FUNCTION itool_getfile, start_cur, stop_cur, path, count=count, $ dlog=dlog, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date ;+ ; PROJECT: ; SOHO ; ; NAME: ; ITOOL_GETFILE() ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get list of files for given dates and path ; ; CATEGORY: ; IMAGE_TOOL, utility ; ; SYNTAX: ; Result = itool_getfile(start, stop, path) ; ; INPUTS: ; START - Starting date, in YYYY/MM/DD format ; STOP - End date, in YYYY/MM/DD format ; PATH - Complete directory path in which data reside ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; RESULT - String array or scalar, containing the file list ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; None. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; COUNT - Number of files returned ; DLOG - Modified dlog ; START_DATE - Modified start date ; END_DATE - Modified end date ; ; COMMON: ; None. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; HISTORY: ; Version 1, January 15, 1997, Liyun Wang, NASA/GSFC. Written ; Version 2, May 20 1998, Zarro (SAC/GSFC) - added call to RSTRMID ; Version 3, July 23 2001, Zarro (EITI/GSFC) - sped up file search ; ; CONTACT: ; Liyun Wang, NASA/GSFC ( ;- ; ON_ERROR, 2 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get files in directory specified by PATH month by month ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_tmp = str2arr(start_cur, '/') stop_tmp = str2arr(stop_cur, '/') file_found = '' IF start_tmp(0) EQ stop_tmp(0) THEN BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; searching period in the same year boundary ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_month = FIX(stop_tmp(1))-FIX(start_tmp(1)) FOR i=0, n_month DO BEGIN cmonth = STRING(FIX(start_tmp(1)+i), format='(i2.2)') filter = '*'+start_tmp(0)+cmonth+'*.*' dprint,'% ITOOL_GETFILE: ',filter file_found = [file_found, find_file(concat_dir(path, filter))] ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; searching period crosses year boundary ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cur_year = FIX(start_tmp(0)) cur_month = FIX(start_tmp(1))-1 end_year=FIX(stop_tmp(0)) end_month=FIX(stop_tmp(1)) not_done = 1 WHILE (not_done) DO BEGIN cur_month = cur_month+1 IF cur_month GT 12 THEN BEGIN cur_year = cur_year+1 cur_month = 1 ENDIF yearstr = STRING(cur_year, format='(i4.4)') monthstr = STRING(cur_month, format='(i2.2)') filter = '*'+yearstr+monthstr+'*.*' file_found = [file_found, find_file(concat_dir(path, filter))] IF cur_year EQ end_year AND cur_month EQ end_month THEN $ not_done=0 ENDWHILE ENDELSE count = N_ELEMENTS(file_found) if is_blank(file_found) then begin count=0 file_found='' endif IF count GT 1 THEN BEGIN file_found = file_found(1:*) count = count-1 ENDIF ELSE count = 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Further filter out those files which do not fall in the specified time ; period ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_date = date_code(start_cur) end_date=date_code(stop_cur) IF count GT 0 THEN BEGIN break_file, file_found(0), dlog ftimes=fid2time(file_found,/tai) ts=anytim2tai(start_cur) te=anytim2utc(stop_cur) if te.time eq 0 then te.mjd=te.mjd+1 te=anytim2tai(te) chk=where( (ftimes ge ts) and (ftimes le te), count) if count gt 0 then begin ftimes=ftimes(chk) file_found=file_found(chk) jj=bsort(ftimes,/rev) file_found=file_found(jj) endif ENDIF if count eq 0 then file_found='' return,file_found END