pro lcur_plot, win, index, lcur, plotmark, avg_uncert, $ ynozero=ynozero, qoplot=qoplot0, subscript=subscript, ioff=ioff ; ;+ ;NAME: ; lcur_plot ;PURPOSE: ; To plot the light curve averages for the LCUR_IMAGE routine ;INPUT: ; win - The light curve plot window number ; index - The index structure ; lcur - The average (or total) counts for each image (and region) ; plotmark- The flag on what plotting symbols to plot for each image ; (see LCUR_CALC) ;OPTIONAL INPUT: ; avg_uncert-The uncertainty of the data points. Plot as error bars ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; ynozero - If set, adjust y scale so it is not zero if necessary ; qoplot - If set, do not make a new plot, simply overplot the ; data ; subscript- The image numbers of the images to plot the light ; curve for ; ioff - The region number (used when plotting a single ; light curve, not needed when doing multiple light ; curve plot option) ;HISTORY: ; Written 18-Oct-93 by M.Morrison ; 19-Oct-93 (MDM) - Added header information ; - Corrected /TOTAL_CNTS option ; 26-Oct-93 (MDM) - Corrected overplotting symbol bug ; 28-Feb-95 (MDM) - Added AVG_UNCERT ;- ; COMMON UTCOMMON, UTBASE, UTSTART, UTEND, xst_plot ; if (! ne 'PS') then begin wset, win wshow, win end ; if (n_elements(ioff) eq 0) then ioff = 0 nx = n_elements(lcur(*,0)) n = n_elements(lcur(0,*)) if (n_elements(subscript) eq 0) then subscript = indgen(nx) ns = n_elements(subscript) ; qoplot = keyword_set(qoplot0) q6plot = total(!p.multi) ne 0 ;6 plots per page option if (keyword_set(qoplot)) then ref_time = xst_plot else ref_time = index(0) x = int2secarr(index, ref_time) ; for i=0,n-1 do begin if (q6plot) then yrange = [min(lcur(subscript,i)), max(lcur(subscript,i))] $ else yrange = [min(lcur(subscript,*)), max(lcur(subscript,*))] qmoplot = (i ne 0) and (not q6plot) ;multiple overplot option, with not 6 plot option enabled if (qoplot or qmoplot) then outplot, x(subscript), lcur(subscript,i), ref_time, psym = 0 $ else utplot, x(subscript), lcur(subscript,i), ref_time, psym = 0, ynozer=ynozero, yrange=yrange ;---- Mark labels y0 = max(lcur(subscript,i), imax) + (!y.crange(1)-!y.crange(0))*0.01 ;move up 1 % x0 = x(subscript(imax)) x1 = x(subscript(ns-1)) + (!x.crange(1)-!x.crange(0))*0.02 ;move 2% over to the right y1 = lcur(subscript(ns-1),i) str = string(byte(65+i+ioff)) xyouts, x0, y0, str, size=1.5, charthick=1.5 xyouts, x1, y1, str, size=1.5, charthick=1.5 if (n_elements(avg_uncert) ne 0) then errplot, x(subscript), lcur(subscript,i)-avg_uncert(subscript,i), $ lcur(subscript,i)+avg_uncert(subscript,i) for j=1,10 do begin ss = where(plotmark(subscript,i) eq j, nn) if (ss(0) ne -1) then outplot, x(subscript(ss)), lcur(subscript(ss),i), ref_time, psym=j end end ; end