function is_bestnode, nodelist, remove=remove, loud=loud, goodorder=goodorder, $ nprocess=nprocess, cpuload=cpuload, memload=memload, defnodes=defnodes ;+ ; Name: is_bestnode ; ; Purpose: quick and dirty search for 'best' node in nodelist ; (best nodes are 'alive' and lowest CPU/Memory load or process count) ; ; Input Parameters: ; nodelist - string array of nodenames to check ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; nprocess - if set, use non-root process count [default] ; cpuload - if set, use minimum cpuload [not yet implemented] ; memload - if set, use minimum memory load [not yet implemented] ; remove - if set, remove the 'best' from the nodelist ; (used for succesive calls from a given program to spread ; the load around) ; defnodes - if set, use nodelist defined by env $SITE_BATCHNODES ; goodorder - (output) - all members of nodelist in order of 'bestness' ; (best first, worst last) ; Output: ; function returns the 'best' node name (or local node if it is best) ; ; Calling Sequence: ; best=is_bestnode(nodelist [,/nprocess, /cpuload, /memload, $ ; goodorder=goodorder , /defnodes] ; Calling Examples: ; rsh,is_bestnode(['flare13','flare7','isass1']), rshcommand ; [checks 3 node plus local node, and calls 'rsh' with the best] ; ; best=is_bestnode(/defnodes , goodorder=goodorder) ; [uses nodelist defined by $SITE_BATCHNODES; goodorder (output) ; [contains the nodelist sorted by decresing 'bestness'; ie, best node ; [first, worst node last] ; ; History: ; 26-Sep-1994 (SLF) - written to select best host for background tasks ; 27-Sep-1994 (SLF) - dont allow zero processes (Problem TBD) ; 29-sep-1994 (SLF) - fixed problem where rsh to local node resulted in ; "Cant make Pipe" (use spawn instead of rsh for local) ; 30-sep-1994 (SLF) - added GOODORDER output keyword ; ; Category: ; system, distributed processing, general utility ; ; Restrictions: ; Since this is based on a 'ps' snapshot, no written guarantees... ; only non-root process count for now ;- case 1 of keyword_set(memload): mesasge,/info,"not implemented yet, using process count" keyword_set(cpuload): mesasge,/info,"not implemented yet, using process count" else: endcase best=get_host(/short) ; assume failure (no best node, so use local) if keyword_set(defnodes) and not keyword_set(nodelist) then $ nodelist=str2arr(get_logenv('SITE_BATCHNODES')) if not data_chk(nodelist,/string) then begin message,/info,"No nodelist, so best is local node: " + best endif else begin cnodes=where(nodelist ne '',vcount) case vcount of 0: else: begin bnodes=[nodelist(cnodes),get_host(/short)] ; add local node to list for i=0,vcount-1 do $ ; dont have to check local for alivness if not is_alive(bnodes(i)) then $ ; remove dead nodes bnodes=bnodes(rem_elem(bnodes, bnodes(i))) ; now we have list of alive nodes if n_elements(bnodes) eq 1 then best=bnodes(0) else begin pidcnt=intarr(n_elements(bnodes)) pscmd='ps -aux' ; use spawn instead of for local node for i=0,n_elements(bnodes)-1 do begin if i eq n_elements(bnodes) - 1 then spawn,pscmd,psout else $ rsh,bnodes(i) ,pscmd, psout noroot=where(strpos(strtrim(psout,2),'root') ne 0 and strlen(psout) ge 55,pscnt) pidcnt(i)=pscnt message,/info,'Number of non-root processes on ' + bnodes(i) + ': ' + strtrim(pscnt) if keyword_set(loud) then prstr, psout(noroot) endfor bad=where(pidcnt eq 0,bcnt) ; *** temp fix - sometimes reporting zero *** ; partially 'understood' now (cant make pipe error) if bcnt gt 0 then begin message,/info,$ "Problem with pid count for: " + arr2str(bnodes(bad)) message,/info,"Ignoring..." file_append,'$ys/site/logs/badpidcnt.dat',psout pidcnt(bad) = max(pidcnt) + 1 endif best=(bnodes(where(pidcnt eq min(pidcnt))))(0) goodorder=bnodes(sort(pidcnt)) ; full list in order endelse endcase endcase endelse if keyword_set(remove) then begin remnode=rem_elem(nodelist,best,rcnt) ; remove this from list if rcnt gt 0 then nodelist=nodelist(remnode) endif return, best(0) ; scaler end