;+ ; ; Define xstepper common block ;- ; scube - input data cube ; sinfo - strarry (image descriptions) ; delta - step size ; scale - ; xs/ys - image dimensions ; rebin - boolean flag ; zoom - zoom parameters ; interpol - boolean flag ; xstep_str ; subs - original subscripts ; current - pointer to subs ; nimages - number original ; ssmap - user defined subscripts ; sspnt - pointer to ssmap ; sscnt - n_elements(ssmap(defined)) ; pixmap - (2xnimages) - subscript/pixmap window number ; pixpnt - pointer to pixmap ; pixcnt - n_elements(pixmap(defined)) ; dispopt - display option ; backopt - background task option ; range - lo and high subscripts for data(range) display ; over_info - if set, xyout the info on the output device ; areverse - if set, images sequence display reverses instead of wraps ; curwind - window number of current display ; zdata - zoomed (rebinned) data cube ; mag_fact - magnification factor ;- common xstepper_blk, $ scube, sinfo, delta, $ scale, xs, ys, rebin, zoom, $ interpol, xstep_str , $ subs, current, nimages, $ ssrate, pixrate, $ ssmap, sspnt, sscnt, $ pixmap, pixpnt, pixcnt, $ dispopt, backopt, range, minprog, $ over_info, last_title, $ areverse, $ reference, offsets, dx, dy, shift_fact, curwind, mag_fact