pro set_xcolors ;+ ; Name: set_xcolors ; ; Purpose: part of idl setup - avoid order dependent X call effects ; ; History: slf, 3-Apr-1992 ; slf, 9-Aug-1992 - verify DISPLAY is defined ; slf, 1-nov-96 - 24 bit support check SSW_X_DEPTH,X_COLORS,X_RETAIN ; use device,decompose=0 ; slf, 7-nov-96 - no action if remote DISPLAY ; MDM, 11-Nov-96 - Removed 7-Nov modification ; - Moved pseudo code to before window call ; - Various other changes ; DMZ, 24-Jan-97 - added check for when called as UNIX ; CRON job, in which case setting X colors ; produces errors ; MDM, 1-May-97 - Modified to print warning statement if ; using 8 bit pseudo color ; - Modified to set pseudo flag if ncolors is set ; - Changed spawn,'tty' to be /noshell which ; sped up the execution considerably. ; Zarro, 12-Jan-02- added ALLOW_WINDOWS to catch device open ; errors ;- ; avoid execution order dependent window/widget behavior if ! ne 'X' then return ; early exit if not X windows if get_logenv('ssw_nox') ne '' then return ; likewise if NOX set on_error,2 version= strlowcase(!version.os) if not allow_windows() then return display=getenv('DISPLAY') ; check DISPLAY environment/log ; ---------- check for environmental override ---------- depth = get_logenv('SSW_X_DEPTH') retain = fix(get_logenv('SSW_X_RETAIN')) colors = fix(get_logenv('SSW_X_COLORS')) > fix(getenv('ys_ncolors')) pseudo = fix(get_logenv('SSW_X_PSEUDO')) or keyword_set(colors) ;MDM added "or colors" 1-May-97 ;-------------------------------------------------------- eight_bit = (depth eq '8') or keyword_set(pseudo) ;MDM added "or pseudo" 11-Nov-96 localx=strlen(display) le 4 and display ne '' ; '', :0, or .0:0 assumed local ;;;if not localx then return ; dont bother if remote ;if depth eq '' and version ne 'vms' then begin ; spawn,'xdpyinfo',xinfo,/noshell ; depth=where(strpos(xinfo,'depths') ne -1,dcnt) ; if dcnt gt 0 then begin ; depths=strtrim(str2arr(xinfo(depth(0)),' '),2) ; eight_bit=depths(n_elements(depths)-1) eq '8' ; endif ;endif ; if (eight_bit) then case 1 of (colors gt 0): ; environmental used (version eq 'irix') : colors=235 (version eq 'ultrix'): colors=240 (version eq 'sunos') : colors=242 else: ; standard default endcase if keyword_set(pseudo) then device,pseudo=8 $ else device,decompose=0 ; permit 24 to look like 8 if keyword_set(pseudo) then begin print, '------------ SET_XCOLORS Warning ---------------' print, 'Your options have selected to use 8 bit colors' print, 'Check the following environment variables if it should be 24 bit' print, ' SSW_X_COLORS' print, ' SSW_X_PSEUDO' print, ' ys_ncolors' end if retain gt 0 then device,retain=retain case 1 of colors gt 0: begin window,/free,xs=2,ys=2,/pix,colors=colors wdelete endcase not eight_bit: begin window,/free,xs=2,ys=2,/pix wdelete endcase else: endcase return end