pro genx2html, genxfiles, outfiles=outfiles, $ thumbnail=thumbnail, thumbfact=thumbfact, maxthumb=maxthumb, addlink=addlink, $ top_http=top_http, path_http=path_http, $ ; top level http path image_http=image_http, html_http=html_http, $ ; optional subdirect. debug=debug, header=header, trailer=trailer, noupdate=noupdate ;+ ; Name: genx2html ; ; Purpose: convert a 'genx' file to an html file in a 'standard' format ; ; Calling Sequence: ; genx2html,genxfile [,outfile=outfile, httpdir=httpdir, thumbfact=N,/thumb] ; ; Input Parameters: ; genxfiles - one or more genx files to convert ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; outfiles - if set, output filenames (default derived from genx name) ; thumbnail - if set, make thumbnail and link ; thumbfact - if set, scale factor for thumbnail ; maxthumb - if set, scale thumbnail to this size (largest dimension) ; addlinks - if set, filename to add a link to this image (uniq) ; ; Restrictions: ; must define the parameters (pass keyword in or via environmental) ; top_http - top http path known to outside world ; path_http - top http local disk name (for writing) ; optionally define subdirectories (may be relative) ; image_http - path to images (gif) created by this routine ; html_http - path to html files created by this routines ; ; optionally, the address written at the end of the html file can ; be changed from the default (sxtwww@...) by setting the enviroment ; variable "address_http" to the required string. ; ; History: ; 3-Feb-1995 (SLF) - Written to convert show_pix images to gif/html ; 6-Feb-1995 (SLF) - Added auto-scaling for thumbnail, ADDLINK keyword ; and function (update a linked list) ; 8-Feb-1995 (SLF) - Add text about full image file size ; 13-Feb-1995 (SLF) - parameterized (site independent) ; 29-mar-1995 (SLF) - remove
x around text ; 29-mar-1995 (SLF) - break text formatting into ; 7-jun-1995 (SLF) - increase min_col to str2html ; 12-Jul-1995 (RDB) - added address_http changing of "address" ; 31-aug-1995 (SLF) - add HEADER and TRAILER keywords ; 19-dec-1995 (SLF) - fix ADDLINK bug ; 22-apr-1996 (SLF) - add NOUPDATE switch ; 13-Aug-2003, William Thompson, Use SSW_WRITE_GIF instead of WRITE_GIF ;- noupdate=keyword_set(noupdate) thumbnail=keyword_set(thumbnail) or keyword_set(thumbfact) or keyword_set(max_thumb) debug=keyword_set(debug) if n_elements(maxthumb) eq 0 then maxthumb=150 if not keyword_set(top_http) then begin chkenv=get_logenv('top_http') if chkenv ne '' then top_http=chkenv else begin message,/info,"Must pass in or assign environmental/logical return endelse endif if not keyword_set(path_http) then begin chkenv=get_logenv('path_http') if chkenv ne '' then path_http=chkenv else begin message,/info,"Must pass in or assign environmental/logical return endelse endif if keyword_set(image_http) then img=image_http else $ image_http=get_logenv('image_http') if keyword_set(html_http) then html=html_http else $ html_http=get_logenv('html_http') images=concat_dir(path_http,image_http) htmls=concat_dir(path_http,html_http) limages=concat_dir(top_http,image_http) lhtmls=concat_dir(top_http,html_http) if debug then begin help,images(0),htmls(0),limages(0),lhtmls(0) stop endif if n_elements(outfiles) eq 0 then outfiles=strarr(n_elements(genxfiles)) ;--------------- file loop --------------------------------------- for i=0,n_elements(genxfiles)-1 do begin genxfile=genxfiles(i) message,/info,"Working on file: " + genxfile if not file_exist(genxfile) then message,"NO genx file found..." break_file,genxfile, log, path, file, ext, ver ; --------- derive output file names for gif and thumbnail ------------- if not keyword_set(outfiles(i)) then outfile=file else outfile=outfiles(i) outgif=concat_dir(images,outfile + '.gif') outthumb=concat_dir(images,outfile + '_thumbnail' + '.gif') outhtml=concat_dir(htmls,outfile + '.html') if noupdate and file_exist(outhtml) then begin message,/info,"NOUPDATE set and html file exists..." message,/info,"NOT regenerating..." endif else begin ; -------------- read genx, write gif ------------------------- restgen, file=genxfile(0), image, r,g,b,text=text ssw_write_gif,outgif,image,r,g,b sizeimage=file_size(outgif,/str,/auto) lastupdate=ut_time() + ' UT' ;-------------------- - thumbnail ------------------------ if thumbnail then begin message,/info,"Creating Thumbnail...." if keyword_set(thumbfact) then tfact=thumbfact else tfact=$ (where(max([(size(image))(1),(size(image))(2)])/(lindgen(10)+1) le maxthumb))(0) > 1 message,/info,"Thumbnail factor: " + strtrim(tfact,2) ssw_write_gif,outthumb,congrid(image, $ (size(image))(1)/tfact,(size(image))(2)/tfact), r,g,b endif ; write html image desription otext=$ ['','','','XTITLE','','',''] if not keyword_set(title) then title=outfile if keyword_set(header) then $ exestat=execute('sxt_html,outhtml,/header,title=title') else $ file_append,outhtml,str_replace(otext,'XTITLE',title),/new imref='' imginfo='

' + strupcase(outfile) + '

' + $ 'File Created: ' + lastupdate + $ '

Full size [' + sizeimage + ']

' thumbref=imginfo + '

' break_file,[outgif,outthumb],log,path,file,ext,ver relgif=concat_dir(limages,file(0)+ext(0)+ver(0)) relthumb=concat_dir(limages,file(1)+ext(1)+ver(1)) ; --------- thumbnail link and reference (*** Forced ON ***) if thumbnail then begin file_append,outhtml, $ [str_replace(imref,'XIMG',relgif),str_replace(thumbref,'XTHUMB',relthumb)] endif else begin file_append,outhtml, $ [str_replace(imref,'XIMG',relgif),str_replace(thumbref,'XTHUMB',relthumb)] endelse file_append,outhtml, str2html(text, min_line=3,min_col=4) ; html close if keyword_set(trailer) then $ exestat=execute('sxt_html,outhtml,/trailer,/credits') else begin chkenv=get_logenv('address_http') if chkenv ne '' then address=chkenv else $ address = ['', ''] trailer=['

'] otext=[trailer,'',''] file_append,outhtml,otext endelse ; ---------------------- finished writing html description ------------ endelse ; end of IF NOUPDATE ... BLOCK ; ------------ add image link to link list -------------------------- if keyword_set(addlink) then begin case data_chk(addlink,/type) of 7: linkfile=addlink else: begin linkfile=get_logenv('mosaic_images') if linkfile eq '' then linkfile= $ concat_dir(htmls,'data.html') endcase endcase if not file_exist(linkfile) then begin message,/info,"No image list file: " + linkfile endif else begin linkinfo=rd_tfile(linkfile) ; dont add existing file newlist=(where(strpos(linkinfo,"Recent Gallery Additions") ne -1))(0) if newlist(0) eq -1 then $ newlist=(where(strpos(linkinfo,"Recent Additions") ne -1))(0) head='
  • ' + $ strupcase(str_replace(outfile,"_"," ")) + $ '' newinfo=[linkinfo(0:newlist),newline,linkinfo(newlist+1:*)] message,/info,"Updating file: " + linkfile file_append,linkfile,newinfo,/new endif else message,/info,"Link to: " + outhtml + ' already exists" endelse endif endfor ; ---------------------- end of file loop --------------------------- return end