function get_infox, index, itags, format=format, header=header, delim=delim, $ number=number, fmt_time=fmt_time, _extra=_extra, $ display=display, more=more, $ day_only=day_only, time_only=time_only, msecs=msecs, $ titles=titles, keylab=keylab ;+ ; Name: get_infox ; ; Purpose: convert IDL structure info to string summary (1 line/structure) ; ; Input Parameters: ; index - index structure ; itags - desired list of TAGS to include ; (string array or comma delimited string) ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; format - optional format list as string array or comma delimited string ; delim - optional inter-field delimter (default = two blanks) ; /gt_xxx - optional gt_functions to call and include in output ; /display - print results to terminal ; /more - same as /display with more-like behavior ; /number - switch, if set, prepend the index subscript to each string ; header - (output) - aligned header string ; fmt_time - if switch set and structure contains STANDARD time keywords ; fmt_time - if STRING, specify desired string format for TIME/DAY ; (see OUT_STYLE options for ; day_only - if set, only return DAY portion of DATE ; time_only - if set, only return TIME portion of DATE ; titles - The array of column headings for the listing. Default is ; the tag names. ; keylab - If set, then put the column labels with the data ; ; Calling Sequence: ; outstring=get_infox(structure, 'tag1,tag2,...tagn' , $ ; header=header , $ ; /fmt_time, /gt_xxx, /gt_yyy, $ ; /number, $ ; /display, /more ] ; Calling Examples: ; IDL> info=get_infox(!version, 'OS_FAMILY,RELEASE,ARCH,OS',/more) ; OS_FAM RELEASE ARCH OS ; unix 4.0.1a alpha OSF ; ; In the following, eitstr is a 3 element vector of type eit_struct() ; IDL> more, get_infox(eitstr,'WAVELNTH,FILTER',fmt_tim='ecs',format='a,a') ; 1997/03/14 00:11:50.000 304 Clear ; 1997/03/14 00:34:49.000 304 Clear ; 1997/03/14 00:50:10.000 304 Clear ; ; IDL> more,get_infox(eitstr,'WAVELNTH,NAXIS1',fmt_tim='ccsds',format='a,a') ; 1997-03-14T00:11:50.000Z 304 512 ; 1997-03-14T00:34:49.000Z 304 512 ; 1997-03-14T00:50:10.000Z 304 512 ; ; History: ; 22-March-1996 (S.L.Freeland) - generalize the 'get_info' problem ; 3-April-1996 (S.L.Freeland) - added NUMBER keyword & function ; 18-march-1997 (S.L.Freeland) - add DAY_ONLY,TIME_ONLY keyword & function ; (passed to ANYTIM), add MSECS (def=NO) ; 19-Feb-1998 (S.L.Freeland) - merge MDM suggestions ; - enhance auto-formating logic ; 19-Feb-1998 (M.D.Morrison) - Added "titles" input ; 24-Feb-1998 (M.D.Morrison) - Added KEYLAB option ; 10-Mar-1998 (M.D.Morrison) - Changed "string(outtag" to "fstring(outtag" ; to avoid the "% STRING: Explicitly formated output truncated ; at limit of 1024 lines." error ; 22-Nov-1999 (S.L.Freeland) - expand auto-fmts a little ; 09-May-2003, William Thompson - Use ssw_strsplit instead of strsplit ; ; Method: ; calls gt_tagval (to extract the data) ; strjustify (to align columns) ; gt_xxx (optionally called) ; anytim (if FMT_TIM, TIME, or DAY switches are set) ; ; Restrictions: ; if FORMAT is supplied, n_elements(FORMAT) must EQ n_elements(FIELDS) ; if FMT_TIME is supplied, structure must contain SSW standard TIME tags ; ; TODO - (allow FITs header or FITS file list?? recursive call after str convert??) ;- if not data_chk(index,/struct) then begin message,/info,"Need data structure array return,'' endif nind=n_elements(index) ; number input/ouput elements if n_elements(delim) eq 0 then delim=' ' ; default delimiter=two blanks ; -------------- define tag/field array ------------------------------ if keyword_set(itags) then