function rss2pq,nx1,ny1,xscale=inxscale,yscale=inyscale, $ xshift=inxshift,yshift=inyshift,rot12=inrot12, $ center=center,p=p,q=q,anchor=anchor,rotfirst=rotfirst, $ axshift=inxshifta,ayshift=inyshifta ;+ ;NAME: ; RSS2PQ ;PURPOSE: ; Given a rotation, shift and scale change, returns the p and q ; variables used in poly_2d to warp images. ;CATEGORY: ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; transformation = rss2pq(xshift=xshift,yshift=yshift,rot12=rot12, ; xscale=xscale,yscale=yscale) ;INPUTS: ;OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; nx = size of image to be transformed (used only if /center is set) ; ny = size of image to be transformed (used only if /center is set) ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS ; rot12 = rotation CCW in degrees (default = 0) ; xshift = x shift in pixels (default = 0), units=reference pixels ; yshift = y shift in pixels (default = 0), units=reference pixels ; xscale = x scale relative to reference scale (default = 1) ; yscale = y scale relative to reference scale (default = 1) ; anchor = [x0,y0] defines the center of rotation (units=reference pixels) ; /center = rotate about the center of the image instead of the lower left ; corner (only affects xhift and yshift). ; Same as anchor=[(nx-1)/2.,(ny-1)/2.] ; /rotfirst = rotate,shift,scale rather than the default ; shift,rotate,scale. This is the behavior the routine ; originally had. ; axshift = shift applied after rotation (rotfirst=0) or before ; rotation (rotfirst=1), in addition to the shift ; applied on the other side of the rotation with xshift. ; ayshift = shift applied after rotation (rotfirst=0) or before ; rotation (rotfirst=1), in addition to the shift ; applied on the other side of the rotation with yshift. ; p = output variable for P ; q = output variable for Q ;OUTPUTS: ; transformation = matrix with the same format as the output from ; ; t(*,0) = p ; t(*,1) = q ;COMMON BLOCKS: ;SIDE EFFECTS: ;RESTRICTIONS: ; Using /shiftfirst will make your life a lot easier. ;PROCEDURE: ; The rotation anchor is in ; the original coordinate system and the shifts are in ; units of the original image. ; ; First shifts, then rotates, then scales. Pass the output from RSS2PQ ; through if you want output that mimics setpts rather than ; output that mimics caltrans. ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by T. Metcalf 12-Aug-93 ; 1994-11-10 TRM Added anchor keyword. ; 1995-05-19 TRM Changed default from rotate-shift-scale to ; shift-rotate-scale. Use the /rotfirst keyword to get ; the old behavior. ; 2005-01-24 TRM Added axshift and ayshift keywords. The anchor ; for /center was defined as [nx/2,ny/2]. Now it ; is [(nx-1)/2,(ny-1)/2]. ;- ;message,/info,'WARNING: Default behavior of rss2pq changed on 1995-05-19' ; Rotation is CW ; scale is scale1/scale2 if n_elements(inxscale) LE 0 then xscale=1.d0 else xscale = double(inxscale) if n_elements(inyscale) LE 0 then yscale=1.d0 else yscale = double(inyscale) if n_elements(inxshift) LE 0 then xshift=0.d0 else xshift = double(inxshift) if n_elements(inyshift) LE 0 then yshift=0.d0 else yshift = double(inyshift) if n_elements(inxshifta) LE 0 then xshifta=0.d0 else xshifta = double(inxshifta) if n_elements(inyshifta) LE 0 then yshifta=0.d0 else yshifta = double(inyshifta) if n_elements(inrot12) LE 0 then rot12=0.d0 else rot12 = double(inrot12) nanchor = n_elements(anchor) if nanchor EQ 2 OR keyword_set(center) then begin if nanchor EQ 2 then begin nx12 = double(anchor(0)) ny12 = double(anchor(1)) endif else begin nx12 = (nx1-1.)/2.d0 ny12 = (ny1-1.)/2.d0 endelse halfshft1 = [ [1.d0,0.d0,-nx12], $ [0.d0,1.d0,-ny12], $ [0.d0,0.d0,1.d0]] halfshft2 = [ [1.d0,0.d0,nx12], $ [0.d0,1.d0,ny12], $ [0.d0,0.d0,1.d0]] endif dtor = !dpi/180 ct = cos(-rot12*dtor) st = sin(-rot12*dtor) if keyword_set(center) OR nanchor EQ 2 then $ rtn = halfshft1 # [ [ct,-st,0.d0], $ [st,ct,0.d0], $ [0.d0,0.d0,1.d0]] # halfshft2 $ else $ rtn = [ [ct,-st,0.d0], $ [st,ct,0.d0], $ [0.d0,0.d0,1.d0]] shft = [ [1.d0,0.d0,-xshift], $ [0.d0,1.d0,-yshift], $ [0.d0,0.d0,1.d0]] scl = [ [1.d0/xscale, 0.d0, 0.d0], $ [0.d0, 1.d0/yscale, 0], $ [0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0 ]] shfta = [ [1.d0,0.d0,-xshifta], $ [0.d0,1.d0,-yshifta], $ [0.d0,0.d0,1.d0]] if keyword_set(rotfirst) then tran = shfta # rtn # shft # scl $ else tran = shft # rtn # shfta # scl ;tran = scl # rtn # shft ;tran = (rtn # scl) # shft ;tran = shft # scl # rtn ;tran = rtn # (scl # shft) p = [tran(2,0)*xscale,tran(1,0),tran(0,0),0.] q = [tran(2,1)*yscale,tran(1,1),tran(0,1),0.] answer = dblarr(4,2) answer(*,0)=p answer(*,1)=q return,answer end