, image_max, header_cur ; ; CATEGORY: ; Image Tool ; ; COMMON: ; @image_tool_com ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; HISTORY: ; Version 1, January 29, 1997, Liyun Wang, NASA/GSFC. ; Extracted from ; Version 2, June 11, 1997, Liyun Wang, NASA/GSFC ; Fixed problem of not scaling EIT images if the FITS file ; does not conform with the SOHO filenaming convention ; Version 3, William Thompson, GSFC, 8 April 1998 ; Changed !D.N_COLORS to !D.TABLE_SIZE for 24-bit displays ; Version 4, Zarro (SAC/GSFC), 8-Jun-1998, added TRACE color scaling ; Version 5, Zarro (SM&A/GSFC), 7-Oct-1999, reversed stack order ; ; CONTACT: ; Liyun Wang, NASA/GSFC ( ;- @image_tool_com ON_ERROR, 2 err = '' status = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Make sure the image file exists ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT file_exist(image_file) THEN BEGIN err = 'File '+image_file+' not exist!' status = 0 RETURN ENDIF IF N_ELEMENTS(image_arr) NE 0 AND !version.release GE '3.6.1' THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Save the curreny image status information for stacking ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF grep('sohologo', prev_file) EQ '' THEN BEGIN TVLCT, r, g, b, /get rgb = [[r], [g], [b]] icon = mk_img_icon(icon_size, image_arr, err=err) stack = {prev_file:prev_file, image_arr:image_arr, csi:csi, rgb:rgb, $ cur_min:cur_min, cur_max:cur_max, binary_fits:binary_fits, $ data_info:data_info, header_cur:header_cur, $ exptv_rel:exptv_rel, src_name:src_name, img_type:img_type, $ img_lock:img_lock, gif_file:gif_file, $ d_mode:d_mode, prev_col:prev_col, log_scaled:log_scaled, $ scview:scview,noaa:noaa} ENDIF ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Test to see if the file to be loaded is already in the image stack ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- fname = strip_dirname(image_file) IF N_ELEMENTS(column) NE 0 THEN fname = fname+'_'+STRTRIM(column, 2) IF N_ELEMENTS(img_icon) NE 0 THEN BEGIN id = (WHERE(fname EQ img_icon.filename))(0) IF id GE 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Switch images from the stack...' itool_xchg_stack, id, stack, icon, err=err IF err EQ '' THEN BEGIN itool_icon_plot RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Do nothing if the same file is tried to be loaded again ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF N_ELEMENTS(prev_file) NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF image_file EQ prev_file THEN BEGIN redo = 0 IF N_ELEMENTS(column) NE 0 THEN BEGIN redo = 1 ENDIF IF NOT redo THEN BEGIN itool_refresh RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF gif_true = valid_gif(image_file) or valid_jpeg(image_file) IF NOT gif_true THEN BEGIN itool_rd_fits, image_file, image_arr, header_cur, $ image_max=image_max, image_min=image_min, data_info=data_info, $ errmsg=errmsg, group=group, column=column, csi=img_csi, $ status=status,index=index IF NOT status THEN BEGIN err = errmsg xack,err RETURN ENDIF gif_file = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN itool_rd_gif, image_file, image_arr, minimum=image_min, err=err, $ maximum=image_max, color=ctable, group=group, $ status=status, csi=img_csi IF NOT status THEN BEGIN xack,err RETURN ENDIF header_cur = '' data_info = {binary:0, label:'', col:1, cur_col:1} gif_file = 1 ENDELSE IF !version.release GE '3.6.1' AND exist(stack) THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Put the current image and related variables into image stack ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_stack = N_ELEMENTS(img_stack) fname = strip_dirname(prev_file) IF prev_col NE 0 THEN BEGIN fname = fname+'_'+STRTRIM(prev_col, 2) ENDIF IF n_stack EQ 0 THEN BEGIN img_handle = HANDLE_CREATE() img_stack = HANDLE_CREATE(img_handle, value=stack) img_icon = {data:icon, filename:fname} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pop off the last image if more than 12 images already ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF n_stack EQ max_stack THEN BEGIN HANDLE_FREE, img_stack(n_stack-1) img_stack = img_stack(0:n_stack-2) img_icon = img_icon(0:n_stack-2) ENDIF temp = HANDLE_CREATE(img_handle, value=stack) img_stack = [temp,img_stack] img_icon = concat_struct({data:icon, filename:fname},img_icon) ENDELSE itool_update_iconbt ENDIF prev_file = image_file IF N_ELEMENTS(column) NE 0 THEN prev_col = column ELSE prev_col = 0 disp_utc = anytim2utc(img_csi.date_obs, /ecs) IF N_ELEMENTS(data_info) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A plain FITS file is read in ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- binary_fits = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF data_info.binary THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A FITS file with binary table in it is encountered ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- binary_fits = 1 multi_file_button, img_sel_bt, img_sel_show, data_info, $ uvalue='IMG_SEL_BT' ENDIF ELSE binary_fits = 0 ENDELSE cur_max = image_max & cur_min=image_min exptv_rel = 1.0 WIDGET_CONTROL, draw_id, map=1 IF !d.window NE root_win THEN setwindow, root_win csi = itool_new_csi() log_scaled = 0 scview = 0 IF soho_view() THEN scview = 1 log_list = ['YOHK', 'MLSO', 'SEIT', 'PDMO'] src_name = itool_img_src(img_csi.origin) img_type = itool_img_type(img_csi.imagtype) dprint,'%src_name: ',src_name,img_type if (src_name eq 'TRACE') and (strpos(strup(img_type),'WHITE') eq -1) then $ log_list = [log_list,'STRA'] IF (grep(img_csi.origin, log_list))(0) NE '' AND gif_file EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Take logarithmic scale ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- done = 0 IF src_name EQ 'SOHO EIT' THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; For SOHO EIT, rescale it and load EIT's color table ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- image_arr = itool_eit_scale(temporary(image_arr), header_cur, min_val=cur_min, $ max_val=cur_max,index=index) done = 1 ENDIF IF NOT done THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Converting to log scale...' scl = FLOAT(!d.table_size - 1)/ALOG10(cur_max) image_arr = scl*ALOG10((temporary(image_arr) > 1.0) < cur_max) image_max = MAX(image_arr) image_min = MIN(image_arr) cur_max = image_max cur_min=image_min loadct, 3, /silent ENDIF log_scaled = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF gif_true AND N_ELEMENTS(ctable) NE 0 THEN $ TVLCT, ctable(*, 0), ctable(*, 1), ctable(*, 2) $ ELSE BEGIN IF src_name EQ 'SOHO EIT' THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; For SOHO EIT, rescale it and load EIT's color table ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- image_arr = itool_eit_scale(temporary(image_arr), header_cur, min_val=cur_min, $ max_val=cur_max,index=index) done = 1 log_scaled = 1 ENDIF ELSE IF STRPOS(STRUPCASE(img_type),'MAGNETOGRAM') gt -1 THEN BEGIN loadct, 0, /silent ; chg_ctable, gam=0.3, bot=20, top=55 ENDIF ELSE if src_name eq 'TRACE' THEN BEGIN image_arr=itool_trace_scale(temporary(image_arr),header_cur,$ log_scaled=log_scaled,min_val=cur_min,max_val=cur_max) ENDIF ELSE IF strpos(src_name,'LASCO') gt -1 then BEGIN if strpos(img_type,'C1') gt -1 then loadct,8,/silent if strpos(img_type,'C2') gt -1 then loadct,3,/silent if strpos(img_type,'C3') gt -1 then loadct,1,/silent ENDIF ELSE loadct, 3, /silent ENDELSE ENDELSE TVLCT, r, g, b, /get rgb = [[r], [g], [b]] csi.imagtype=img_csi.imagtype csi.origin=img_csi.origin itool_display, image_arr, max=cur_max, min=cur_min, relative=exptv_rel, $ csi=csi ;missing=0 itool_icon_plot itool_adj_ctable, /init copy_struct, img_csi, csi doy=' (doy '+trim(string(utc2doy(anytim2utc(disp_utc))))+')' WIDGET_CONTROL, obs_text, set_value=disp_utc+doy ; WIDGET_CONTROL, min_id, $ ; set_value=num2str(cur_min, FORMAT='(f20.1)') ; WIDGET_CONTROL, max_id, $ ; set_value=num2str(cur_max, FORMAT='(f20.1)') IF NOT csi.flag THEN BEGIN ; WIDGET_CONTROL, ptool, sensitive=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, ptool_send, sensitive=0 flash_msg, comment_id, $ ['Warning: This image file does NOT have necessary '+$ 'information to establish a solar coordinate system. '+$ 'Pointing Tool is disabled for this image.', $ ' To make Pointing Tool available, please use the '+$ '"Limb Fitter" Tool to fit the solar disc limb.'], $ num=2 IF tools(curr_tool).uvalue EQ 'ptool' THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Since CSI is not complete for pointing, we have to ; desensitize the pointing tool ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIDGET_CONTROL, tools(curr_tool).base, sensitive=0 ENDIF ENDIF ; IF (csi.crval1 NE 0 OR csi.crval2 NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Do not plot gridding lines because solar disk center may not be the ; reference point ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Since a new image is loaded in, we have to reset certain things ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF N_ELEMENTS(initial) NE 0 THEN delvarx, initial IF zoom_in EQ 1 THEN BEGIN zoom_in = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, zoom_bt, set_value='Zoom In' ENDIF img_lock = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, lock_bt, set_value='Lock Orientation' itool_disp_plus, /keep WIDGET_CONTROL, save_img, sensitive=1 RETURN END