function image_translate, incube, offsets, interp=interp, cubic=cubic ; ; Name: image_translate ; ; Purpose: tranlate/align an image or cube via poly2d in user supplied offsets ; ; Input Parameters: ; incube - the data cube ; offsets - relative x/y pixel offsets for each image (2xNIMAGES) ; (often generated by a cross correlation such as ;, etc) ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; interp - bilinear interpolation (see poly2D doc) ; cubic - cubic convolution interp (see poly2D doc) ; ; Output: ; function returns translated/warped/aligned cube ; ; Calling Sequence: ; outcube=image_translate(incube, xyoffsets [,/interp] [,/cubic]) ; ; History: ; 15-October - S.L.Freeland - based upon '' (slater/morrison) ; standardized interface, documented, modernize ; ; Category: ; 2D , 3D, CUBE, Alignment, Correlation, Image, POLY2D ;- cubic=keyword_set(cubic) if n_elements(interp) eq 0 then interp = 0 p = [0.,0,1,0] & q = [0.,1,0,0] ; init P & Q (see poly2D) nimages=data_chk(incube,/nimage) ; number of images in case nimages of 0: begin box_message,['Need 2D or 3D image input', $ 'IDL> outcube=image_translate(incube, offsets [,/interp] [/cubic] )'] endcase 1: begin ; 2D case p(0) = -offsets(0) & q(0) = -offsets(1) cube_out = poly_2d(incube,p,q,interp,cubic=cubic) endcase else: begin ; 3D case cube_out = incube for i=0,nimages-1 do begin p(0) = -offsets(0,i) & q(0) = -offsets(1,i) cube_out(0,0,i) = poly_2d(incube(*,*,i),p,q,interp) endfor endcase endcase return,cube_out end