begin tags=itags if strpos(tags(0),',') ne -1 then tags=str2arr(tags) ; user list tags=strupcase(strtrim(tags,2)) endif ntag=n_elements(tags) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ---- output format=user supplied or data type dependent defaults ---- defform='(' + ['a','i3','i7','i8','f8.2','f10.4','a','a'] + ')' case n_elements(format) of 0: forms=replicate('a',ntag) 1: forms=strtrim(str2arr(format(0)),2) else: forms=format endcase if keyword_set(forms) then forms="(" + forms + ")" ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ---- initialize output array - include TIME on request ------------- day_only =keyword_set(day_only) time_only=keyword_set(time_only) msecs=keyword_set(msecs) if msecs or day_only or time_only or (n_elements(fmt_time) ne 0) then begin if not data_chk(fmt_time,/scalar,/string) then fmt_time='yohkoh' otimes=anytim(index,out_style=fmt_time, time=time_only, date=day_only) if 1-msecs and strpos(otimes(0),'.') ne -1 then otimes= $ ssw_strsplit(otimes,'.',/head) + (['','Z'])(strupcase(fmt_time) eq 'CCSDS') outarr=strjustify([ ([' START TIME',' START DAY'])(day_only),otimes],/center) endif else outarr=strarr(nind+1) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------- call gt_functions if specified (keyword inheritance) -------- ; (assume syntax: out=gt_xxx(index,/string) is allowed) if n_tags(_extra) gt 0 then begin funcs=strlowcase(tag_names(_extra)) gt_funcs=where(strpos(funcs, 'gt_') eq 0,gtcnt) ; gt functions for i=0, gtcnt-1 do outarr=outarr + delim + $ strjustify([strupcase(strmid(funcs(gt_funcs(i)),3,16)), $ call_function(funcs(gt_funcs(i)),index,/string)],/right) endif ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- case n_elements(titles) of 0: tit_arr = tags 1: tit_arr = strtrim(str2arr(titles(0)),2) else: tit_arr = titles endcase ; ----------- now loop through specified tags/fields---------------------- head = '' uformat=keyword_set(format) for i=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin outtag=gt_tagval(index,tags(i),found=found) ; extract the data form=([defform(data_chk(outtag,/type)), $ ; default format OR forms(i)])(uformat) ; user supplied format form=([form,'(a)'])(found eq -1) ; Tag not found? if found eq -1 then outtag=replicate('[no-tag]',nind) ; Force Message if form eq '(a)' then form = $ ; avoid array '(a' + strtrim(max(strlen(outtag))>1,2) + ')' ; truncation at null souttag=fstring(outtag,format=form) ; this tag -> string newcol=[strmid(tags(i),0,max(strlen(souttag))),souttag] if not uformat then newcol=strjustify(newcol,/right) if (keyword_set(keylab)) then newcol = tit_arr(i) + ' ' + newcol + ' ' outarr=outarr + ([delim,''])(i eq 0) + newcol head0 = strmid( strjustify(tit_arr(i), width=strlen(newcol(1)), /right), 0, strlen(newcol(1))) head = head + ([delim,''])(i eq 0) + head0 endfor ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;header=outarr(0) ; seperate header from output data header=head outarr=outarr(1:*) ; to maintain input->output mapping ; ----------------- prepend index number on request --------------------- if keyword_set(number) then begin header=string(replicate(35b,strlen(strtrim(nind,2)))) + delim + header outarr=strjustify(strtrim(lindgen(nind),2)) + delim + outarr endif ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; --------------- display on request ---------------------------------- more=keyword_set(more) display=keyword_set(display) or more if display then prstr,[header,outarr],nomore=(1-more) ;loosely quoth the Raven ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- return,outarr end