pro array_concat,i1,i,x,x_,x_ind,n_ind ;+ ; PROJECT: ; GENERAL ; NAME: ; array_concat ; PURPOSE: ; concatenate a dynamic array with subarrays of variable lengths ; x0=fltarr(n0) ; x1=fltarr(n1) ; The concatenated array is ; x_=[x0,x1] ; with index ranges ; x_(i1:i2)=xj, i1=x_ind(0,j), i2=x_ind(1,j) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; array_concat,i1,i,x,x_,x_ind,n_ind ; INPUTS: ; i1 = ID number of first subarray ; i = ID number of subsequent subarrays ; x = subarray of any length ; OUTPUTS: ; x_ = concatenated array x_=[x_0,x_1,...,x_i] ; x_ind(2,n_ind) = start and stop indices of subarrays in concatenated array ; n_ind = number of concatenated subarrays ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Version 1,, Written, 1999 Dec 1 ;- if (i eq i1) then begin x_ =x n =n_elements(x) x_ind =[0,n-1] n_ind =1 endif if (i gt i1) then begin n =n_elements(x_) x_ =[x_,x] nn =n_elements(x_) x_ind =[[x_ind],[n,nn-1]] n_ind =n_elements(x_ind)/2 endif end