pro fits_disp_month, infil_arr, smin, smax, gif=gif, dir=dir, $ filter=filter, char_factor=char_factor, $ mapfil=mapfil, mappre=mappre, $ img_scale=img_scale ; ;+ ;NAME: ; fits_disp_month ;PURPOSE: ; To display a single image per day for a single month ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; fits_disp_month, files, -50, 50 ; fits_disp_month, file_list('/data14/mdi_summary/daily/maglc', 'smdi_maglc_fd_199611*') ;METHOD: ; The date of the first image defines which month is to be displayed ; "DATEOBS" fits keyword must be in the header. ; If smin/smax are not passed, then the first image defines the ; image scaling min and max ;HISTORY: ; Written 27-Nov-96 by M.Morrison (taking SXT ; 19-May-97 (MDM) - Added writing boarder lines (because of MDI HR) ; 20-May-97 (MDM) - Added output of HTML map file (mappre and mapfil options) ; 30-May-97 (MDM) - Modified to work with EIT FITS files (no header ; tag "DATEOBS") so got DATE-OBS and TIME-OBS ; - Added img_scale option ; 16-Jun-97 (MDM) - Corrected error if image for first of the month ; is missing. ;- ; mapfil = '#rectangle upper-left, lower-right' if (n_elements(mappre) eq 0) then mappre = '' if (infil_arr(0) eq '') then return ; nfil = n_elements(infil_arr) img = rfits(infil_arr(0), h=h) if (n_elements(smin) eq 0) then smin = min(img) if (n_elements(smax) eq 0) then smax = max(img) ; dattim = sxpar(h, 'dateobs') if (data_type(dattim) eq 2) then dattim = sxpar(h, 'date-obs') + ' ' + sxpar(h, 'time-obs') month = dattim tarr = anytim2ex(month) tarr(0:4) = 0 ; if (n_elements(disp_factor) eq 0) then disp_factor = 1. ;use disp_factor = 1.29 for ramtek if (n_elements(char_factor) eq 0) then char_factor = 1. ;use char_factor = 0.75 for ramtek nx = 7 ny = 6 siz = 128 win_xsiz = fix(nx*siz*disp_factor+.5) win_ysiz = fix((ny*siz+25)*disp_factor) nout = siz*disp_factor ; last_day = -99 tarr(4) = 1 dummy = anytim2ints(tarr) day1 = ;dow = ex2dow(anytim2ex(month)) dow = ex2dow(tarr) tv2, win_xsiz, win_ysiz, /already, /init erase ref_dow = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'] for i=0,6 do xyouts, siz*i*disp_factor, ny*nout+5, ref_dow(i), /device, charsize=(disp_factor+.4)*char_factor for ifil=0,nfil-1 do begin infil = infil_arr(ifil) data = rfits(infil, h=h) dattim = sxpar(h, 'dateobs') if (data_type(dattim) eq 2) then dattim = sxpar(h, 'date-obs') + ' ' + sxpar(h, 'time-obs') ii = (gt_day(dattim) - day1) + dow if (ii ne last_day) then begin ;take first image for the day x0 = (ii mod nx)*nout y0 = (ny-1 - ii/nx)*nout data = congrid(data, nout, nout, interp=0) if (keyword_set(img_scale)) then case img_scale of 1: data = bytscl(alog10((data - eit_dark()) > 1)) end data = bytscl(data, smin, smax) data(0,*) = 0 data(*, n_elements(data(0,*))-1) = 0 tv, data, x0, y0 xyouts, x0, y0, fmt_tim(dattim), /device, charsize=disp_factor*char_factor xll = x0 yll = win_ysiz - y0 -nout ;invert coordinates arr = strtrim(fix([xll, yll, xll+nout, yll+nout]), 2) ;up-left, low-right mapfil0 = mappre + $ '' + infil + ' ' + $ string(arr, format='(2(a,",",a,2x))') mapfil = [mapfil, mapfil0] last_day = ii end end month_str = strmid(gt_day(dattim, /str, /longmonth), 3, 100) xyouts, win_xsiz*.5, 50, month_str, charsize = 6*disp_factor*char_factor, /dev, charthick=3 ; if (keyword_set(gif) and (! eq 'Z')) then zbuff2file, gif ; end