function path_lib, name, directory = direct, multi = multi, nopro = nopro ;+ ; NAME: ; PATH_LIB ; PURPOSE: ; Extract the path of one or more procedures. ; CATEGORY: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; path = path_lib() ; For prompting. ; path = path_lib(name) ; Find full path for procedure Name using ; the current !PATH. ; INPUTS: ; Name = string containing the name of the procedure. ; Under Unix, Name may be "*" for all modules. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; Unix KEYWORDS: ; DIRECTORY = directory to search. If omitted, use current directory ; and !PATH. ; MULTI = flag to allow the return of more than one pathname if the module ; exists in more than one directory in the path + the current ; directory. ; NOPRO = If present and set, then ".pro" is not appended to name. ; VMS KEYWORDS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The path name is returned as a string array. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Nothing happens under VMS, except a warning message is printed. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, J. R. Lemen, 2-mar-92 ;- on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs if (!version.os eq 'vms') or (!version.os eq 'DOS') then begin print,' ** Warning in path_lib ===> Not supported for ',!version.os return,'' endif else aa = path_lib_unix(Name, directory=direct, multi=multi, nopro=nopro) return,aa end