function get1doc, infile, keep_key=keep_key, debug=debug, print=print, $ brief=brief, head=head ; ;+ ; NAME: get1doc ; ; PURPOSE: extract subset of idl header info for display/verification ; this is a check of a two line purpose ; third purpose line ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: doc=get1doc(infile) ; ; Input Parameters: ; infile - file to extract - assume idl .pro file ; ; Optional Keyword Parameters: ; keep_key - if set, keywords from file are retained in the ; tag value - default is to eliminate since the ; tag name contains relavent info. ; debug - if set, some programmer info is printed ; ; Output: ; function returns structure containing documentation info ; all fields are string type - null fields imply a particular ; field is missing from the documentation header ; ; Restrictions: unix only x ; ; Category: gen, swmaint, unix_only ; ; Common Blocks: get_doc_private, doc_strt ; ; Modification History: slf, 18-July-1992 ; (derived from ; slf, 9-Aug-1992 added print option ; 12-Jun-97 (MDM) - Added "EXPL" (Explanation) to the list of ; section separators ;- ;on_error,2 common get_doc_private, doc_strt ; str template (initialization) debug=keyword_set(debug) printing=keyword_set(print) printlun=-1 ; terminal for now file=infile ; only makes sense for a 'pro' file if str_lastpos(file,'.pro') ne (strlen(file) - 4) then $ file=file+ '.pro' ; if not file_exist(file) then begin message,/info , 'File: ' + file + ' not found... returning' return,'' endif ; for id, keywords limited to 4 characters to minimize typo problems ; define keywords of interest - these should be same order as doc_str ; field names since updating of structure fields uses str.(i) syntax key_len=4 ; ; key_saved are those keywords included in return structure ; key_all are those plus any other common keyword (used to terminate) ; the building of multiple line keywords of interest (especially PURPOSE) ; NOTE - to add info to return structure, add new keyword (1st 4 char) ; to key_saved and doc_str structure definition ; an element in key_saved may include a synonym list key_saved=['NAME,ROUT,PROG','PURP','CALL','CATE'] key_all=[key_saved,'INPU','OUTP','COMM','OPTI','REST','PROC','MODI'] key_all=[key_all,'KEYW', 'HIST', 'SIDE','METH','WARN','EXPL'] ; define the return structure (see key_saved for first N fields) ; only on first call ; First fields are keywords of interest if n_elements(doc_strt) eq 0 then begin doc_str="{dummy, Name:'',Purpose:'',CallSeq:'',Category:'', " + $ ;fields saved " Path:'', bad_start:0, bad_stop:0, bad_line:0}" doc_str=make_str(doc_str) doc_strt=doc_str endif else doc_str=doc_strt ; get the path break_file, file, log, path, filename, filetype if path eq '' then path=curdir() path=concat_dir(path,filename) ; doc_str.path=path line_limit=3 ; n lines limit purpose_found=0 ; boolean name_found=0 category_found=0 callseq_found=0 lines=0 line = '' terminate=';-' ;when to stop purpose=keyword_set(purpose) ; logging = keyword_set(print) if logging then openw,unit0,/get_lun,'sxt_sw.doc' else $ unit0 = -1 ; terminal out ; openr,unit,/get_lun, file readf,unit,line ; ; skip uninteresting header lines premature=0 ; check for stop, no start skip=1 ; ; loop until header found (or eof) while not eof(unit) and skip do begin skip = strpos(line,';+') lt 0 vstop = strpos(line,terminate) ge 0 if vstop then premature=1 ; stop before start anomoly readf,unit,line endwhile ; head=['** Documentation for: ' + file + ' **'] doc_str.bad_start=skip purpose_count=0 build_count=0 building=-1 key_pos=-1 keytest=-1 next_key=0 first_key=1 ; position of 1st key may help identify ; later keywords(?) ; terminators=[' ','\\'] ; ; document header line loop (terminate at eof or end of header(;-) while (not eof(unit)) and $ (strpos(strupcase(line),terminate) lt 0) do begin ; head=[head,line] ; try to determine if a keyword is present if strmid(line,0,1) eq ';' then begin ; comment line strput,line,' ' line=strcompress(strtrim(line,2)) ; trim/compress endif posskey=strmid(line, 0, key_len) keytest=strposarr(key_all, strupcase(posskey)) whichkey=where(keytest+1,count) ; a keyword may start or stop the building process if count gt 0 then begin if whichkey(0) le n_elements(key_saved)-1 then begin if doc_str.(whichkey(0)) eq '' then begin build_count=0 + $ ;new start strpos(line,' ') ne -1 ;keyword only building =whichkey(0) ; tag pointer endif endif else building = -1 ; stop ; if debug then help,count,keytest, posskey, building endif ; ; if building one of the saved keywords, append to existing value build_term=terminators(build_count gt 1) ; comma seperate if building ge 0 and build_count ge 0 and line ne '' then begin if debug then begin print,'building ', posskey print,'new line:',line endif doc_str.(building)=strtrim(doc_str.(building) + build_term + line,2) build_count=build_count+1 if build_count gt line_limit then begin ;line timeout building=-1 doc_str.bad_line=1 endif endif readf,unit,line ; get next ; endwhile ; ; check for valid documentation terminator doc_str.bad_stop= eof(unit) or premature free_lun,unit ; if logging then free_lun, unit0 ; ; if keep_key switch not set, eliminate leading keywords from fields if not keyword_set(keep_key) then begin for i=0, n_elements(key_saved) -1 do begin colon=strpos(doc_str.(i),':') blank=strpos(doc_str.(i),' ') doc_str.(i)=strmid(doc_str.(i), $ max([blank,colon])>0+1,strlen(doc_str.(i))) doc_str.(i)=strtrim(doc_str.(i),2) if strmid(doc_str.(i),0,2) eq '\\' then $ doc_str.(i) = strmid(doc_str.(i),2,strlen(doc_str.(i))) endfor endif ; return, doc_str(0) end