function reltime, reftime, _extra=_extra, range=range, day_only=day_only, $ debug=debug, hours=hours, days=days, minutes=minutes, $ out_style=out_style ;+ ; Name: reltime ; ; Purpose: return relative UT time or time range (default is offset from NOW) ; ; Input Parameters: ; reftime - reference time - default REFTIME is NOW (current UT) ; ; Calling Sequence: ; relt=reltime( [reftime,] [hour=hour, day=day, /yesterday,/tomorrow] ) ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; hours - offset in hours (neg OK) ; days - offset in days (neg OK) ; minutes - offest in minutes (neg OK) ; yesterday, tommorrow, daybefore, dayafter - obvious ; day_only - dont return the time (just relative day) ; out_style - output time style per OUT_STYLE keyword ; { 'ccsds', 'yohkoh', 'ecs', 'utc_int', 'vms', 'int'...etc } ; ; Calling Examples: ; IDL> print,reltime('1-feb-94 12:30', hour = -12, out='ecs') ; 1994/02/01 00:30:00.000 ; ; now=reltime(/now) ; current UT ; sixhoursago=reltime(hour=-6) ; 6 hours ago ; tomorrow=reltime(day=1) ; 24 hours from now ; relref=reltime(REFTIME, days=-2, out='ccsds') ; REFTIME-24hr in CCSDS ; yest=reltime(/yesterday) ; 24 hours ago ut ; tom=reltime(/tomorrow) ; 24 hours from now ; ; Method: keyword inheritance, calls ; ; History: ; Circa 1-Jun-1997 S.L.Freeland ; 19-May-1998 S.L.Freeland - pass HOUR or DAY-> timegrid ; add /NOW keyword allow proper spelling ; for /tomorrow ; 7-Apr-1999 S.L.Freeland - fix problem when REFTIME passed ; 09-May-2003, William Thompson - Use ssw_strsplit instead of strsplit ; 8-Apr-2005, S.L.Freeland -added MINUTES keyword+function ; ;- if not keyword_set(out_style) then out_style='yohkoh' ; dd-MON-yy hh:mm:ss now=anytim(ut_time(),/yohko) ; current UT time if n_elements(reftime) eq 0 then ref_time=now else ref_time=anytim(reftime,/yohkoh) ; NOTE - if DAYS or HOURS keywords, just use and early return... if keyword_set(days) or keyword_set(hours) or keyword_set(minutes) then $ return,anytim((timegrid(ref_time,day=days,minutes=minutes , hour=hours,/string))(0),out_style=out_style, date=day_only) ; if not data_chk(_extra,/struct) then begin message,/info,"No keywords supplied, returning current UT return,now endif predef=['dayb','yest','now','tomm','tomo','daya'] ; uniq to this many char doff =[-2,-1,0,1,1,2] ; offsets etag=(tag_names(_extra))(0) ; only allow one tag (take the first) chkpre=(wc_where(predef,strmid(etag,0,4)+'*',/case_ignore,cnt))(0) if cnt gt 0 then begin type="day delta=strtrim(doff(chkpre),2) endif else begin case 1 of strpos(etag,'LAST'): quant=ssw_strsplit(etag,'LAST',/tail) strpos(etag,'NEXT'): quant=ssw_strsplit(etag,'NEXT',/tail) else: begin box_message,["Unrecognized keyword: " + etag, "returning current time"] return, now endcase endcase delta=strtrim(str2number(quant),2) type=strmid(quant,strlen(delta),strlen(quant)) endelse if keyword_set(debug) then stop ; add offset via call timegrid exestr="end_time=timegrid('" + ref_time + "'," + type + "=(" + $ strtrim(delta,2) + "),/string)" exestat=execute(exestr) retval=end_time if keyword_set(range) then $ retval=([[ref_time,end_time],[end_time,ref_time]])(*,delta lt 0) retval=anytim(retval,out_style=out_style,date=day_only) return,retval end